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Old 10-19-2008, 02:36 PM
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Yes, bigger and better things.

Because I said I would, I am offering up photos of the first crash, when the two heaters in the holding tank (our new glass sump) failed.

Looking down on the holding tank

Everything in the 180g again. Disgusting water

Left side of the tank


Right side

I'll post photos of the result of the second crash, the pump failure later, once the lights come on.

So these are a couple of area photos I took at some point since October 3rd of the basement.

Even though the gigas clam died in the second crash, I wanted to post up what was happening to it. One side had actually separated from its shell, and it was in the process of building up a new shell. I think baring the pump failure, the clam would have survived and we could have eventually seen where its transformation was going.
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Old 10-19-2008, 02:49 PM
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Catherine I'm so srry that you had this crash , but remember Big ger is better the 3rd time around AND I DO HAVE MORE CLAMS THEN YOU
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 10-19-2008, 02:55 PM
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Hahah, I had 15 before the crash, and I think 8 total now. I miss not being able to watch my clams.

Bigger and better for 2008/2009 means getting the 180g back up and running again. I'll stock it with fish for the large tank at the same time. We will also start work on the big tank as soon as we get a few house-related things out of the way; e.g. new hot water tank, finishing unpacking, etc.

Your in-wall tank its looking super sweet! I love the look, and I think that is what we may try to go for with the big system.
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Old 10-19-2008, 03:01 PM
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Well you guys do know a finishing carpenter that may be willing to trade services with you, if you figure you need help with the finer details.
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Old 10-19-2008, 03:32 PM
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Probably will need your services! Thank you.
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Old 10-19-2008, 03:43 PM
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Off topic, but you mentioned replacing your hot water tank. You might consider getting a 'tankless' hot water heater. Initial cost is more, but big savings in the long run and a never ending supply of hot water for filling that hot tub.
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Old 10-19-2008, 04:03 PM
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We are definitely looking at that option. However, we have been reading about some drawbacks that make us a bit wary. The initial price as well is something to consider.
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Old 10-19-2008, 05:27 PM
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poor clams.
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:35 PM
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Hey Cathrine,

Sorry to hear about the crashes lately. Glad to hear that your keeping your head up with all that is going on. If you need a hot water tank, plus installation let me know. My friends a plumber and is around south alot.
- John -

3x20g Display Established June 08|Koralia nano, 1, 4|Euroreef Skimmer|250W MH retro kit|Mag 18 return|RODI
120g Display Established Jan 1, 09|Vortech MP40|Koralia 4|I-Tech 100 w Tunze 9410.04A|Aquactinics Constellation 7x54W|Mag 18 return|RODI
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Old 10-20-2008, 06:05 PM
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The one that came with our house is 23 years old and well out of its life expectancy. I'd rather replace it now, then come home to yet ANOTHER flood in the basement.

The crappy thing is that we have a water meter on this house, and I am fully expecting this first bill to be up there. I'm sure we've gone through at least 350g since the 3rd of October for the tank alone. Never mind everything else in the house.

I'm also looking for ways to "green" up the 180g and the large system to keep the costs down long term. Living is expensive, and so is this hobby, which doesn't always make for the best combination.
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