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![]() Ha ha ok no worries.
300g Basement Reef - April 2018 |
![]() UPDATE:
Saturday March 18, the transfer from the 75g to the 150g began. I planned ahead and left the day open as I anticipated this process would take anywhere from 6-8 hrs. The wood floor was installed up to the point where I needed the 75g out of the way to finish the other half of the room. Now or never... then the process began. ![]() The wall all painted, flooring finished and the wife approved spot for the 150g to sit ![]() ![]() Tank moved in to place and leveled. This thing was heavy for two people to lift in to place! ![]() ![]() The first of the water being pumped in to the tank ![]() ![]() Half way point! Surprisingly this went a lot faster then I had anticipated. Pretty sure my RODI system hates me, luckily I prefilled a bunch of 5g pails on other days. Ugh... Cloudy water. I wanted to be able to aquascape all at once but unfortunately that didn't go as planned. Transferring the fish went a lot smoother then expected, as it was just across the room. All the LR was placed on the sandbed (scattered across the tank) and I meticulously made sure that every fish was accounted for as you couldn't see anything. I then went on for the next half hour or so collecting all the CUC from the sandbed. Once I was satisfied everything was out of the 75g and in to the 150g, I setup my skimmer and reactors. A long day... but definitely worth it!
300g Basement Reef - April 2018 |
![]() CONTINUED...Sunday March 19.
After I finish working night shift I briefly checked on the tank, no leaks etc. When I woke up the tank was now cleared up and I could see inside. I'm not sure if this was such a good thing... I found my corals were pretty angry from the move, I lost a decent size SPS frag (completely receded to the skeleton) but the rest appeared to be ok. I expected the corals to take a hit as the water parameters would veer off track. My leopard wrasse and carpenter wrasse were out, however the royal gramma is still hiding (only in the tank for about 3 days). Everyone else seemed a little stressed but were out and about. All the fish appeared to be eating fine, but less then normal. I associated this with being stressed out from the move. ![]() Prior to scaping. At this point I began to scape the rocks and get a design I was satisfied with. I originally tried to recreate a bigger version of what I previously had in the 75g bow front...Well I quickly found out that it never goes back the same. I was able to mimic some pieces but then just strayed from there. I noticed that the skimmer had pulled some stuff up, however I will keep my eye on it as it seemed wetter then usual. The compartment it is placed in is set with a baffle at 10" which the Ice Cap K2-160 recommended water level is between 7-10". I may need to make some sort of stand to boost it out of the water to change the water level. I haven't touched it or attempted to dial it in as nothing was really settled in. I snapped a couple photographs (sorry crappy iPhone photos at the time the lights were on). I will try to take some better ones later on to show the scape better. After scaping, you can kind of see ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() __________________________________________________ _____________ CONTINUED... Monday March 20 I went downstairs as usual to feed the fish. I started looking around the tank trying to locate all the fish... Unfortunately I located my Powder Brown "Mocha" dead ![]()
So my wife was down looking at the tank (she usually goes down at night) and she noticed that the Fox Face was acting strange. I went down and watched for some time (I'm already panicked as I lost the Powder Brown). The Fox Face was definitely showing signs of stress, but he normally swims around and at this time he continued to lay down near the sand ![]() __________________________________________________ _____________ CONTINUED...Tuesday March 21. I woke up this morning and went downstairs dreading what I would find. I tested the Ammonia (0 ppm) and the Salinity (1.026). I was expecting to find the Fox Face on the sand bed, however he was sleeping (camo coloured) in his angled position. I didn't have a chance to look for the other fish, but I am hoping the Royal Gramma comes out at some point or I am thinking she may not have made it ![]() I am currently at work, so I am eager to get home this evening and take a look at the tank. I apologize for the delayed build thread, but I think at this point I am finally caught up and can document the progress in real time. Has anyone had similar experiences? I am just hoping to not lose anymore fish as majority of my fish are mature (prior owners). I am eager to get everything back stable so I can start placing "sticks all over ![]()
300g Basement Reef - April 2018 |
![]() I may have misunderstood the order here but it seems like you may have done things a little backwards.
I have had the pleasure of moving house/switching tanks a few times and I learn from every one of them. Personally, I would have got the rock in first and set it up how I wanted prior to adding any fish. Then I would have added the sand, let the tank clear, checked parameters and only then would I have started adding fish and corals. I can appreciate that some of the corals may have been encrusted to the live rock. I doubt the corals would have liked the cloudy unsettled water, neither the fish for that matter. Plus the fact that (from what I understand) that you would have had your hands in the tank moving stuff around would have been pretty tough for livestock too. It probably would have been a good idea to leave the fish out until the tank had settled and I think a couple of losses would have been saved. I have done this overnight, even a few days, in totes/buckets and every fish was fine. You live and you learn. |
![]() Nah... your probably right on a lot of the points. I definitely got the rock in but wasn't able to stack and setup due to the cloudiness. I'm sure all the livestock was stressed out with all the disruptions. I wanted to avoid the buckets / totes to minimize stress, however I think I may have done the opposite. I definitely would do things a little different when the time comes for the next move.
Came home today and unfortunately had another loss being the Royal Gramma. That brings the death toll up to 2 now. I couldn't find my carpenter wrasse so I now fear the worst for him as well. I have been doing my best to minimize disruptions in or near the tank to allow everything to stabilize. As I am still paranoid I tested ammonia (0 ppm) and all other parameters were in check. Unfortunately I don't know how much damage is done and hope to minimize any further losses. I watched the tank for 30 mins. And everyone seemed happy, most corals had the polyps out and some still seemed angry. See what tomorrow brings...
300g Basement Reef - April 2018 |
![]() I am happy to say that my Watchman Gonh was able to locate both pistols and they were reunited. They began working hard on the new tunnel project
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300g Basement Reef - April 2018 |
![]() Cool, I loved watching my goby & pistol - when I had sand.
Coming along, looks good
Mark 240G Dream Tank of Frustration http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=115621 |
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I enjoy a pistol/goby pair. It's a lot of fun to watch. My tank was by my bedroom so when the shrimp started snapping it was a little frustrating. Next tank I'll have away from my bedroom and perhaps get another one. Build looks really good so far. |
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300g Basement Reef - April 2018 |
![]() Lost my yellow tang today. He seemed fine and not stressed which is a huge concern to me. All my water parameters checked out, I went ahead and did a 20g water change after removing the fish. Is it possible that the stress from the initial transfer could have contributed to the recent death toll?
300g Basement Reef - April 2018 |