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View Poll Results: Pre or Post Xmas Delivery?
Pre 2 9.52%
Post 14 66.67%
Either 5 23.81%
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Old 12-15-2004, 06:00 AM
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Thanks for all the work you guys have been putting into this group order. Are we going to get to know the prices before you finalize the order? I think knowing the price will make it easier for some of us to give you a final number.

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Old 12-16-2004, 02:51 AM
motox motox is offline
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Default I would not order any livestock from jl

I was in vancouver the past weenkend and thought that myself and my buddy would stop in at jl aquatics. we went there expecting a hole of great things. but to our surprise the store was smaller than AI. as we continued to look around we were not happy with the livestock. every tank had ick, velvet or some sort of sick fish, even dead fish. not very impressed. i do not think they quarratine their animals there. we phone in approx. 4 days before we got there to hold 2 rbta for us. Allan said that would not be a problem. when we got there not a thing was on hold for us. they had 4 rbta 2 of them were barley hanging in there because they were in with a green carpet , that was stinging the hell out of them. the other 2 rbta were in the tank above. one look good and the other was above average. well i wanted the the nice looking one but they told me no because it was on hold for someone. i told them that someone was me. then told me they had no record of this. at this time i was getting very ****ed off with this and there customer service was poor. after fighting with them for awhile i said bag the other one up but i expect and discount for all the problems. and you can guess what they said. my buddy who has shop online with before said that they were great. he was singing a differnt tune when we left there. yes they have cheap dry goods and cleaning crews. that is the only thing that i would buy off them. but there livestock is a ticking time bomb if you buy from them. if they even make the fight. i also feel the staff is there just for a job. i did not find them very knowledgable. Big Als in burnaby is a joke to. AI may be a little over priced but they have quality and staff that knows what the hell is going on. as far as i am concerned you pay for quality.
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Old 12-16-2004, 02:57 AM
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Nice language , and does this kind of rant really belong here I hope a mod takes care of this.
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Old 12-16-2004, 03:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Richer
Thanks for all the work you guys have been putting into this group order. Are we going to get to know the prices before you finalize the order? I think knowing the price will make it easier for some of us to give you a final number.

I've actually invitied Ivan to come over and post in this thread....maybe when he gives me some concrete prices, I can post them.
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Old 12-16-2004, 03:02 PM
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Motox has a point though, I think the point is just that at this time he saw no quality in the livestock and while his wording was to the point I think he does have a valid reason for posting in this thread.

He's just trying to let us know about what he saw this weekend and how it might affect our potential upcoming order from JL. Although it does also belong in Vendor rating, it still is a valid point of reference for this thread.
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Old 12-20-2004, 04:00 AM
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Hi everyone,

Sorry about the wait. Muck should be posting some prices that Ivan at Aquaria Canada sent him in the next day or two. Also, for fish, since some are hard to track down, I was wondering if those interested in getting some can PM me with their fish list by December 27. This should give Ivan at Aquaria Canada a bit of a head start to track down some of the hard to find stuff (if anyone is looking for that kind of thing). Remember, this is regarding the fish only.

For those who have ordered cleanup crew, please let me know what snails/crab/shrimp you want and the quantity that you want if you haven't done so already. There is a list that's updated on the first page. If I've missed anything or entered something incorrectly, please let me know ASAP.

Happy Holidays,
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Old 12-20-2004, 04:04 AM
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I have a revised list, but give me a day or two to figure it out. Some of it does hing on price though so I think I might be better to wait until the price list is out just for reference.
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Old 12-20-2004, 02:43 PM
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We have decided to go with Ivan at Aquaria Canada for our Invert order.
Here is pricing for the inverts based on the quantities we have confirmed.
Shipping will be extra. (Although it shouldn't be that much with all the people we have in on this order... )

Astrea - 1.35
Margarita - 1.59
Cerith - 1.59
Nassarius - 1.35
Trochus - 2.99
Turbo - 1.99

Scarlets Hermit - 2.99
Blue Leg(sml) - 0.99
Red Leg(sml) - 0.99
Emerald Crab - 8.99

Cleaner Shrimp - 14.99
Peppermint Shrimp - 8.99
Mangrove Pods - 14.99

If anyone wants pricing on something other than on this list pm me as soon as possible and I will try to get it for you! Also as Harvey said we need to know the fish people are interested in ASAP as well. We do need to give Ivan some time to source everything...
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Old 12-20-2004, 03:27 PM
eddie holland eddie holland is offline
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Default order.

would like to get 20 turbo snail.who do i talk to.
as well. 10 blue leg.
and 10 red leg.
thanks ed
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Old 12-20-2004, 03:32 PM
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Aside from the cost of the livestock is there a shipping cost? Would all our orders be shipped to us individually or what? And what about the arrive-alive policy?
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