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Old 07-24-2005, 10:45 PM
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Relax Justin. The only thing a rant is going to achieve, is the closing of the thread. I would imagine those in favour of Alberta seceding from Canada, are far and few in between.

It can be discussed without throwing political garbage and insults. {both sides}. and taken for what its worth.

You dont need a seaport Alberta. We can let you use Churchill in the summer, for a fee of course.

Then on the other hand, we will likely be anexed by Ontario. Or the US or someone.
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Old 07-24-2005, 11:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug
You dont need a seaport Alberta. We can let you use Churchill in the summer, for a fee of course.

Then on the other hand, we will likely be anexed by Ontario. Or the US or someone.
Thanks Doug ... only problem is the black flies and polar bears

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Old 07-26-2005, 02:16 AM
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Wouldn't it be great if as much effort was put into making things right on a national basis as picking apart what is wrong provincially?

None of the provinces or territories would be what they are today without the other 12.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
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Old 07-26-2005, 08:14 AM
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Thats the whole problen Cap'n ... we know whats wrong with the system but as long as the power remains in the East we will never see it fixed

They openly steal our taxpayer dollars ... and then get reelected

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Old 07-26-2005, 06:51 PM
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The problem is in how we elect our MP's. Its all on "population" pools. Which is ridiculous because we just do not have the density. We need electoral reform. Pure and simple.

But we are such a status quo society, we cannot even do it in BC when we had a clear oppertunity to make some serious electoral changes.

We will not see any electoral reform at the federal level for some time. They have no reason to do so since they know they get the votes in the east.

What has to happen is all the western provinces need to get together and put big time pressure on the federal gov to bring forth some changes, but I do not think we do that by saying we are going to leave this country. A more firm but respectable protest is needed.

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Old 07-26-2005, 10:46 PM
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but I do not think we do that by saying we are going to leave this country

Has worked pretty good for Quebec for a long time now

They even have their own provincial seperatist party ( The Bloc )

Out West we even whisper about seperation and we are deemed traitors ... anti-Canada etc etc and the whole time we are getting hosed

The thing is that we coddle Quebec and the Feds transfer more money in than Quebec sends back ... they have more rights than we do ... and on and on

Does this not bother any of you ? ... all the Prime Ministers come from Quebec so is it no surprise that the source of corruption starts there

Also the CBC has got to go ... there is no other way around it ... we have private broadcasters competeing with a government funded broadcaster ... not only is that inherintly wrong but the CBC openly reports only what the Liberal government wants them to say.

If anyone disputes that I will give examples of Liberal biased CBC reporting till you say " uncle "

So if you are a Liberal and you see the CBC as a government funded ad campaign for your party what would you say to those that say the CBC is biased ? ... nothing ... nada ... money well spent right ?

after all other than Ontario it is the perfect scenario because the Feds fund the CBC and the West fund the Feds and their propoganda spin machine

So they use our tax money to fund the CBC ... but that was not enough and they had to line more pockets ... Adscam !

Where does it end ? ... it is not even like they get caught at little stuff ... we are talking billions of dollars !

The way I see it is that unless the west wakes up and realizes that those out East really dont give a crap about us out west or canada for that matter but are only interested in staying in power ... why ? ... because thats where the money is.

What can we do in the next 10 years to change this pattern of government abuse of power ? ... what has already been tried and failed to make reform ?

maybe if one province says they have had enough or maybe if 2 provinces or 3 even dare we say 4 stand up and say that we will no longer put up with the corruption then maybe we will see change.

Know what I think ? ... talk to any Albertan that is fed up with the status quo and ask them if they would support a independent west and they will say yes 9 out of 10 times and we would foot the bill ... it would cost less than what we are paying now and ensure the rights and freedoms of our children for generations to come.

PS ... if you think to yourself < self > would the RCMP not be on top of all this corruption ? ... check this link to see why ...

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Old 07-27-2005, 07:39 AM
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OK West (of which I include myself), let's say you get all this power you are hoping for, what is it exactly that that you would like to do differently then the rest of the country? Put governmental corruption aside because it affects the rest of the nation, and we're all ready for a change. Aside from a more conservative and American lean I don't really see what seperatist Albertans are yearning for?
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
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Old 07-27-2005, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Buk_A_neer
but I do not think we do that by saying we are going to leave this country

Has worked pretty good for Quebec for a long time now

They even have their own provincial seperatist party ( The Bloc )

Out West we even whisper about seperation and we are deemed traitors ... anti-Canada etc etc and the whole time we are getting hosed

The thing is that we coddle Quebec and the Feds transfer more money in than Quebec sends back ... they have more rights than we do ... and on and on

Does this not bother any of you ? ... all the Prime Ministers come from Quebec so is it no surprise that the source of corruption starts there

Also the CBC has got to go ... there is no other way around it ... we have private broadcasters competeing with a government funded broadcaster ... not only is that inherintly wrong but the CBC openly reports only what the Liberal government wants them to say.
Hard to argue some of those points. On the separates that is, not Quebec itself.

I sometimes disagree about the views on CBC. Although it seems Liberal, {would you not support those keeping you in your job, }, it had its place in our country and has been a part of us for many a long years. WHEN NOBODY ELSE WOULD.

And just so you know, I,m a Conservative also, although I like our premier but not necc. his party.

And its getting hard to argue this thread without getting into to much politics, which is a nay-nay. But we are still hanging in so far.
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Old 07-27-2005, 02:20 PM
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Why dont we start with the basics ? ... healthcare for ALL ... education for ALL ... lower taxes ( personal and corporate ) ... wipe out homelessness ... more paid vacation time like most european countries ( so you can spend more time with your family ) ... reform the justice system so that the victims regain their rights and the criminals actually get punished ( in fact rapists and child molesters get life ... why should they get away with this behaviour ) ... better standard of living for ALL citizens

We would have a opportunity to reform all the things that have gone so far left that we cant even see them on the radar anymore and bring a more central view ( not extreme right but moderate view )

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
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Old 07-27-2005, 03:08 PM
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Uh, we are getting heavy into political views here Steve. Perhaps we should bring this thing to a close and get back to reef talking.
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