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Old 09-15-2002, 03:46 AM
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Hello Guys,

Um... I have been sitting back to watch this thread, both because it's caught my eye since the first few (rather strong) replies and because the moderators have begun to jump in.

1) May I remind that this board, compared to some of the larger boards across the border, have been, and will be, rather friendly and focused. Afterall, that's what we bragg about here.

2) Keeping 1) in mind, may we extend a friendlier gesture to free speech on personal views, opinions, and information exchange. In other words, there is no need to get personal or picking specific personal matters into a post titled "Prizm Skimmer". If you feel that you are ticked and don't have any new things to contribute to the body of knowledge for other members to share, then maybe taking a look at your favorite tank inhabitant will bring back a smile on your face. :D And if you are really really ticked about something, you know how to find me and the very helpful and friendly moderators.

3) Also, there is no need to make any comments, when the thread is getting, or have already gotten (depending on your perspective and who you are), sensitive, that can be potentially catalytic. In other words, no need to insert jokes on specific person(s). Just like Troy says sometimes, don't say things that you wouldn't have said in front of the person face to face.

4) Tony, you were right in that it appears that another topic (Tang related) seemed to have spawned off this. Quite frankly, I'd say we should recommend members to continue on under a new topic of appropriate title. This is much much much easier for anyone to track, and avoid jumping back into the original Prizm Skimmer topic somehow and thus flip-flopping topics. So if you guys want to discuss Tang, like EmilyB and Stephane did, please start a new thread.

5) Finally, to state my personal views on the Prizm skimmers. I must say they look great, are quite intriguing and rather affordable, but in terms of performance maybe .... nah. Given that most people who buy these smaller mass marketed skimmers will either quit the hobby all together, or eventually upgraded to another skimmer, it's probably not worthwhile to use it. Unless of course for example you are very experienced in this hobby and just want to setup a small 20 - 30 gallon tank for your boyfriend or girlfriend or mom or grandpa, and know that you are the one maintaining the tank for them for years to come without much biological load or sensitive inhabitants, then by all means it's a good affordable little skimmer. Alternatively, let's put it into this perspective. I run an online store here and I know these skimmers sell. But I chose not to carry them. I think that's enough said.

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Old 09-15-2002, 04:02 AM
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Hey guys, I am sorry for gettin a little ****ed off, its just that blind condemnation of anyone here for keeping fish the way they are just leads back to ourselves. If you really care about the fish, quit the hobby and boycott the trade. The trade kills more tangs every minute than any of us will see in our lives. I have to apologize to naesco and others for my angry remarks, but these boards have lost much interest for me simply because everyone is aggressively competing in a sense through their threads, and it is a rare person who sticks to constructive, positive sounding criticism. (I trust Doug, Troy, Kris etc - but not myself cause I get ****ed quick) Instead Reefers say "This is the way it is, and if you don't do it that way then you don't care about fish"...well I haven't used a skimmer on my systems for almost 3 years...does that mean that I don't care about water quality? No. It means I do things differently and believe differently. I also have a 3" Acanthurus leucosternon in my 40 gallon. But what you wouldn't know is that my 40gallon is 15 inches tall and has the footprint of a 60 gallon. Instead many would bitch me out, claiming some sort disregard on my part. I really care about fish, and I like other reefers. But man I feel for this guy who is gettin hounded by people who are no better than any of us. We are all guilty, we are all learning and trusting our own experience. Sorry for adding more negative.
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Old 09-15-2002, 04:17 AM
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Well I think ,That he has learnt his lesson on this. Really do we have to keep this up. THere is no best way to have a tang ,Like my Best buddy told me .DOUG LOWEY yes the MASTER of REEF
All salt water fish and corals with rock should be left alone..

SORRY HAVE TO VENT..... TIME TO GET A BIGGER TANK. going to need your vehicle soon DOUG......
to pick it up :D
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Old 09-15-2002, 05:46 AM
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Well it's sure nice to get all the feedback on my new prizm skimmer! You know "my post". So all I can do is listen to the negatives about my tank size and because I house a blue regal.I do however thank the few of you who gave me some real advice on my skimmer. Like I said before: I am aware that this fish will grow out of my tank, however some of you are not reading my replies or you would know that I have given my two year old regal to my roomie who has a 60gal. As for my other regal in my reef, it is about 8 or 9 months old and still very small at about 5 cm. This fish gets a full healthy diet of spirulina and brine daily as well as a nice crispy piece of romaine every other day. The tang also gets plenty of excercise by swimming into the current of my 402 that comes on 12 times daily. And when this fish wants to rest after a few laps it will hang out in its favorite crevice or munch on nori or lettuce. AND, when this tang reaches a size that is beyond my keeping, it will then be passed onto someone with a larger reef. However until that times comes when I will be providing someone with an adult tang that's captive raised rather than wild caught, I will continue to enjoy the beauty of this fish. My tang is happy and healthy otherwise I would see some signs of stress or malnourishment, not to mention a slow growth rate!
I do like to hear other reefers opinions, but I think some people are just a little to harsh, or they jump the gun before reading all the facts. I will end this thread now as it's just not going any place other than in circles. "Reef On", sumpfinfishe [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 17 September 2002, 20:14: Message edited by: sumpfinfishe ]
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Old 09-15-2002, 10:36 AM
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If I may add something along Sumpfinfishie,s line, regarding baby regals.

First, understand my views on tangs. I love Andrews post. I have only a yellow in my 170 and gave my powder brown away, as I would not keep two in my tank.

Also I am no holier than though. Just trying to help with my experience. I have done in a few tangs many moons ago. Nobody explained anything to me.

Now back to baby regals. Sumpin, is correct in keeping the baby in a small tank. They are very easily damaged or hurt. Esp. if its a tank raised one. I recieved one for my 180. About the size of a quarter. The next day, it was stuck against the overflow, in the heavy current, dead. So there ya go.
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Old 09-16-2002, 01:20 AM
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The only reason the size of your tank, and what fish you keep in it came up, was because you asked a question where this info. was needed. You should be happy that out of all these posts you got good advise on your skimmer, and even better advise on keeping tangs. Two birds killed with one stone, let's hope that you don't kill two fish with one small tank.


It was said you were an educated person, but after reading your posts here, my thought is what kind of educated person expresses their views like you have done.

Regardless of how everone chooses to express themselves, educated or not. (the tang police) were formed and classified internally by members of all forums. This was because, all of their advise is generally the same, meaning they are experienced in the subject. Who cares how a tang acts in the wild if it acts completely different in captivity. Members like (the tang police) have knowledge on tangs in captivity, isn't that what people want to know.

I wish there was a (puffer police) to help me with the captive care of my favorite fish.
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