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Old 11-03-2010, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
As a competitor, I am still sorry to see them leave.

The people and staff of any forum make the site.

The site gets larger due to the administrator and staffs diligence, and the visitors input. Unless the site solicits donations, they need sponsors.

Server space and bandwidth needs to be paid for, site owners need to make something from the site for all the time they put into it behind the scenes.

I can honestly say OC, is/was one of the few vendors that actually cared enough to answer questions, not only advertising when they had something to sell.

Sorry to see you guys go,

Ken - BWA

Posts like this from other vendors I am sure means lots to Paul right about now, Paul and myself know how challenging it is to create a viable business in this industry... If vendors just stuck together instead of back stabbing each other it would only benefit vendors and customers in the end.

Kudos to you for setting competition aside and putting in an honest intelligent opinion.

Old 11-04-2010, 12:05 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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To the "individual" who stated they were glad to see them go, what exactly were you thinking? It is my understanding that any vendor can post new livestock or supply items. Competition is good for business all around. Without it prices are driven up. Don't know what you do for a living but you would be hard pressed to run a successful business without some form of competition, either from suppliers or competitors. I find your statement without any credibility in real world marketing. I hope the other vendors don't pull out as that would be the end of this forum. One more note, without vendors this forum would cease to be free, so ask yourself this, "are you willing to pay a monthly/yearly fee so you can post what you want to buy/sell"?- I for one enjoy the policies of Canreef for the most part when you compare them to other forums, I see most of your threads are trying to sell or buy things, so should the mods ban people who only buy/sell stuff?

Last edited by dsaundry; 11-04-2010 at 12:21 AM. Reason: addition
Old 11-04-2010, 12:18 AM
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This is messed up...

90 gal SPS display+65 gallon mixed reef
GEAR: Korallin calcium reactor, bio pellets, digital aquatics controller, Tunze ATO, MP40, 4 x Tunze 6105 w/controller, Reef Octopus Xp3000 ext, 2x250w MH, Futura LED.
Old 11-04-2010, 12:24 AM
Haloreef Haloreef is offline
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Hey Paul sorry it had to come to this but I can sure see your point!
Doesn't hurt me much because I am in the store at least every second day but it will suck for the out of towners.
Maybe you should have people sign up on an E-mail list and they could automatically get your updates and all the asshat haters out there won't be bothered buy your ads!
Old 11-04-2010, 12:30 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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I love seeing vendors ads who wouldn't , and I think overall we have a fairly friendly site , where grudges aren't held long and usually on a different post were all friends again

Good luck to you Paul I hope to place an order in the future and will alwYs encourage others to order from you good luck in your days
Old 11-04-2010, 01:04 AM
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This sucks and Paul I hope you reconsider this. I'm sure you have already put a lot of thought into it but maybe think again and set the haters to "ignore". I'm sorry to see you go but hope that you keep your website up to date so us out of towners still have up to date access to your awesome corals
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Old 11-04-2010, 01:07 AM
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I'm with Christy. I've only ever bought a skimmer off you guys but in the future I'd be up for some nice frags as well.
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
Old 11-04-2010, 01:26 AM
bhazard1 bhazard1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tyler Werbowski View Post
Personally I am glad that Oceanic Corals will no longer be using Canreef as an advertising media to promote their sales. OC promoting their business was starting to overwhelm the posts on Canreef.
No one forces you to click through to their sponsorship forum!

I'll spell it out for you.

T h e -- s p o n s o r s-- p a y -- f o r -- u s -- t o -- b e -- a b l e-- t o-- p o s t-- h e r e-- f o r -- f r e e.

Was that slow enough for you?

It'd be great if you made the same decision to not post on Canreef!
Old 11-04-2010, 01:27 AM
tinman tinman is offline
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hey paul,
thanks for hooking me up with the apex it should be here tomorrow,
well it's very sad that it had to come to this it is a heavy blow to us canreef members for sure! thanks again and good luck in the future if there is a mailing list please add me thanks again for the excellent service!
200 gal system.
Old 11-04-2010, 02:12 AM
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Originally Posted by bhazard1 View Post
T h e -- s p o n s o r s-- p a y -- f o r -- u s -- t o -- b e -- a b l e-- t o-- p o s t-- h e r e-- f o r -- f r e e.
I so agree. A site this large with the number of active/posting members FREE? The sponsors pay for us to surf this site.....if the few jacka$$'s who have sent this sponsor packing would like to cough up the sponsorship fee's that would be great...otherwise, use your head and realize that it's a priviledge for us to be here....not a right. A sponsor pays to be here, in return gets to ADVERTISE. So advertise away. That's their RIGHT. As was once said, if you don't like it, DON'T CLICK.

I am sad to see Oceanic Corals go. I have purchased corals, I have grilled them on skimmers, I have picked their brains.....and they will be sorely missed by many, myself included. I own a business, I was contemplating sponsorship on Canreef...but don't want to be under the fire that this company was put under because, "heaven forbid" they want to advertise their stuff.

Sorry to see you go, but still hope that you will reconsider! There are sooo many good people, and only a few rotting turbo snails.
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