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Old 09-01-2012, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
I had a guy that came to buy something from me and wanted "too see my tank" I let him in quickly and it seemed like he was scoping my house
FYI it's pretty normal for people who buy stuff off you to want to come in and see your tank. Most people are in this hobby because they love it and enjoying seeing others set ups. Most people also like to chat about what you've done with your tanks and get ideas for themselves on how to improve on their tank or share advice on what worked well for their tank that might help your tank etc. etc. It's called being friendly, not necessarily someone trying to case out your place, but if you're not used to that sort of thing I can see how it could be confusing.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 09-01-2012, 03:38 PM
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True that and if your tank is your only thing of value..... I'd like to see someone walk off with my 180 lol

Have fun at the tour guys we had one last year it was ok maybe I should set something up

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Desperately seeking serenity ...
180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...
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Old 09-01-2012, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
FYI it's pretty normal for people who buy stuff off you to want to come in and see your tank. Most people are in this hobby because they love it and enjoying seeing others set ups. Most people also like to chat about what you've done with your tanks and get ideas for themselves on how to improve on their tank or share advice on what worked well for their tank that might help your tank etc. etc. It's called being friendly, not necessarily someone trying to case out your place, but if you're not used to that sort of thing I can see how it could be confusing.
im more than friendly to everyone who comes to buy things from me. I know the difference between someone wanting to see my tank. and someone looking around at other things making an excuse to use the front door instead of the back basement door (where the tank is). This guy had knee problems and he said it was easier for him to use the stairs than to walk down a slight slope to get to the back door.

my point was that i wouldnt just trust people i meet on canreef.
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Old 09-03-2012, 05:28 PM
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bump to the top.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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Old 09-04-2012, 10:23 PM
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I hope that I could make it this year I
I tried last and was called into work.
I believe Reefkeeping is not a hobby but a way of life It's unfortunate mine is at a stand still!
Building a 135 reef 9 years in the making(seem like I'll never get this 1 together! Too Busy with the Nano and Pico tanks
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Old 09-09-2012, 10:05 PM
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Bump to the top
anyone else want to offer their tanks for people to admire??
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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Old 09-10-2012, 05:15 AM
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Nice meeting you today Neal.
I'm in.

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Old 09-10-2012, 05:48 AM
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
im more than friendly to everyone who comes to buy things from me. I know the difference between someone wanting to see my tank. and someone looking around at other things making an excuse to use the front door instead of the back basement door (where the tank is). This guy had knee problems and he said it was easier for him to use the stairs than to walk down a slight slope to get to the back door.

my point was that i wouldnt just trust people i meet on canreef.
Maybe the guy needed to hang onto your stair railings ....
My in-laws can't walk down the side of our house to the back porch
Sounds like you're either a poor judge of character, or too paranoid ...
But, if you're being followed, it's probably the CIA ( or The Lone Gunmen )

I've never had anyone I've met on a fish forum make me question their motives, either on the phone, or in person

With that said, I've talked with lots of people from Craigslist that I refused to meet at my house ....

If your home is well protected, what's the big deal ?

We've been robbed before, 15 years ago, and I suspect I know who it was ...
We now have a monitored alarm, double dead bolts, motion, pad-locked windows, glass breakage etc and neighbours with dogs in the yard and neither of us have a fence ...
You're not getting in without setting something off, and you're sure not getting our stuff out the front or back doors
If it doesn't fit out the broken window, you're out of luck
And if you do get it, you worked hard for it and insurance will cover it ...
Heck, when we were robbed, all our stuff was upgraded

Oh, by the way, smile for the cameras while you're here, the cops will like that on the files

Hope the tank tour is lots of fun everyone I'd be all over one here
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Old 09-11-2012, 05:35 PM
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Hello All
Due to unforseen and unavoidable circumstances, the tank tour is going to have to be pushed back a week.
I am truly sorry if this means that people are unable to attend.
Unfortunately I cannot help it.
new date - Sept 23.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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Old 09-12-2012, 04:13 AM
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Bump to the top to make sure everyone notices that change
once again, sorry to everyone for the date change.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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