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Old 03-22-2012, 05:09 AM
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Forgot to mention I have shrimp too, 2 cleaners, 1 fire shrimp and 1 peppermint, also a porcelain crab, all are ok and I know these guys are sensitive...they were all transferred from the 55 as well.
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Old 03-22-2012, 05:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
So...water changes, monitor ammo, do not remove dead dudes
I personally never said anything about NOT removing carcasses.
Keep an eye on your params and do what you have to do.
So what's your ammo at now? And your nitrites/nitrates?
Like I said earlier, test them frequently until you are comfortable/find a base-line.
Because you have an ammo issue, 0.25, I recommend you test frequently until you see a base-line. Before that, you should be doing water changes to keep the ammo at bay.
Ammo can rise in hours, not days, so you need to monitor it constantly.
And I did mention the bit about things that can reduce ammo. Prime or AmQuel. Don't over-do them. They will drop your o2 to near death levels.

So, are you doing another ammo test as you read this?
You should be. And you should have at least one powerhead breaking the surface of your DT too.

Report back tomorrow with your reading.

Sorry to come across as short, I'm tired and going to bed
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Old 03-22-2012, 02:15 PM
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Results this morning
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrates 5.0
Nitrites 0

Didn't see your post last night, will fish out as many snails as I can this morning.
Have some prime, will add in, return lines are pointed at surface of tank, have good water movement.
The bf is jome today, he will monitor the tank as the ammo has def gone up slightly.
No worries on comments, I misunderstood about removing carcasses...was late.
Water change tonight, have about 60 gls of water made up.
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Old 03-22-2012, 03:39 PM
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Didn't have time to post before I left, but I found only 5 snails (out of 20) - all alive. Made quite a mess of the tank with the sand moving around, so didn't keep at it for long. My radiant wrasse was still sleeping, so stayed away from his area. None of the livestock looked stressed either last night or this morning (the ones that were out). I also didn't see any dead shells from the other snails anywhere....will post mid day results...
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Old 03-22-2012, 04:05 PM
LeanneP LeanneP is offline
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Hi there,
I had some ammonia problems awhile ago and I also used some ammonia pads to help lower my levels. I also used prime as well but the ammonia pads really seemed to help. Worth a try. Good luck. I know how much it sucks having ammonia.

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Old 03-22-2012, 11:01 PM
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When I wrote amquel last night, I meant to write amguard.

Prime will be a good start, but it's not recommended to use it continually to remove ammonia. Plus, amguard is more cost effective.
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Old 03-22-2012, 11:59 PM
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My test for ammonia is always .25
Every day of the week, every week of the month, and every single month the tank has been up (minus the initial cycle where is was a bit higher). It's an API test and I'm pretty sure it's defective.

Do you run filter socks? Because mine give off the same smell, but not so much so that it stinks up the house. Could yours be the culprit? The dirty filter socks may be near a vent and thus the smell is getting blown all around the house?

Also, between us ladies, when a woman is pregnant she tends to have a more sensitive sense of smell. Just sayin'. You might want to do a test for that too.
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Old 03-23-2012, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by reefgirl189 View Post
My test for ammonia is always .25
Every day of the week, every week of the month, and every single month the tank has been up (minus the initial cycle where is was a bit higher). It's an API test and I'm pretty sure it's defective.
I'd recommend you try a Seachem Ammo test kit. Plus with it you can do a reference test so there's no doubt.
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Old 03-23-2012, 01:47 AM
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Just left red coral, had Kevin test my water, 3x, each time read 0. We tested 3 times today, results am .25, noon .5, 6 pm, .25-.5. Using API test, new kit bought when I cycled tank. Used Salifert at rc and api test. As for smell, not as strong tonight. We've turned the sand looking for snails all day, no dead ones found.

No filter socks on tank, its def in the dt not sump. I don't know what's smelly, if its a snail, no clue where it is....

And Reefgirl, if I was preggers someone would get sued! Had that dealt with a few years ago, I'm so done with babies, my girls are 19 and 14, plus stepkids, started young.
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Old 03-23-2012, 02:39 AM
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Hmm, that's interesting
If you do decide to buy the Seachem kit, the reference is 1.0
It helped me learn to read the colors more accurately
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