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Old 03-22-2013, 11:06 PM
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For such a minor change in my aquascape, that was a tremendous amount of work.

I 'cleaved' the rock work on the north side so that the anemone is more on an island now

Kind of hard to tell in that last pic, but the island the nem is on is only touching the rest of the rock work in one place, under and overhang that anemones don't seem to like to climb under. I left everything above the nem free of corals in case it decides to climb while I'm gone. If it does make it to the other bommie of rock, my roommate has promised to move corals out of its way.

I kind of like it, it created this little canyon that I think I'll fill up with zoas or LPS once the nem gets settled.

I'm not placing anything that I pulled off the rocks in the front until I know where things are going to live for good

and yes, yes I know BTA and magnifica anemone in the same tank. The BTA was an impulse purchase and I just haven't had the time to sell it yet. I'm sure it's going to walk all over the place stinging the hell out of stuff while I'm gone next week.
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Old 03-22-2013, 11:09 PM
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and remember kids, don't text and rockscape at the same time:

I got distracted an forgot that I had put these guys up on the lip of the tank. Found them an hour later quite dead. Oops. thankfully not my favourite pieces.
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Old 03-23-2013, 01:04 AM
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Got a new camera today. Obviously tested it out on the tank. Having a hard time because a certain someone insisted on photobombing every picture:

Oh Ferdinand. To you, I am food.
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Old 03-23-2013, 04:11 AM
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Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post
and remember kids, don't text and rockscape at the same time:

I got distracted an forgot that I had put these guys up on the lip of the tank. Found them an hour later quite dead. Oops. thankfully not my favourite pieces.
Didn't you try putting it back after finding it out? I thought corals can be outside for hours (low tide) and won't have any problem because of the mucus they excrete. Would have worth a shot.

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 03-26-2013, 02:19 AM
Jeff000 Jeff000 is offline
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Tank looks great. Love that magnifica.

Originally Posted by mrhasan View Post
Didn't you try putting it back after finding it out? I thought corals can be outside for hours (low tide) and won't have any problem because of the mucus they excrete. Would have worth a shot.
Yup, I left a couple frags out overnight and they survived.
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Old 05-20-2013, 02:58 PM is offline
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just awesome man
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Old 05-20-2013, 03:10 PM
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Omg i love your cow fish! They have lots of character...... Great addition to your tank!

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Old 05-29-2013, 01:51 AM
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Thanks everyone! I realize it's been too long since I updated this thread. Grad school is kicking my butt.

First off, the anemone didn't work out. I sold it, and the clown fish, to someone who was going to do a species only tank. It just moved too often. After the last pics I posted it wandered around to the front of my tank and tried to kill corals worth 4 times what it cost. things are only just now starting to recover.

second, my house is going up for sale this summer, so the future of this tank is very much hanging in the balance. Best case scenario, tank gets sold as with the house as is and it continues it's illustrious life with a new owner. Or, more likely, I'll end up having to sell it's contents and it will become a closet or built in book shelf.

in any case, here's some updated pics. I've been trying to play with different camera apps to get the white balance correct so I'll post some comparisons.

Also, I added a coral beauty angelfish and 9 anthias. The coral beauty was a mistake as some of my favourite corals no longer have any day time polyp extension because it nips at EVERYTHING! Not enough to cause damage, but enough to prevent the polyps from extending ever. I bought 6 disbar anthias which are mostly working out swimmingly (one hasn't eaten in over a month and does nothing but hide, I'm basically just waiting for it to die), but the 3 purple queen anthias that I bought on pure impulse without doing any research were a clear error. I had no idea how fickle they were to get to eat, or how much food they would need until it was too late. They wouldn't eat anything larger than a cyclopeeze for the first few weeks and withered away to practically skeletal. After QT, I started dumping tremendous amounts of food in to the tank to see if anything would work, and FINALLY they're eating entire pieces of Hikari mysis (not PE mysis though, those pieces are too big). We'll see if they make it, they're not putting on weight, but they're not losing any more either. The massive dump of nutrients lead to an explosion of dinos which I had kept at bay via an ULNS. I'm slowly mopping that up with regularly changed high capacity GFO, lots of water changes, and more strategic feedings. I'm noticing an interesting phenomenon of the dino beds (confirmed via microscope) slowly being overtaken by mats of cyano as the dinos die back. I think the dinos trapped enough detritus in/under them for cyano to locally thrive as the dinos die.

Anyway, enough talk, more pics.

Poorly colour corrected FTS from the dining room

Moderately corrected image from the office

(keep in mind the cabinets are white in real life, so gauge how accurate that pic is for yourself)

An awesome pic of Tron, my doliatus rabbit. He's not that vibrant in real life, but those setting made him look like I was on acid

mah frags


Lazarus! He's loving the extra food...
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Old 05-29-2013, 01:54 AM
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South side

North side

Close up south

My new anthias


What a difference lighting makes...

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Old 05-29-2013, 02:02 AM
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it took nearly a year, but this walt smith coral has finally started growing (the pink one)

I just picked up this cabbage coral.

Picked up this guy from a tank shut down (the purple table acro), seems to be acclimating nicely
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