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Old 08-17-2007, 11:53 PM
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I haven't been on much recently,mostly due to summer and keeping busy with other things,so I haven't noticed much of a problem.Other than a recent incidence in the lounge that was handled fairly quickly.But I think a lot stems from there being so many different ways to have a successful tank,with more than a few of these ways working for some people but not for others.We need to keep that in mind when we read something being suggested,that in our experience didn't work.As an example I think we all for the most part,mix our water a day in advance.But a couple years ago I was at a guys place,who used to be on this board but is no longer with us.He checked his salinity,added salt to a jug or water,shook it up and added it to his tank.My jaw almost hit the floor,but he had a couple very nice healthy tanks.I never said a word,I wouldn't try it,but it works for him.
No matter how hard you try, you can't baptise cats.
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Old 08-17-2007, 11:55 PM
rigger11 rigger11 is offline
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" Guess I have been here to long to change. Just an old fart. Guess us old ones had better move aside for new staff,"

never said that or implied it, jsut need to be more open about what the members of the bord would like to see. its quit apparent that more then just a few of the members think of you guys *** "censoring********"
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Old 08-17-2007, 11:56 PM
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Being a mod is a thankless job and I think we all need to remember they are volunteers just trying to help us out and make this board a better environment for learning and the sharing of ideas. Fact is they are human too.
I have said this several times before in threads similar to this but part of the problem is that with the written word "emotions" and "tones" are often very ambiguous and people can take offence where none is meant. Things are often stated very "matter of fact" and when read they generally sound worse than they were intended to be. Now because that is the case we should proof read our responses and confirm that we have actually said what we are trying to say, and yes maybe even catch the odd type-o.
A wise man once said " never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupiity." Now that doesn't mean people are stupid but that people are often self-absorbed and don't think about how they might impact others with their actions. Most things shouldn't be taken personally.
I think we may all need a little thicker skin and do our best to treat other people the way we would like to be treated. There should never be a need to try and publicly humiliate anyone, if you feel that strongly that something must be said, send a pm and work it out between the two of you. I think the old saying "consider the source" can apply more often than not so a nasty reply is most likely unnecessary.


Last edited by Snappy; 08-17-2007 at 11:58 PM.
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Old 08-18-2007, 12:00 AM
rigger11 rigger11 is offline
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pms dont work youll still get banned if ya say the wrong thing
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Old 08-18-2007, 12:07 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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Mods here are much more respectful and mature than other sites, but it's always a problem because sometimes they won't always understand the intentions behind your written word, as Greg finely stated.

This may potentially lead to banning because you don't conform to what their values of mannerisms are. What may be offensive to them may not be to another person.

Moderating is not like the law but their impression makes it out to be.

Last edited by Moogled; 08-18-2007 at 12:09 AM.
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Old 08-18-2007, 12:11 AM
rigger11 rigger11 is offline
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pm to you sir

explaining myself for above
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Old 08-18-2007, 12:12 AM
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Originally Posted by rigger11 View Post
pms dont work youll still get banned if ya say the wrong thing
Then say it in a civilized manner. There is never a need to be rude. When I coached soccer I would tell my players they were not allowed to swear, for one I don't like it but mainly it is a sign of a lazy vocabulary. Swearing is saying what comes easy without having to put any thought into it. I am sure that if a pm was sent that got a point across in a mature manner there would be no reason for a ban. Now that said, I had really hoped that readers of my post would not take the pm statement as the point I was trying to make. (no offence) I guess I must not have explained myself very well.

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Old 08-18-2007, 12:15 AM
rigger11 rigger11 is offline
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oh no you were quite clear

im just stateing that with past experiences with ppl i know pms dont work
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Old 08-18-2007, 12:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Moogled View Post
This is where I'm really surprised. The last one was a good call, I called _____ a fool so good modding; I see where I was wrong and I wouldn't do it again. But you just edited my post again but not for the exact same reason. The supposedly derogatory term I just made wasn't even directed at anyone.
You did mention his name again with the comment, so I edited it.

Since everything is so technical, please don't mind if I FAIRLY point out a boo boo that you probably didn't miss while you read through his post:

Once again:

And just in good spirit from now on, I'll PM you if I ever see anything that's unsuitable to be read.

FYI, I made sure that my post just now was void of anything insulting, so I'd be doubly surprised if it were edited yet again.

And no, I have never picked on those two for spelling, nor do I intentionally go around calling people XXXXers and other anatomical parts.
The other quote although a bit rude, never mentioned anyone by name and I did comment on it. The reference to some of the pm,s we get, was a general comment regarding moderating threads and not directed at anyone.
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Old 08-18-2007, 12:46 AM
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Originally Posted by rigger11 View Post
times change this site is not going to be the same now as it was back in 01
the staff needs to see that and abapt with the change instead of just shooting down ideas of what members of the bord want to see.....
poll the members to see what they would like to see on the bord.......
So what exactly does this mean then, if its not a direct challenge to the staff for not changing with the times. {whatever that means}.

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