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Old 04-09-2007, 08:42 AM
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thanks alot guys

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Old 04-09-2007, 02:47 PM
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I don't see temperature dependent light shut off for metal halide lights in the 3.01 update. It seems to still be for dimmable lights only.
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Old 04-09-2007, 04:10 PM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Hi Bob

yes, you are right. Although not all features had been programmed in the new release we decided to publish 3.01.
The reason is that a lot of people wanted to use the ProfiLux to control the Tunze wavebox, therefore we added a new mode for the current control.

But: development is still in progress - the light dep... for MH will be available before it's becoming hot!
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:23 AM
zapco98 zapco98 is offline
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Hello - New to the forums - I've been following this thread for a few weeks now and wondered where I could actually purchase this unit? I have checked prolineaquatics but it doesn't appear to be geared to the consumer? (I am in the US)

I know this might be the wrong place to ask this, but has anyone used this device on a freshwater tank? I am actually running a 210g african cichlid tank which shares some similar qualities of a salt water tank. I wouldn't need as many sensors as salt water, but figured PH, temp, ORP, to start with. (How sensitive is the salinity sensor?)

I noticed this unit can do alarming - is there any possibility that it will support email notification? Can anyone post a screenshot of what the datalogging looks like?

Thanks and sorry for the questions.
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Old 04-10-2007, 01:12 PM
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i dont believe the update is out yet that allows for email and phone notification. but i could be wrong. the unit is or will be capable of emailing and phoning your cell phone with the alarm.

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Old 04-10-2007, 09:48 PM
monitors-direct monitors-direct is offline
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I am of the understanding this feature is being released in the next few months.

The biggest plus side to GHL is that they do not release a single thing until it has been fully tested first, this stops technical glitches reaching the customer wherver possible.

heads up to them for this.

Last edited by monitors-direct; 04-10-2007 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 04-11-2007, 07:16 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Hi Eric,

welcome to the forum!
- Proline is importer/wholesaler for our products. I am sure they will give you addresses of retailers in USA.
- ProfiLux is suitable for freshwater as well. Actually in most European countries there are more "freshwater-users" than "marine-water-users"
- Salinity: There are 2 different probes - platinum, suitable for freshwater & marine water, and graphite, only for freshwater
The sensivity of the probes is the same, but there are 2 different measurment cards: One has the range 0...2mS (freshwater), the other 0...100mS (marine water)
- Email: It is possible to send an email with our extension cards PLM-LAN or PLM-WLAN. I will describe this in a new tutorial in the next days.
- Screenshot, please see attachment
There you can see the viewer included in ProfiLuxControl. The data is exported as a text file - it is possible to open the data file with other programms, too. Eg Excel.
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Old 04-11-2007, 07:27 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Hi All,

a generic hint for all digital powerbar users.
We had now 2 customers who wondered why there is no power on the socket although the LED was on.
There was the fuse blown. This is no big problem, it can be replaced.
But it can be avoided if the max. allowed current is not exceeded.

Example: Max. current for socket 1 is 8A.
That means: Max. Power = Max. current x Voltage.
In the USA: = 8A x 110V = 880W

Now we have 2 x 400W MH and first we think that should be OK - wrong!
The 400W is only the power of the bulb - not including the power dissipation of the ballast. Assuming the power lost of the ballast is 30% we can calculate (approx.):
Power = 2 x 400W x 1.3 = 1040W -> Current = 1040W/110V = 9.5A -> Too much for the fuse!

Solution: split the MH to several sockets.

Please have a look to the specification plate or datasheet of your lamp, the overall current should be mentioned there.
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Old 04-11-2007, 08:04 AM
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good info matthias. thanks again for your time and input on this forum. its good to find a manufacturer that actually cares for the customers and takes the time to help out. alot of companies these days are just in it for the money.

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Old 04-13-2007, 07:33 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Default New version of ProfiLuxControl II!

ProfiLuxControl II version 3.02 can be downloaded:

ProfiLuxControl is now able to access PLM-LAN or PLM-WLAN directly, that means without using the PC-software "Lantronix Redirector" (which offers a virtual COM-Port).
In the "connection" dialog of ProfiLuxControl II Version 3.02 is a new option given for "connection type": "TCP/IP direct". After choosing this option the IP-Address of the ProfiLux (eg and the port (standard is 10001) has to be entered. That's all. Makes it much easier to establish the connection with LAN/WLAN.

In the attachment is a screenshot of the new connections menu. In this example you can see the settings for my network, please change the IP address for your needs. The port 10001 must remain!

The direct access (without using "Redirector") makes it much easier to configure & use the LAN or WLAN.
We still need the software "Lantronix DeviceInstaller" to assign the IP-address - but we are working on a new firmware 3.02 for the ProfiLux which will allow to enter the IP-address on the ProfiLux directly.
We understood that it is has been complicated for some users to configurate and establish the (W)LAN-connection and are working on solutions to make it easier! This was the first step.

Another improvement in this version:
The time-controls have been enlarged - so it can better be seen if it is am or pm.
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