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Old 04-22-2012, 03:49 PM
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Well here's one of the biggest items I use that gets my shorts in a knot about buying things for my tank. A 1L bottle of dkh Plus from my LFS costs me $34.99. I dose 50 ml per day so I need to buy 1 bottle every 20 days. I have never been in there yet when they've had the 1 gallon jug because it's too expensive to keep it on the shelf and for some reason most times they can't get it regularly. At BRS, I buy the 7 lbs tub that makes 7-8 gallons for $17.99. For me to purchase 7 gallons of my LFS product it would cost me around $900. I just can't afford to shop local (if an hour's drive is considered local).
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Old 04-22-2012, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Well here's one of the biggest items I use that gets my shorts in a knot about buying things for my tank. A 1L bottle of Calcium Plus from my LFS costs me $34.99. I dose 50 ml per day so I need to buy 1 bottle every 20 days. I have never been in there yet when they've had the 1 gallon jug because it's too expensive to keep it on the shelf and for some reason most times they can't get it regularly. At BRS, I buy the 7 lbs tub that makes 7-8 gallons for $17.99. For me to purchase 7 gallons of my LFS product it would cost me around $900. I just can't afford to shop local (if an hour's drive is considered local).
There are countless online retailers not only in Canada but on this board (Red Coral, J&L, CACO2REEF...) that will ship bulk chemicals right to your door. I agree though, BRS does have some amazing deals and considering there is really no source for ROX carbon in Canada they are a viable option.
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Old 04-22-2012, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Well here's one of the biggest items I use that gets my shorts in a knot about buying things for my tank. A 1L bottle of dkh Plus from my LFS costs me $34.99. I dose 50 ml per day so I need to buy 1 bottle every 20 days. I have never been in there yet when they've had the 1 gallon jug because it's too expensive to keep it on the shelf and for some reason most times they can't get it regularly. At BRS, I buy the 7 lbs tub that makes 7-8 gallons for $17.99. For me to purchase 7 gallons of my LFS product it would cost me around $900. I just can't afford to shop local (if an hour's drive is considered local).
Well, I think there's always exceptions, and I too would buy elsewhere to save over $800 Regional access to "local" also needs to be considered. Time, gas, etc factor in...
In general though, most items at a LFS will be reasonably comparable to online/US prices. IME...
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Old 04-22-2012, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Well here's one of the biggest items I use that gets my shorts in a knot about buying things for my tank. A 1L bottle of dkh Plus from my LFS costs me $34.99. I dose 50 ml per day so I need to buy 1 bottle every 20 days. I have never been in there yet when they've had the 1 gallon jug because it's too expensive to keep it on the shelf and for some reason most times they can't get it regularly. At BRS, I buy the 7 lbs tub that makes 7-8 gallons for $17.99. For me to purchase 7 gallons of my LFS product it would cost me around $900. I just can't afford to shop local (if an hour's drive is considered local).
I use 100% arm and hammer baking soda, bought a 50lb bag at a local bulk food store for $50, makes about 50 gals.
Crap happens, that's why they sell toilet paper in 48 roll packs!
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Old 04-22-2012, 03:57 PM
Mike-fish Mike-fish is offline
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i try to shop local but i wont pay double or even triple the price of what i can get it out of the states for and that's the after shipping costs per unit
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Old 04-22-2012, 04:01 PM
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I'd rather keep my $$ in my community, i have yet to buy onlin,e this next frag-a-lot order will be my first online order. and its still located in canada.
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20g reef 25g sump, DIY led form modular led, 2 false percs

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Old 04-22-2012, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by troni View Post
I'd rather keep my $$ in my community, i have yet to buy onlin,e this next frag-a-lot order will be my first online order. and its still located in canada.
Don't get me wrong, so would I. And I stop in my LFS every time I drive through, and almost never leave without buying something. But for the big stuff I use a lot of, (stuff you would think they would sell at a lower margin because of the volume) I just can't afford to buy there.
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Old 04-22-2012, 04:07 PM
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Reef supplies: 90% Canadian 80% local now with golds and concept open here

Tires, cars, clothes, etc. I still by in the US. Price difference is huge on many of these items still.
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Old 04-22-2012, 04:09 PM
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I definately can understand that, and i yet have to be faced with that.
Can't is the cancer of happen - charlie sheen

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Old 04-22-2012, 04:38 PM
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In the late 90's and early 2000's I had no choice but to order many of the supplies from the States ... Fast forward to 2012, I haven't needed to do so in probably 7 or 8 years now, except for maybe the occasional BRS order (they really are the gold standard for some things). But otherwise the supply in Canada has improved hugely. In general I'd rather support local and/or Canadian though. I consider most of the vendors I deal with to be "friends" and while it may not be possible 100% of the time, I try to weight my choices in the direction that supports them. It's a tough business to be in..
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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