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Old 12-08-2005, 03:53 AM
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i have never had a tank that has had the pump run flat out matt. my t4 runs now at around 60% capasity so i wouldnt sweat it.
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Old 12-08-2005, 04:01 AM
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I have my mag 9.5 on my 44g throttled back as well as no problems so far. As far as noise of the water running down I put a couple of 90's on the bottom and have the water discharge below the water level in the sump - cuts back on a lot of noise. It works for me but I am very plumbing impared so don't take my word on it. Now if I could just find some european size PVC I could run the discharges on my skimmer closer to the water level in my sump and cut back further on some noise of falling water.
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Old 12-08-2005, 04:30 AM
Doormatt Doormatt is offline
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Thanks everyone!

I really do appreciate all the advice! Hopefully I can stop worrying about my tank, and start enjoying it!
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Old 12-08-2005, 03:18 PM
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You may find that as time goes on and your pipes get coated with biofilm and various algaes that they quieten down some
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Old 12-08-2005, 06:42 PM
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Default Another Alternative...

An alternative to stockmans/dursos, is to choke back the drain, so that your overflow sort of "overflows" to bring the water level a few inches above the drain hole. This results in a *silent* drain. Not even a single gurgle noise:


But you must have a second drain that's a bit above the water level, in case the level fluctuates and goes too high (then that 2nd drain will kick in as an emergency drain).

Emergency Drain:

Wont work in everyone's setup, but if you can make it work, I'd highly suggest it. Now all I hear is the hum of my return pump. Sometimes it freaks me out because I dont hear the water trickle. I gotta open up the cabinet to make sure water is flowing through the sump. It's THAT quiet.
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Old 12-08-2005, 09:17 PM
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Ahhh.... I prefer to hear water running.... makes me perpetually wanna pee...
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Old 12-08-2005, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: Another Alternative...

Originally Posted by GMGQ
An alternative to stockmans/dursos, is to choke back the drain, so that your overflow sort of "overflows" to bring the water level a few inches above the drain hole. This results in a *silent* drain. Not even a single gurgle noise:


But you must have a second drain that's a bit above the water level, in case the level fluctuates and goes too high (then that 2nd drain will kick in as an emergency drain).

Emergency Drain:

Wont work in everyone's setup, but if you can make it work, I'd highly suggest it. Now all I hear is the hum of my return pump. Sometimes it freaks me out because I dont hear the water trickle. I gotta open up the cabinet to make sure water is flowing through the sump. It's THAT quiet.
Do search for HERBIE method for more details.
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