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Old 07-06-2013, 03:49 AM
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I like the first scheme, but I have a tiny concern that you will only be able to achieve a bright MH type intensity and color, I think you'll have a very cooler (K) type of a look at a good intensity though, but maybe thats what your trying to acheive. I also don't know any detials of your leds. So it's hard to say.

I did just google Ocean Coral White leds, which is a 3 led pcb, but gives no detials on the type of led's they use. just that they are 500ma and the PCB takes 8.6 volts, which tells me that they are probably cheaper LED's.

I guess I should say I am a bit of a Cree snob, they publish every technical detial about there led's. Before I had made my LED arrays I had calculated the total luman output.

Originally Posted by zeddy55 View Post
My tank is 30 gallons the diamensions are 32"x18"x20".

So is this the scheme your thinking of?

Channel 1 Whites: 4 4500k
Channel 2 Cool whites: 8 7500k
Channel 3 Atinics: 8 450nm royal blue, 2 430-440nm deep blue, 4 420nm violet, 4 400nm uv
Channel 4 blue accents: 4 480nm blue 2 520 green

Or this one is a little different but might allow for more adjustment.

Channel 1 Whites: 4 4500k, 2 520 green
Channel 2 Cool whites: 8 7500k,
Channel 3 Atinics: 8 450nm royal blue, 2 430-440nm deep blue, 4 480nm blue
Channel 4 UV/violet: 4 420nm violet, 4 400nm uv
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Old 07-06-2013, 04:29 AM
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I've used the ocean coral white on all 3 of my heatsinks. It basically a red, green, blue. They do make a difference in a full spectrum build. I centered 1 surrounded by my NW, RB, TV, and CW. You can see my layout in my Jarduino build thread in the DIY section.
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Old 07-06-2013, 05:36 AM
zeddy55 zeddy55 is offline
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What do you suggest to fix scheme 1. It seems to be balanced but open to what ever will make it better(I'm a LED noob lol).
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