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Old 03-20-2009, 03:19 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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Just saw that. Posts only come in when I refresh. Will follow your instructions to a "T".

Thanks for the specific dosages.
Old 03-21-2009, 12:04 PM
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Please make sure I have calculated your litres correctly this figure is based on 20% displacment. The dosing has been provided according to that figure.

If it is different then let me know asap.
Old 03-21-2009, 06:29 PM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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The tank is 120 US gal or 454 liters, I think 30% displacement would be more accurate, bringing the total tank volume to 320 liters. The sump has another 80 liters in it, bringing the total volume to 400 liters.
Old 03-21-2009, 06:55 PM
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Argh OK that changes everything then

You should be on 500ml of Lith by now

4 drops of bio a day
2ml of bak
2ml of Min-S

Based on 400L total volume.
Old 03-22-2009, 12:50 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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I am up to 1 liter of Lith already, having increased the Lith by 250 ml once per week for the past 4 weeks since beginning the UltraLith program.

For the past week, except for the past 2 days I have been dosing (nothing else):

3 drops Bio
2 ml UltraBak
2 ml UltraMin S

The past 2 days I dosed:

8 drops Bio
3 ml UltraBak
3 ml UltraMin S

as you instructed the other day.

Even though this may have been too much, it has dropped nitrates to barely detectable levels (almost no color at all in the test) and my phosphate is now back down to to 0.02 ppm. I am doing total phosphate, not ortho, using a HACH DR890 photometer. I have been testing daily, so the results are indicative of trends, not one offs.

The hair algae is much heavier than it was 4 weeks ago but cyano is much reduced.

Prior to beginning the UltraLith program, I was vodka dosing 2 ml/day, 4 ml Ultra Amin SPS/day and 5 ml of Coral Vite once/week. I was also feeding UltraClam twice per week. A Phosban reactor with RowaPhos was also being used. My nitrates at the beginning of the UltraLith treatment were 5 ppm and phosphates were 0.06 ppm.

Obviously every system is unique and I have made a lot of changes over the past 4 weeks. The RowaPhos was been replaced with carbon and I ceased feeding UltraClam on Day 1. I reduced and then eliminated the Ultra Amin SPS and the Coral Vite last week.

Given the readings today, do you still suggest reducing the additive and Bio levels? I am keenly interested in making this program a success and having a tank which you can use as a reference (because it will be so good!). The Ultra Amin SPS is a great product that gave me terrific colors and it was based on my success with it that I decided to embrace your full program. Your recommendations are appreciated.
Old 03-22-2009, 01:16 AM
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Yes please reduce, you dont want sudden massive changes like that you want to see real slow changes over 6 weeks, I based my original dosing on incorrect figures thats why i asked please confirm, now I have your correct volume, please use the NEW dosing, after one week please re test and advise, if they have gone back up hen we re adjust, as you say all systems are different and the manual is a guide.

I will work with you to get it right.

Hair algea is a bi product of change and once you have stability just like Mike did you will see this go also.

Stick with my latest dosing for the next week and then let me know, in the meantime if you have any concerns, I am here as always
Old 03-22-2009, 02:49 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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Will follow your dosing guidelines and continue to test daily. Will report results in 1 week.
Old 03-29-2009, 12:45 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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Default Mar 27 Update

Test Results
Phosphate: 0.00 ppm
Nitrate: ~2 ppm
Calcium: 410 ppm
Magnesium: 1520 ppm
Salinity: 1.025
pH: 8.3

UltraLith: 1 liter
UltraBio: 4 drops/day
UltraBak: 2ml/day
UlraMin: 2 ml/day
Cost/day: $0.98

The nitrate and phosphate levels have both dropped in the past week to near ULN levels. Both are now lower than ever acheived using vodka dosing in combination with RowaPhos.

Cyano has completely disappeared from the sand bed and live rock. Cyano was always present in the past.

Hair algae is significantly reduced, but then I also added a hungry sea hare. Areas between coral inaccessable to the sea hare also show a gradual reduction in hair algae.

Colors have become more muted since discontinuing Ultra Amin SPS. Pinks and purples do not have the same neon glow.

Polyp extension has also reduced over the past week.

Overall, pleased with the program but would like to get the colors back to where they were. Let's face it, I am fussy.

Tank Update
Aquacontroller Jr was added three weeks ago. It controls lights, heater and cooling fan. Was pleased that the DC8 was capable of starting my 2x400w MH without any problems. Temperature control is now within 0.5F of setpoint at all times.

Replaced 2 lunar light modules with a 4' string of 120 blue LED's. For $25 (plus 12v transformer) these are a steal, completely sealed and waterproof. Really like the effect they give to the tank and the green and orange colors really pop.

Ten days ago added two Tunze 6100's and a 7094 Multicontroller, replacing two Koralia 3's. Huge difference in flow! Tunzes are mounted on opposite ends of the tank and alternate flow from side to side.

Tank shot today (Tunzes off to get reflection)
Old 03-29-2009, 01:56 AM
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Arh you should of purchased a GHL profiLux controller your life would be so much easier with dosing

I will evaluate everything tomorrow and let you know what next to do, but glad the regime i gave you is working as it should.

Yes you will have loss of colour for now but this is temporary and all part of the slow steps required to achieve a natural sparkling tank.

Old saying "Rome was not built in a day" and much to contrary belelief it was not built in a week either
Old 03-29-2009, 03:37 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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IF money was no object, I would love to have a Profilux, however, I bought all this stuff used at rock bottom prices. Maybe someday.... (unless of course you make me an offer I can't refuse!

Darn'd Romans. I need these corals to quickly fill this tank so that I will be forced to upgrade! LOL

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