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Old 08-23-2002, 09:50 PM
Jayson Jayson is offline
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

I have sold things to Stephane in the past. I feel that he is a decent guy and he will refund your money or replace your bulbs. I beleive that the packaging is a little bit of an issue.The shipper's responcibilty is to package them very well and mark them with "glass or fragile" stickers. When you are sending a light bulb that is worth alot of money it should be packaged very carefully. It is UPS's policy not to cover glass or personnel goods. If he charged you gst he is selling through a business and I am sure that he will want to keep his business name clean. I feel that we should all let Stephane come back from holidays and see what he will do before we crucify him.
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Old 08-26-2002, 09:59 PM
stephane stephane is offline
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Wow! What a mess!

Sorry for what happen and I will refund or send you new bulb dont worry about that Im an honnest guy and I will

As for UPS insuranse that you pay yes UPS dont insured the bulb but I have not trade with UPS for the shipping but mailbox inc. a mailing compagny who will insured the bulb but only if they pack it by them self. So I gave the bulb to them and they have pack it and send them to you

Now I will call them tomorow and see what will happen but please dont treat me like a rubber I will replace the bulb or refund you even if I have to pay them from my pocket but could you please wait until I found what happend before to crusify me. Im an honnest guy but I cant control what shipping compagnie have made

As for the bulb that have glass chips inside it's normal some have it and it's done when they manufacture the bulb dont worry about it and enjoy the color that they made
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Old 08-26-2002, 10:17 PM
stephane stephane is offline
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Originally posted by StirCrazy:
*eddited by request*

I guess this was one of the benifits of buying from a LFS that Jason was talking about.

Sorry all the bulbs are broke.. and it sure doesent seem right to me.. I can see one or two being broke from shipping but not 75% of everything he has shipped..

*eddited by request*

we will never know anything till Steph gets back from holladays..

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">As from what I see there only 4 bulb broke of all
the one I send so it's not totaly as bad as you said! Steve please dont try to make a situation worst than it is I will refund or send new bulb
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Old 08-26-2002, 10:34 PM
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Stephane, thanks for getting back to us right away after your trip. It's refreshing to hear that you will replace/refund the bulbs... We can communicate further over email..

Here is the chip I was talking about.. As you can see, it's in a vital place in the bulb.. The center bulb is hanging on by a thread. I am not comfertable having this bulb over my reef.

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Old 08-26-2002, 10:49 PM
stephane stephane is offline
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

There a page from champion who talk about glass
chips inside the bulb
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Old 08-26-2002, 10:55 PM
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Yes, they mention chips in the bulbs, but they are refering to chips that have nothing to do with the bulb's structure. The chips in my bulb are chipped off of a specific spot (shown in the pic). I have heard of bulbs with the same flaw having the center snap right off from the heat. Could be very dangerous.
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Old 08-26-2002, 11:06 PM
stephane stephane is offline
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Give me a couple of day I will try to fix all this
and even send your Pic to Radium to make shure there is no danger whith that bulb.

If there any problem whith it I will clame it to UPS
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Old 08-26-2002, 11:11 PM
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Alright thanks, I'll be in touch over email..
I suspect this might be a manufacturing flaw and not shipping damage, but you never know..

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Old 08-27-2002, 02:17 AM
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Originally posted by stephane:

please dont treat me like a rubber...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Stephane, need to correct your english this one time. You mean robber, not rubber. A rubber is slang for a condom!! ;)
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Old 08-29-2002, 08:52 PM
stephane stephane is offline
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Bad new guys! first I have talk with mailbox today to know what will happen with the clame and they said that they will pay me back but it will take sometime to do it. they will only refund me the original cost of the bulb I have pay from radium and will not covert the taxe and duty I have pay :mad: second they dont want to insure any other bulb for now+ third and the worst is that Radium are in there move to take an exclusive distributor for all there product in Canada so it will only get the price higher for us

Anyway as I have said before I will refund the broken bulb to Taz, one divided, and Bc girl.(the entire price you have pay)
Even if I have not receive the money back I will do you charge back Thuesday and for those who have send me a cheque I will send you back a cheque to covert all you lost

I will refund the shipping cost to. if you have orther 2 bulb and receive one I will send you back half the shipping cost

One Divided you receive a bulb that have a ship inside and I tink there is no problem to run it as they said it's normal to see glass inside the bulb

I will be very surprise if UPS accept refund this bulb as she is not broken and light normaly
+ you beter keep it as you will never be able to get a Radium bulb that sheap again since like I said before you will have another compagny to get proffit on you head before to get it

Jayson I hoppe you will be able to continue offers Radium bulb for 135$ to all reefers here.
if you where importing them from radium direct in the past, they will not sale you any other bulb :(

Sorry to all of you that have get broken bulb but as I said that was not my fault since I have not pack them and I will even refund you from my pocket before to receive a penny from UPS
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