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Old 02-04-2006, 03:57 AM
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TheReefGeek TheReefGeek is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
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Thanks Collin, I have e-mailed him.

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Old 02-06-2006, 11:37 PM
Joshua Jones Joshua Jones is offline
Marine Aquaria
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: 2854 Calgary Trail
Posts: 127
Joshua Jones is on a distinguished road
Default Just to clear some things up...

Hey people,

Just thought i would get you guys all the info you need from the source so there are no miscommunications:

When Dave called to place the order for ~12 refractometers i was mistakenly under the impression that they would be picked up by a member as a whole order, or perhaps two half orders.

Here are our options from this point for a whole order group buy:

1. I am 'able' to bring the refractometers to the group meet but would rather not because of scheduling etc. I have 13 in stock and would be willing to sell for $60 cash ea. x 12 = $720 (calculated to include the GST) if someone wants to p/u the package as a whole.

2. If the cash is hard to get a hold (since people will be paying you back etc.) I will accept 12 x $62 = $744 if you want to pay via paypal (this covers visa transaction costs etc.)

If sold individually (quantities less then 12) these are our options:

3. p/u at my door; $65 cash / $69 paypal

4. Drop off at meet; min 6 committed - $65 cash / $69 pre-paid paypal

I apologize for any inconvenience, however transaction costs are too high
for me to deliver in a high service style at the reduced price.

let me know if i am either unclear or if you have any questions;

thanks, i apologize if there was any confusion.. i haven't had the time 'till now to clear things up.


p.s. I have lots of coral in stock. If you (plural) are interested in high quality and are not willing to pay retail pricing i suggest you get a possy together and set an appointment -- best is saturday. At low quantities you can expect retail pricing and superior product. At high quantities you can expect more of internet based pricing system, but you can actually see the product first!! Might i add no box charge, heat pack charge, ice pack charge (food & dt's), shipping charge...

to give you and idea:
asst. coloured bali acro frags: $99 ea. or; 3 for $89, 5 for $79, 10 for $69, 15+ for $59 ea. (medium)
asst. Coloured / Coloured Polyp Stylo: 1 for $89, 3 for $79, 5 for $69, 10+ for $59 ea. (medium)
also in stock; asst. blasto, ricordia, brains (worm and open), blue, red, purple, mushrooms...

I'll have a list on my site up sooner or later. Call / email if your interested.

pps. Please email me at since this email address is more accessable and you will get faster service this way then sending me a pm or emailing
Joshua A. Jones
Marine Aquaria Inc
2854 Calgary Trail, Edmonton
780 761 1101

Last edited by Joshua Jones; 02-06-2006 at 11:51 PM.
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