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Old 02-08-2012, 09:32 PM
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where's the fish tank?
my tank
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:35 PM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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right beside the wet bar
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:38 PM
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And the kicker is, or at least that is what my real estate agent tells me. If you sell your house you really only get 10-15k depending on whether you have a bathroom or not. Pretty much a break even prospect if you do it yourself and a loss if you hire someone.

He told me not to bother to develop my basement if I was going to sell soon.

I would try to do what you can yourself. There is also the permit issue you will have to deal with.
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Old 02-08-2012, 11:48 PM
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i hope not to impose but i took liberty to change your floor plan in what i would do if it was me and i had that floor plan. first id do majority work mysef save for plumbing and electrical. although i think a curved br in middle would look really cool infront of the fish tank running the plumbing under the false floor would work ok but hey you get a 10' tank this way and fish room
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Old 02-09-2012, 01:22 AM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
i hope not to impose but i took liberty to change your floor plan in what i would do if it was me and i had that floor plan. first id do majority work mysef save for plumbing and electrical. although i think a curved br in middle would look really cool infront of the fish tank running the plumbing under the false floor would work ok but hey you get a 10' tank this way and fish room
The posted plan was my old plan so i welcome any suggestions. My current plan has the fish tank the same spot as you. To move the bathroom out a little bit can be a pain because all the plumbing is already rough in. But yeah any better design or suggestion is welcome

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Old 02-09-2012, 02:59 AM
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Realistically you can most of that yourself, anyone can really. Everything you need to know is on the web.

First get your permits.

Next framing, this is the easiest and quickest part. Keep your hallways 36" or wider, frame the doors properly (2" wider than door size or you purchase pocket door kits and they go in with framing), 32" door for the furnace room and that's pretty much it. Get it inspected and if you pass then you know you did it right.

Electrical next, honestly scares people but it's super basic stuff. Again it will be inspected so any problems will be pointed out and you can fix them.

Plumbing next, use all pex fittings to avoid soldering. You can pressure test lines if you're worried about leaks and again inspection will be required. I see no shower so that's easy but check your rough in positions and DO NOT be afraid to break up your concrete, it's not only easy but lots of fun.

Next hang your drywall. Pretty easy as well if you have someone to help you. Measure your walls and plan to hang the boards horizontal, for example if one wall is 12 feet long order 2 12ft sheets for it. There is a glue you can use to stick the drywall to the framing which means less screws which is good. Planning for a flat ceiling is cheapest, you put ceiling drywall up first, princess auto sells a lift that works fine and will make your life much easier.
You can order drywall from Alberta Drywall exactly how you need it online, they deliver right into your basement for $75!

Higher a mud and tape guy, don't do this yourself. I know a guy, super cheap and really good, shoot me a PM when you're ready.

Doors usually go in next, prehung doors are only $100 a piece and go in easy. Make sure you plan ahead with left or right hinge to match where your light switch is and when you do the framing make sure one side of the door frame is perfectly level so you can just screw your doors up to that side and then shim the other side.

To get to this point I'd estimate under $8000.

After that it's all finishing stuff which is where some expertise and experience is needed for things like flooring and cabinetry but casings and baseboards are simple things.

Last edited by sphelps; 02-09-2012 at 03:02 AM.
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Old 02-09-2012, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Next hang your drywall. Pretty easy as well if you have someone to help you. Measure your walls and plan to hang the boards horizontal, for example if one wall is 12 feet long order 2 12ft sheets for it. There is a glue you can use to stick the drywall to the framing which means less screws which is good. Planning for a flat ceiling is cheapest, you put ceiling drywall up first, princess auto sells a lift that works fine and will make your life much easier.
You can order drywall from Alberta Drywall exactly how you need it online, they deliver right into your basement for $75!
I agree for the most part here as I did drywall and taping for 6 years, the only pain can be getting 12' sheets into a basement a lot of the time, unless you can get them down your stairs or through a window. If you use glue, make sure its only the interior walls, dont use it on the exterior walls that are on the foundation. IMO in a basement, its nice to have the drywalled ceiling, however, its always to have access to your pluming via panels in the ceiling or just a straight t-bar ceiling. If i live done in calgary still, I would be more then happy to do your taping and what not for you. but thats not going to happen as I'm 2 1/2 hours away! Keep us posted, feel free to ask me any questions about the taping and what not, anything from insulation, to paint is my general area of expertise. its what I went to school for, before I went to school for business and sales lol
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 02-09-2012, 03:43 AM
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I know someone that can get the whole shebang done mang......lemme know if you want me to put you in touch with him....
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Old 02-09-2012, 04:04 AM
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I did most of my basement 2 years ago cost me 10,000 for the main living area, hallway landing area, bedroom and the stairs. I did all the work myself except the taping and carpet, taping was 1,000 and carpet was about 4500.
I learned to shop around, found several places to buy things at much better deals than HD.
Too bad your in Calgary I know a pretty good electrician here in Edmonton, lol.
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Old 02-09-2012, 04:32 PM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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Wow, lots of information to chew on. I guess my first step will draw it out and get city permit and call around to get all quotes together. More money i save, more money i can put toward the tank i guess.

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
I see no shower so that's easy but check your rough in positions and DO NOT be afraid to break up your concrete, it's not only easy but lots of fun.
There is a full bath if you look at my sketch :-) not look rookie. Also it is walk out basement and the contractor told me that it must have reforce bar steel so it can be lots of work to move things around.

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post

To get to this point I'd estimate under $8000.
Hmm, now there is motivation to get it done myself lol

Thanks for everyone inputs and keep it coming
155 gallon bow front
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