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Old 01-11-2013, 01:58 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by ruslicus View Post
Do I have to insert the whole group together or I can do it in stages?
Try to do it all at once. No squabbling over pecking order.
This and that.
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Old 01-11-2013, 02:04 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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honestly russ you want a nice tank so id scrap the common fish idea like the tomato clown and fire fish and damsel, since you have a rimless tank i doubt your going to cover it so avoid jumpers if you can.

sounds like you want movement

i love the ember blenny suggestion, love the kole tang suggestion,id do a designer pair of clowns maybe some snowflakes and i would do a anthias maybe a bartlett( i love these guys )

i always pick fish for jobs so a mandarin/scooter is a must have for me , same with a wrasse in which case i love leopards and a black leopard would fit your tank fine provided you can find a place for him to sleep, they are also tricky to get eating but much easier then other leopards are.


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Old 01-11-2013, 02:35 AM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
Why is that author's generalized commentary more valid than my observation?
Nothing personal Allbert but I thought it was too small a tank and when a poster opined that it was too small I checked on line.
The sources suggested a larger than 65 gallon so I posted the reef-keeping article for the OP to decide for him/her self.
We reefkeepers strive for the optimum conditions for the fish we remove from the ocean so it is better to always suggest a larger tank if there is a difference in opinion.
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Old 01-11-2013, 02:42 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
With wrasse you need a top for your tank or they will jump
not all wrasses are jumpers ,would depend on the type and individual fish though alot do jump for sure.
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Old 01-11-2013, 02:53 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Nothing personal Allbert but I thought it was too small a tank and when a poster opined that it was too small I checked on line.
The sources suggested a larger than 65 gallon so I posted the reef-keeping article for the OP to decide for him/her self.
We reefkeepers strive for the optimum conditions for the fish we remove from the ocean so it is better to always suggest a larger tank if there is a difference in opinion.
My problem with this is the "oh sh_t, we don't want to say anything that would make us liable for anything, let's play it safe" level of caution that online authors subscribe to. Honestly, I've had two doliatus rabbits for over three years now. They're both in 120 gallon tanks. They're 4.5" tops and drift in the same spot all day long. I know they can get bigger and can swim more, but I don't see it happening in captivity.

On that note, has anyone ever seen a powder blue tang in captivity that was larger than 6"? Hell, how about 4.5"?
This and that.
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Old 01-11-2013, 03:38 AM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
My problem with this is the "oh sh_t, we don't want to say anything that would make us liable for anything, let's play it safe" level of caution that online authors subscribe to. Honestly, I've had two doliatus rabbits for over three years now. They're both in 120 gallon tanks. They're 4.5" tops and drift in the same spot all day long. I know they can get bigger and can swim more, but I don't see it happening in captivity.

On that note, has anyone ever seen a powder blue tang in captivity that was larger than 6"? Hell, how about 4.5"?

All of my tangs except for the kole, and yellow exceeded 6 inches.

I agree that you likely wont find a powder blue tang over 6 inches in captivity. But that is because powder blue tangs have a very poor survival rate. They live for a few months maybe a couple of years and than get sick and die for no apparent reason. I did have a powder brown tang that lived for 11 years and it grew to over 6 inches
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Old 01-11-2013, 04:21 AM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
honestly russ you want a nice tank so id scrap the common fish idea like the tomato clown and fire fish and damsel, since you have a rimless tank i doubt your going to cover it so avoid jumpers if you can.

sounds like you want movement

i love the ember blenny suggestion, love the kole tang suggestion,id do a designer pair of clowns maybe some snowflakes and i would do a anthias maybe a bartlett( i love these guys )

i always pick fish for jobs so a mandarin/scooter is a must have for me , same with a wrasse in which case i love leopards and a black leopard would fit your tank fine provided you can find a place for him to sleep, they are also tricky to get eating but much easier then other leopards are.


Denny does ember blenny require sand? as I have barebottom.

So my list now is:

1. Damsel and Firefish is already in tank so no way I will get them out, just if I decide to tear it down.
2. Ember or Tail spot Blenny. I like ember blenny but have to check on sand bed.
3. A group of anthias (like bartlets) or McCosker's Flasher Wrasse. I like very much Lineatus Fairy Wrasse as per Albert, but I am affraid will not find and will cost me a fortune.
4. Will look into nice pair of clowns. I would be looking into the clowns that will host anemonies
5. As a show fish I will say Kole Tang for now.

Denny would yo be able to find me these fishes stage by stage?
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Old 01-13-2013, 02:10 AM
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Originally Posted by ruslicus View Post
Denny does ember blenny require sand? as I have barebottom.

So my list now is:

1. Damsel and Firefish is already in tank so no way I will get them out, just if I decide to tear it down.
2. Ember or Tail spot Blenny. I like ember blenny but have to check on sand bed.
3. A group of anthias (like bartlets) or McCosker's Flasher Wrasse. I like very much Lineatus Fairy Wrasse as per Albert, but I am affraid will not find and will cost me a fortune.
4. Will look into nice pair of clowns. I would be looking into the clowns that will host anemonies
5. As a show fish I will say Kole Tang for now.

Denny would yo be able to find me these fishes stage by stage?
So decided to go for Watanabei Angelfish (if I can find the small male) or Kole Tang as a show fish. in rest stay the same!
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Old 01-13-2013, 02:30 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by ruslicus View Post
So decided to go for Watanabei Angelfish (if I can find the small male) or Kole Tang as a show fish. in rest stay the same!
No such thing as a small male :P

They're all born females. Dominant fish turn into males.
This and that.
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Old 01-13-2013, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
No such thing as a small male :P

They're all born females. Dominant fish turn into males.
Ooops I don't want female if it is just one fish in a tank would it be a male? it is such a beauty the male :0 any ideas where i can find one?
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