![]() |
![]() Again exactly my point.
You clearly state you have no idea if the product is doing what it says it is, I am not being specific here to that brand, it could be any brand you say that about. But it points to exactly my point that you have a lacking confidence in what you use. Our aim is to give consumers the confindence that they do know it is doing what it is supposed to through support, education and awareness. Irrelevant of brand name or product type, if you are not sure if it really is doing anything, why use it. You really have hit the nail on the head as to what we are trying to change in this industry, the constant drip feeding of tanks with products with no real confidence that they are actually doing anything. By us providing regular independant reviews, high support networks for the product and consistant examples of the product in use we hope that will feed through to the client that they are using something they can have confidence in, and then if they ever feel they are not sure if the product is really doing what they hope they have an avenue to turn to for answers. This whole thread has nothing to do with one brand better than the other, but 100% about fauna marin and if you have an inclining as to wanting to use it, you feel confident that you will get the best buyer confidence we can offer. Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 02-21-2009 at 01:46 AM. |
![]() hey Pan, no worries man, i was trying to get out a smart ass remark and i couldn't on the board its hard to when your typing lol. i know what you mean, im very specific when it comes to the reefing part. man im anal with all my testing and stuff. fixing this and moving that adjusting this and that. I'm a prefectionist.
I wont lie to you i wonder if the polyps that are coming out and the color that im getting is that not from other things that i do. Well i would think about it. like the red turf algae that i had that was getting bad there for a bit went away when i was using phosban it took awhile but the BIO did take the phosphates away super faster then the Phos ban. i couldnt keep the nitrates down with anything i tried over skimming, water changes, and no joy. but ULtra Bak took them down more then anything. All I wanted was to take the PO 4 down and the rid of NO3 and its done im happy so either try it or dont its goign to be up to you to discover. im done here time to get some pic before mike takes me off the trial ![]()
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge. You don't know as much as you think. |
![]() Here's some before and after pics of my old 150g. Might be hard to tell from the pics, but to me, the colors of the sps were better and I was able to keep more fish with FM w/o having the corals brown out.
Last edited by atc; 02-21-2009 at 04:05 PM. |
![]() once i get home tomorrow from shooping i found out how to use my Wife's camera will compare them and up load them .
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge. You don't know as much as you think. |
![]() The negative responses to this are kind of interesting in their own way.
It seems to me like there is a tendency within the aquarium hobby to look upon a lot of vendor's messages as "Oh look another guy selling magic goop". Obviously this is a reaction to a lot of aquarium product companies slinging a lot of magic goop over the years. This has left a lot of us, myself included, seriously jaded. Call it the "Marc W " effect maybe. However if you step back and look more carefully you'll see a shift happening. A lot of vendors are reaching out to hobbyists like we've never seen before and it seems to me like Fauna / Aqua Digital are a pretty good example of this. There are others too like Eco Tech and ATB, all of them have in common an effort to not just engage in marketing messages but actual dialog about their products. I can understand somebody's first reaction to info about UltraLith and similar stuff being "oh look magic goop", I was right next to them at one point. If you take the time to look at what they are saying about the stuff you can see it's definitely not a magic bullet and they're not trying to sell it as one. It is pretty neat stuff though. Anyway, whatever you think about ULN systems or UltraLith in particular you've got to give the guys some respect for being as open to dialog as they are. |
![]() well said , All you can do is tell people abou the product. you can't force them to use it. ,just show the results at the end of the day if some one wants to try it then that is great. If some one doesnt want to try it then that is fine. You will alway get some one that says what the heck and ask many question s before buying it. that is life and that is whe way the people operate they want to see reults before getting involved with it.
Not every tank is going to react to the supplements all the same some will disagree with the Fanua and some will tkae to it. Some tanks will crash when using it now id it from the product due to them totally stopping the product and going to something else? Or is did the people use the product the way he was instructed to use it, and that person got to gung ho and added something that he wasnt supposed to add. SOme people want the perfect system to havePerfect levels on everything and 0 on every reading, May be Fauna will do that for some tanks, then there are tanks that probaby won't accept it that easy. So people can't afford Fauna, some people cnat afford ZEO, some are jsut bull headed to give out negitive thought s on the products, due to hearing it from a another reefer that it didnt work for him its not going to work for me. IMO people are going to have different views on the product some will like it some will love it and some will just don't care to look at.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge. You don't know as much as you think. Last edited by Skimmerking; 02-21-2009 at 01:05 PM. |
![]() I just want to thank everyone for their input even the negative camp, it is rare that such a thread can stay as on track as this and I thank all of you for that.
I think from the recent posts the message I am tying to get across is getting there and I will continue to offer reviews product information and great support, and hope i can help turn this industry round into a more client focussed business. Please feel free to continue to debate and I will enjoy responding ![]() |
![]() Awsome pictures ATC you can see the difference for sure.
If you need any further info on using the range just give me a shout ![]() |
![]() I will be offering a new review very soon on two other products so please watch out for this.
![]() I,m glad to see it staying on track. And agree, its great to see the retailer of a product willing to debate its use on here. Great thread for those of us that are thinking of using a product and those that just wish to check it out.
So, several times I see the reference to polyps extension. Part of the reason I posted the extension pics on my thread. I cant see it better than that. Plus my colors are coming around nice. So I have to wonder how the product will benefit me. I would like to use it on my tank but really need to 1st. Understand how to use it correct. ![]() 2nd. Understand how it will help me. 3rd. Its cost comparison with the other products I use now, that are pretty cheap. When picking up my new cube the other day, I purchased a nitrate & phosphate kit. First time I have owned them in about 10 or 15 yrs. ![]() ![]() Running normal phosphate remover does not seem to help and the Fauna products Mike are using for that sure do seem to be helping him. {my reference to Mike here, is Asmodeus, not Mike from Fauna}. So keep on posting. Love reading the info.
Doug |