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Old 03-28-2009, 06:27 AM
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looks great, nice to have a friend to help with the maintanance.
A water change every week, I wish I could be that consistant. I'm lucky if i get one done every 6-8weeks.
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Old 03-28-2009, 10:44 AM
Leah Leah is offline
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All those fish, wow expensive i bet. I would love a tank like yours. It is Beautiful.
Will you be selling the some fish eventually ? You must share your secrets with us.
And your english is pretty good so do not feel bad, thank-you for sharing with us.
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Old 03-28-2009, 02:57 PM
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The tank is bigger than it looks in the picture... allthough I would like to see where the livestock stand in a week a month a year from now. That is indeed a lot of BIG fish, way too many IMO.
- Greg

90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2
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Old 03-28-2009, 03:35 PM
steve fedyk steve fedyk is offline
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A very nice tank looking tank, with beautiful fish.
120 G sps reef, looking to build bigger.
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Old 03-28-2009, 03:56 PM
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Last edited by my2rotties; 03-28-2009 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 03-28-2009, 04:00 PM
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300g nice tank!!

As a angel lover I can appreciate all your beautiful fish and time you spent to set it up......

And there is a good reason why you should add a few angels at a time, so it causes less stress on the fish but more importantly so the other fish don't kill the new comer. The best time to add new fish is when the other fish are sleeping, I've heard that new fish have a certain smell to them and this among other things trigger the other fish to attack them.

Make sure you do diligence on the water changes atleast 30% a week or 50% every 2 weeks.

My 90g that I'm currently shutting down had alot of angels before and doing WC weekly helped to clean the water and keep the fish healthy.

Also I found that if you chop up a sheet of nori seaweed to little pieces and presoak then all the fish will get a chance to eat even the small ones. you should try to also feed them a chopped up mixture of clams mussels, silversides, and smelt. The smelt is the same fish we eat in chinese restaurants deep fried..... it's gut is packed with eggs I now feed this to all my fish twice a week and believe that they will store some of the fatty acids and vitamins which inturn will boost the immunity of the fish.

cheers and be sure to post more pics of the hawaiian emporer, I love christmas island emporers!!
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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Old 03-28-2009, 05:53 PM
300g 300g is offline
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This is 300g's wife. He's at work today and won't be able to see everyone's posts til later but I'm sure he'll get me to explain what this person meant and what the other meant. I normally don't get involved with his fish hobby other than occassionally going to BigAl's/J&L..with him to see what he wants to pickup next or be the occassional translator as needed when he needs to order his tank or equipment online. I only started following his thread cuz I'm amused by all the "stirred" up comments. He was so excited yesterday that he called me at work to read up on the comments and translate to him. I am sure he will take all the constructive critism in stride cuz that's the way he is - what's life without learning by experience & other fellow hobbiers. I assume you all as fish fanatics hope that his tank ends up doing well. As for the recommendation of pouring bleach into the tank and walk away-yep, plain nasty. Maybe some of you are waiting for the moment to say "I told you so...". Well, again, not knowing much about this hobby + the ramifications of this supposedly crowded tank - I still hope my hubby gets his chance to say he did ok!! Thanks & Cheers all !!
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Old 03-28-2009, 07:02 PM
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There are many awesome members on these forums... I think your husband's tank and fish are beautiful, and hope the very best for both of you. If he does need help, I do hope he comes here for help, because there are members that want him to succeed and for his fish to thrive. These forums are a wealth of info, and although there are some jaded and not so nice members, there are countless wonderful members.

Please do keep posting pictures, the tank is amazing to look at!!! I am glad you are a part of your husband's hobby, since I know he appreciates it more then he will tell you. Thanks for sticking up for him as well...

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Old 03-28-2009, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by 300g View Post
This is 300g's wife. He's at work today and won't be able to see everyone's posts til later but I'm sure he'll get me to explain what this person meant and what the other meant. I normally don't get involved with his fish hobby other than occassionally going to BigAl's/J&L..with him to see what he wants to pickup next or be the occassional translator as needed when he needs to order his tank or equipment online. I only started following his thread cuz I'm amused by all the "stirred" up comments. He was so excited yesterday that he called me at work to read up on the comments and translate to him. I am sure he will take all the constructive critism in stride cuz that's the way he is - what's life without learning by experience & other fellow hobbiers. I assume you all as fish fanatics hope that his tank ends up doing well. As for the recommendation of pouring bleach into the tank and walk away-yep, plain nasty. Maybe some of you are waiting for the moment to say "I told you so...". Well, again, not knowing much about this hobby + the ramifications of this supposedly crowded tank - I still hope my hubby gets his chance to say he did ok!! Thanks & Cheers all !!
Let me summarize what I 'think' most of the posters who have posted and many who have not posted are concerned about.

Your husband appears to have had experience in keeping fish and has a suitably sized tank to accommodate the larger fish. The concerns may be.
1. Large naso tangs and large angels are notorious for going on a hunger strike and as a result refuse to eat despite the best efforts of the reefer and die.
2. Angels are very sensitive fish and are subject to stress more so than many species. Keeping so many so quickly simply increases the likelihood that they will not have time to to accommodate themselves to their new environment and will die of stress.

The fact is that some have already died and some are sick which does not bode well for the future.

I am surprised that a reputable LFS would sell you so many of these species without warning you. LFS know the potential as often they are unable to get these fish to feed.
Of course all of us pray that the fish do survive.

IMO opinion success in this hobby requires patience. IMO the fun part is going to the LFS on a fairly regular basis, seeing a fish we like, reading up on its requirements and buying it, and than adding more over time.
Success is much more important than pictures. Reading up about the proposed fish purchase asking questions on this board avoids 'the learning experience' you spoke of because it avoids unnecessary fish death.
Keep us updated on their welfare. Thank you
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Old 03-28-2009, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Let me summarize what I 'think' most of the posters who have posted and many who have not posted are concerned about.

Your husband appears to have had experience in keeping fish and has a suitably sized tank to accommodate the larger fish. The concerns may be.
1. Large naso tangs and large angels are notorious for going on a hunger strike and as a result refuse to eat despite the best efforts of the reefer and die.
2. Angels are very sensitive fish and are subject to stress more so than many species. Keeping so many so quickly simply increases the likelihood that they will not have time to to accommodate themselves to their new environment and will die of stress.

The fact is that some have already died and some are sick which does not bode well for the future.

I am surprised that a reputable LFS would sell you so many of these species without warning you. LFS know the potential as often they are unable to get these fish to feed.
Of course all of us pray that the fish do survive.

IMO opinion success in this hobby requires patience. IMO the fun part is going to the LFS on a fairly regular basis, seeing a fish we like, reading up on its requirements and buying it, and than adding more over time.
Success is much more important than pictures. Reading up about the proposed fish purchase asking questions on this board avoids 'the learning experience' you spoke of because it avoids unnecessary fish death.
Keep us updated on their welfare. Thank you
I pretty much agree with this and think most do. Personally I don't see anything wrong with the amount of fish and fish choices BUT adding them all at once is indeed asking for trouble. I think everyone hopes and wishes they do well, for the sake of the animals who didn't have a say in the matter...except one person of course who wishes to kill all your fish with bleach for no apparent reason. Still can't believe someone said that

I also agree with Wayne when he says half the fun is adding fish over time! But thats just me. I love knowing right now that I have quite a lot of room still in my tank to add more fish. Well I probably only have room for one more big fish but I have loads of room for little guys

Please don't be deterred by the one or two negative comments and keep posting. You have a great tank.

There are many things about this hobby that many people will not agree on. I for one don't care so much about tank size as I do about how well the fish look and get along and yours looks great IMO.

Good luck.
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