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Old 10-16-2010, 11:43 PM
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All Cnidocyte's contain toxin, and all species from the order Zoanthidea belong to the class anthozoa so they have Cnidocytes.

There for all corals contain toxic chemicals.

As much as I empathize for murm I don't think all of this Palytoxin finger pointing is order. There are tones of things that could make you sick from the tank, palytoxin is only one of them.
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Old 10-16-2010, 11:59 PM
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Maybe you could get some Sundial snails to eat the Zoas? My Filefish also loved to eat Zoas. Seems like a waste to scrap a bunch of rock when you could potentially clean it up. If you're going to scrap it, I would happily take it off your hands to try to fix it up.
~ Mindy

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Old 10-17-2010, 12:45 AM
marcingo marcingo is offline
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It was two tiny clowns and they were ok for the entire time 3-4 months. Then the day the zoos go in everything is dead overnight. No symptoms before that so I know for sure it was the zoos.

Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
It's definitly not the zoanthids that killed all your fishes and CUC. It must have been something else. Probably one fish died and produced ammonia that killed the rest. It happens all the time without zoanthids and if you had fishes in a 10 gallons tank, that was calling for trouble from day one.

Dunno how many fish you had in there. My frag tank is 20 gallons and I had a mandarin in there for 4 months without any problem, then I had a damsel and no problem either. I put all sort of zoa and paly in there and they slime a lot after I frag them but never killed anything and never noticed the slightest thing wrong.
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Old 10-17-2010, 12:59 AM
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Well that's the thing, you don,t know for sure. You may have introduced a bacteria, or a parasite that killed your fish and that polluted the water. There could have been some heavy metal in the water in wich the zoa was in. If it was a zoanthid, and not a palythoas, it is very unlikely it was palytoxine as they were never found to carry it.

Especialy clown fish are very resistant to toxin. One of my friend had one of her anemone stuck in a powerhead and released toxins in the tank. Everything died overnight except her clownfish and invertebrates. The anemone survived.

Originally Posted by marcingo View Post
It was two tiny clowns and they were ok for the entire time 3-4 months. Then the day the zoos go in everything is dead overnight. No symptoms before that so I know for sure it was the zoos.
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Old 10-17-2010, 01:03 AM
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toxin maybe but not palytoxin.

Coral magazine, volume 7, november 2010:

"Zoanthus spp. haven't yet been confirmed to contain this toxin."

Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post
All Cnidocyte's contain toxin, and all species from the order Zoanthidea belong to the class anthozoa so they have Cnidocytes.

There for all corals contain toxic chemicals.

As much as I empathize for murm I don't think all of this Palytoxin finger pointing is order. There are tones of things that could make you sick from the tank, palytoxin is only one of them.
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Old 10-17-2010, 02:41 AM
DisneyCoralReef DisneyCoralReef is offline
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You and your dog are very lucky dudes. Definitely do not see as fortunate endings in our emerg department. Appreciate you sharing this, because being new to the tanks I didn't even know there were any corals that were poisonous enough to cause THAT much harm. Thanks for this thread-a good heads up.
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Old 10-17-2010, 02:47 AM
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"Palytoxin acts by changing the electrical properties of the Na-K pump and causes depolarization in heart, skeletal and smooth muscle cells and nerves resulting in paralysis and eventually death (Seyama, 1991). Gliebs et al. (1995) found this toxic substance in many of the Caribbean species of Zoanthus and Palythoa but the levels were highly variable and did not appear to correlate with their reproductive cycle or with the amount of zooxanthellae." The Reef Aquarium Vol 2
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Old 10-17-2010, 05:18 AM
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Well a little good news all fish accounted for and alive except a yellow tang that was heathy and fine when the lights went out. tank water is still pretty white skimmer going wild empty the cup about every 9-12 hrs. Still smells like death in the house.

Set up a quick 33G today moved the few remaining corals and a couple rocks and 1 clown that that kept swimming in front of the return pump nozzle I assume trying to get cleaner water. File fish, coral beauty, mandarin, and 3 clowns all ok crusing around and eating so right now I will leave them all. Next saturday is the big day I am kicking everyone out and going to rip down the tank for a complete rebuild dump the sand and kill off the rock. It will get rebuilt into a FO tank the wife always liked the non reef safe fish whenever we go to the LFS. Then I think I will build another nano I had good luck with nano's all SPS except for some acans and plates for the sand

Thanks for everyones encouraging words on this but right now I think it's the best way rather than playing russian roulette trying to find the problem.

These are the zoas I'm talking about the heads are the size of a dime and they stretch real long even 6" under MH lights and a produce alot of slime, a fist size rock of them will 1/2 fill a sandwich bag of slime ....and they are zoas not paly's they all grow on a interconnected mat not individual like palys....I seen them sometime stay real short and almost get a silver/white tinge to them


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Old 10-17-2010, 05:44 AM
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Thanks to cranky when wet for the link lots of info here
Here is what happend to another guy

Killing Palys. Zoanthid control, human toxicity f's– 12/04/09
Dear Crew,
I have a tank being over run by brown polyps. I believe people here call them Texas Trash Palys. At first it looked nice to have a large mat of these but this is getting ridiculous. They were growing on all the rock, sand and back wall. Now I have reason to believe they are making me ill.
<No bueno!>
8 weeks ago, I did a lot of work on my tank, mainly removing algae and removing Palys growing on the sandbed. So my hands were in the water. I was wearing gloves, but they only come up above my wrists. I don't remember having any cuts. That night, I had trouble sleeping due to chills. I got up and went into the bathroom and blacked out. Busted my head open and bruised my ribs in the process. Went to the hospital but had no fever. My lower BP# was initially really low. Recovered an moved on.
A few weeks ago, I discovered a leak in my sump. So I broke down my tank and put all the live rock, including Palys in totes. That night, I had chills again and felt dizzy when I stood up. This time I sat down and did not black out. I recovered later in the day. I got a new DT and setup the new tank and sump. Put the LR and Palys back in. The water smelled terrible. All my Ricordea were dead but the Palys were alive. The can with the fish had a few rocks with Palys. Two fish were dead and the others were near death. That night I got the chills again. My remaining fish were dead by morning.
<Bad, bad and worse>
I'm thinking all of this is from the Palys.
<Could be>
Even if their not the cause, I want to get rid of them anyway. They are reduced in number, but I'm sure they'll be back. My tank completed a cycle and I've started adding some hermits and a brittle star to clean up anything left decaying in there. I as hoping to begin restocking fish this weekend. How can I kill the Paly's and not have another cycle of the tank?
<Remove all rock with them, the Zoanthids on them... Bleach... for a day... Rinse, let the "old" rock air dry... for a few days... Place back in the system with some new atop to reseed with other forms of life>
Not to mention avoid taking the rock out of the tank and manually removing them?
<This is what is necessary... Either that or nuking/bleaching all in place.
Yes, I am serious. You are by far not the first or worst to be malaffected by these Sea Mats... Do take care. Bob Fenner>

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Old 10-17-2010, 05:47 AM
DisneyCoralReef DisneyCoralReef is offline
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Unreal! glad that guy turned out ok in the end. A great lesson learned on my end. Wouldn't have known any of this was possible without this thread Great info.
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