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Old 01-30-2010, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
That's probaly because he wanted out. And was waiting for you to decide.

It almost seems that way....

Originally Posted by BlueTang<3 View Post
sounds like you got lucky
.....but I have to agree, I really do think it's more likely that I just got lucky

Originally Posted by Leah View Post
Way to go Laurie..... sure looks good in there. Keepin my fingers crossed that he plays nice.
Thanks, I hope he plays nice too. So far so good, but then it's only been one day
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 01-30-2010, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Willito View Post
Down the road if you want to try the same fish combination again, you can maybe try this.

Get rid of that large King Angel and buy the smallest one you can find, perhaps 3". But before doing that, think of all the other angels that you would like to add and do that first. Starting with the smallest or most timid ones. Let them settle in for a couple months and then add your meaniest fish, King angel. This strategy worked for me. I have had two Emperors, one regal, one blueface , one majestic, one asfur, and 3 flames. All in a tank half your size. And this was just angels we're talking about, the tank also had 9 tangs and some other fishes. Angels treat each other much better when crowded. The more space they have the more territorial they become, your tank is a perfect example.

IME, this method worked for me as the fish were still young, between 4-6". I don't know how they would behave once they all reach 6-7" plus. My guess is that the agression of the largest emperor would rule the tank and if it pairs up with the smaller one, who knows how it would turn out. I had this combination of fish for a year and changed it over to a reef. I currently still have a pair of Emperor and one Regal happily swimming together. Fingers cross for the Emperors to pair up.

All that aside, we're talking about the King Angel here, would think very hard before mixing it with other angels.
Originally that was the plan. I had all my other angels (queen, blue face, emperor, blue ring, & regal) in the fowlr tank before adding the king. I had wanted a juvi king (thinking a juvi would be less aggressive) but a friend of mine found me an adult king in Calgary for a good price and I couldn't pass her up. I meet him at one in the morning to pick her up because that was the time he got back in to Edmonton from his trip to Calgary. The king was mean to all the other angels right from the start. Unfortunately a few weeks later and a bad tang choice, marine velvet killed off all my other angel fish.

So now I have a mean King (who I love very much) and I am willing to change my whole original tank plan for. So as long as I have her she will be the only angel in the tank. The only angel I know of that supposedly could hold it's own against her, would be a large (would need to be bigger then the king) french angel. However I don't want to put a really big french angel in my tank (the only way I would consider it is if someone on here had one that was in a small tank and needed to re-home it) also I don't know for sure if the french would be ok with the king or not, so I'm not sure I'd want to risk it.

If my king ever dies (hopefully not for a very very long time) then I would try different angels again. Starting with the more timid ones and the most aggressive one last. I would also make sure if I ever got another king I would find a young juvi that would be smaller then all the other angels.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 01-30-2010 at 02:56 PM.
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