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Old 08-06-2013, 03:41 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by SanguinesDream View Post
Yeah, obviously I did! Have you ever tried showing the legislation to a group of security officers, their supervisors and have them call in to their supervisor because they still don't understand?

At what point do you continue to plead your case while missing your flight or decide to save the fish instead and open yourself up to the judgEment of the board members?!?

But hey, you were all there and saw everything with your own eyes and know everything about the legislations of the two countries in order to judge, right???? Well hell, the next time I consider making any aquaria purchase I will be sure to post on this board for y'all's approval or will that be the wrong decision as well?
No obviously you didnt...

Sorry but no sympathy here what did you expect, them to know your situation?

We warned you about how hard it is to get foreign animals into canada, ou tried anyways
The airlines rules are posted publically!! What did you expect

I know you tried to do the right thing and i respect that but you OBVIOUSLY didnt look at all the requirements or this thread wouldnt exist would it?
Old 08-06-2013, 04:10 PM
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Well, i don't know if dogs would be different than fish but a guy that i know brought a pit bull into the country from Mexico, yes from Mexico, they did not give him any heck at all !! The only thing that it was required for this guy to bring in this dog was vaccination papers. This papers were all in spanish to start with, maybe the officer knew how go read spanish but he just said pay $50 here and welcome to Canada. Go figure!!!

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
No obviously you didnt...

Sorry but no sympathy here what did you expect, them to know your situation?

We warned you about how hard it is to get foreign animals into canada, ou tried anyways
The airlines rules are posted publically!! What did you expect

I know you tried to do the right thing and i respect that but you OBVIOUSLY didnt look at all the requirements or this thread wouldnt exist would it?
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Old 08-06-2013, 04:14 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Midway View Post
Well, i don't know if dogs would be different than fish but a guy that i know brought a pit bull into the country from Mexico, yes from Mexico, they did not give him any heck at all !! The only thing that it was required for this guy to bring in this dog was vaccination papers. This papers were all in spanish to start with, maybe the officer knew how go read spanish but he just said pay $50 here and welcome to Canada. Go figure!!!
Its not the same i bought a dog from germany only thing i needed was to pay taxes, they know a dog and its breed is easily found.

Plus dogs domt come in liquid
Old 08-06-2013, 04:16 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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This had nothing to do with paperwork or lineage its a matter of country security the rule of travelling with liquids is a well know rule
Old 08-06-2013, 07:37 PM
SanguinesDream SanguinesDream is offline
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
This had nothing to do with paperwork or lineage its a matter of country security the rule of travelling with liquids is a well know rule
So exactly what is this well known rule? You seem to know everything so please impart you wealth of knowledge to us reefing peons.
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Old 08-06-2013, 07:39 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Ever since 9-11 only 100ml of liquid is allowed in carry on luggage.
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Old 08-06-2013, 07:57 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
Ever since 9-11 only 100ml of liquid is allowed in carry on luggage.

No offense but you would have knowm this going into the states as well so its not something that was sprung on you last minute

Listen we need more reefers like your self im not attacking you you had good intentions but you thought you had every angle covered and realized you didnt.

You could have taken the proper aproach through your lfs but you decided hey since im down there ill bring one back with me, all the paperwork in the world from ora farms wont guarantee it gets through the border or arrive on time, a quick google search on bringing fidj on a pasenger airline will land you many horror stories of people who did the exact ssme as you.

Sorry if your ****ed but you honestly thought there was no risk? Even a slight risk at all shoild have flagged something in your mind that said is it worth it especially when involving animals

.well was it?

How is the fish?
Old 08-06-2013, 08:14 PM
SanguinesDream SanguinesDream is offline
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
We warned you about how hard it is to get foreign animals into canada, ou tried anyways?
"WE"??? Who is this ubiquitous "we"? I don't see a reply from YOU regarding the ORA/CITES thread anywhere. Interesting.

Thankfully all of my other beautiful purchases with their proper CITES permits are doing fantastic! I found all of the retailers were more than willing to do the paperwork and go above and beyond to accommodate the requirements.

I've called the number of the employee from Air Canada that took the tang and she had posted an ad on the internal Air Canada bulletin board and another employee had a saltwater tank and came and picked it up by the end of shift. it is alive and doing well.

I'm happy the tang is alive but frustrated that she didn't listen to me to wait for a Canreefer, but then again better someone take it than the possibility that no one would show up.
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Old 08-06-2013, 08:29 PM
SanguinesDream SanguinesDream is offline
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Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
Ever since 9-11 only 100ml of liquid is allowed in carry on luggage.

As quoted verbatim from the bag supplied by Canadian Air Transport Security Authority.

Liquids, aerosols and gels

100 ml containers or less

One 1 L bag per passenger
Bag must be clear, closed
and resealable

And this is where the confusion amongst the CATSA employees ensued as passengers are allowed up to ten 100ml and the bag states one 1 L bag per passenger. So, does that mean only 100 ml or 10 x 100 ml equalling the 1 L bag per passenger? The bag itself is confusing argued the security staff and hence the back and forth.
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Old 08-06-2013, 08:46 PM
SanguinesDream SanguinesDream is offline
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
You could have taken the proper aproach through your lfs
And therein lies the crux of your argument. The fear-mongering that goes on if anyone thinks outside of the "purchase from your CANADIAN retailers".

There are some of us that do not have the luxury of living in a large centre and are 8 or more hours away from the nearest retailer. This gets to be quite an elitist hobby with those who have the funds and resource availability to look down their noses at those who accept the inherit risks that come with pursuing reefing away from centralized retailers.

Regardless of what retailer I deal with, there are risks. Just ask my bank account of how many DOA orders I receive due to delays in shipping. So then does that preclude me and other remote reefers from enjoying the hobby?

Or maybe we think outside of the box and try things for ourselves.
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