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Old 01-04-2010, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Dez View Post
Honestly Tony, NO. The only reason I started using it was because I thought I saw some colour on the stupid KZ potassium test kit. That test kit is a joke. And since I don't dose potassium, I figured I'd try it a little bit just to keep the potassium up. I'll keep you updated though as it's only been a few days.
ya, that test kit definitely could use some help. Keep dosing though (a little bit like you're already doing) its amazing the colors you'll see eventually.
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Old 01-04-2010, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
ya, that test kit definitely could use some help. Keep dosing though (a little bit like you're already doing) its amazing the colors you'll see eventually.
Thanks Christy, sometimes I wonder if the stuff I dose into my tank even does anything, so your comments are very encouraging. It feels like often times I'm just throwing money away into drops that I put into my tank without knowing if there are any positive results. Then I think, at least my tank is growing and not dead, so I feel better.
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Old 01-04-2010, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Dez View Post
Thanks Christy, sometimes I wonder if the stuff I dose into my tank even does anything, so your comments are very encouraging. It feels like often times I'm just throwing money away into drops that I put into my tank without knowing if there are any positive results. Then I think, at least my tank is growing and not dead, so I feel better.

LOL, yes, not dead is good. I found that dosing potassium was a crapshoot as well, my kit said my potassium was "fine" but I did dose it anyways (even though I do weekly waterchanges) and I found slowly but surely things just looked better. I still dose it sporadically (JasonMcK had issues with it years ago so I'm a bit touchy with it now just in case) without running any zeo regimen (except for the occasional shot of coral snow and coral vitalizer) and I still think I get better PE and color while using it.
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Old 01-04-2010, 04:52 PM
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Dez, your growth and colour are terrific! Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right my man.
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Old 01-04-2010, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Dez, your growth and colour are terrific! Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right my man.
Thanks Lance,

I still feel very inexperienced compared to many. Just trying to learn more and enjoy it daily . Thanks for the nice comments.

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Old 01-17-2010, 04:57 AM
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Here are some random shots that a took a few weeks ago. Haven't taken much for pictures lately, but I did get a few new fish. I have a majestic angel in my tank now, he's a model citizen (for now....I hope this not to be true though). I also added a couple of royal grammas and a leopard wrasse. The leopard wrasse tends to like to kick up sand once in a while which is kind of annoying. Anyway, here are the pictures:

A Squamosa that I've had for a while now. I thought he was a goner in November, then I found a bunch of pyramid snails under him, picked them all off and then "toothbrushed" it. I left it for 12 days looking horrible while I was on vacation, and when I came back, he looked 100%. I've since checked every other clam to make sure that there are no pyramid snails.

Snappy's rainbow stylo. It has noticeable growth since I've gotton it. The dark green has really lightened up under it in my tank.

A fast growing blue tipped milli with a gold maxima and a squamosa clam:

Random top down. The 2 frags are from lobster boy (pink pocci and a yellow acro). I picked up the green stag with blue tips from a friend a while ago. I really like that piece.

Green A. Humulis I believe. Don't really know how to spell it.

Snappy's blue polyped birdsnest. Interesting because the polyps turned pink in my tank. They had blue polyps in Snappy's tank for 5 years and now half of his colony has green polyps. Maybe we should name this the "mystery coloured polyp birdsnest.

Thanks for looking.
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Old 01-17-2010, 05:09 AM
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lookin good dez i like the birdsnest in the last pic. how are all the new fish doin?
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Old 01-17-2010, 05:10 AM
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Looks great. And thanks for posting.
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Old 01-18-2010, 03:53 AM
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I decided to try some fish pictures tonight. It's definitely a lot harder to take pictures of fish than corals.

McKosker's Flasher Wrasse

Majestic Angel (Picked this guy up from Gold's while I was in Calgary for Snappy's Frag meet). Price of this guy is 1/3 of what it'd be in Edmonton. Crazy. She's eating like a pig and not touching any clams or corals. Kids named it Sunset.

Leopard Wrasse (Keeping my fingers crossed on this one. No one is bothering him, but he's not eating. I special ordered him through Marine Aquaria so I couldn't really not take him so I took my chances. Hopefully he eats soon. He has taken mysis and then spit it out. I might have to try live brine if doesn't eat this week). Kids named him Spotty

Fathead Anthias (This guy isn't eating either but from my research it says they are slow to start eating). I've only had him for 3 days - same as the leopard wrasse). Nobody is bothering him either. Kids named him peachy.

Falco Hawkfish. One of my first fish added. Real character. Just likes to perch and eats like a pig. Kids named him Spiky.

Spotted Green Mandarin Goby. Just got him 3 days ago. My tank has been up for 5 months now so I figure it's safe to add one now. I'll always see pods in my frag tank, so my fingers are crossed. He has a heart shaped pattern on his back, unique so that's why I couldn't resist.

Yellow tang. One of my first fish added from a fellow canreef member. I actually have 2 yellow tangs. From 2 different canreef members. This one is the smaller of the 2. They both spend most of the day grazing the rocks. It's a poorly lit picture, sorry.

Last picture for now. Yellow canary wrasse. This guy is tiny, but eats like a pig. I like him, such a different yellow compared to my yellow tangs.

Thanks for looking.
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Old 01-18-2010, 04:02 AM
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GREAT fish pics Dez. Love the Flasher wrasse!!! WOW!
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