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Old 01-26-2012, 05:54 AM
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A lot of my rock did that too. It takes months for a tank to settle. I started in June as a long time FW hobbyist with an established nano that I quickly crashed. My coraline mostly went white/died..then I had a diatom outbreak, then lots and LOTS of hair algae! I borrowed a Sea Hare from Red Coral, bought a Tuxedo Urchin, a Phosban reactor AND a lawnmower Blenny.. now my tank is pretty much algae free (I cant see any green algae at all, so feed the Blenny seaweed). My main tank now has coraline growing like crazy. One thing I found is that even moving rock will unbalance things and cause a die off of some of what was on the rock (reaction to lighting changes?) and I found the same with disturbing the sandbed much.
If you can, buy what you need upfront to keep your tank as stable as you can. Lighting, skimmer, auto top off, dosing pumps. A lot of people will sell here, so if you want to save, I recommend looking here for what you need.
For dosing, I use a Tunze ATO, but instead of plain (RODI) water, I use a solution of Kalk & Vinegar in water. Evaporation from my tank causes the ATO to dose. It isnt ideal, but it will work. I still check levels weekly (when I started I was testing 2-3x per week) and dose whats needed (SLOWLY).
Kalk & Vinegar mix is available online if you're interested. Its cheap and easy to mix.
Hope that makes sense! I know I added way more than you needed, but if it helps you avoid my mistakes....

Big changes/fast changes are your enemy, way more so than with FW

BTW: Welcome to SW!

Last edited by SteveConn; 01-26-2012 at 06:05 AM.
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Old 01-26-2012, 06:04 AM
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I just got my kit from modular LED today and wow. honestly was not expecting this great of a product and more of a diy type of thing. Love it and really looking forward to how it is over my nano. I really recommend considering martin's products


just finished installing them over my biocube WOW. I don't know why I didn't go led's sooner

Last edited by lorenz0; 01-26-2012 at 07:14 AM.
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:56 PM
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No the rock was exposed to air for awhile. Ill keep an eye on water parameters forsure. Any tests you recommend.

Lorenzo what do you plan on growing? how did you find the price?
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Old 01-26-2012, 03:00 PM
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Its going to be a mixed reef. Florida ric's, some lps and some easy sps (birdsnest, digi). I had a 150mh over a biocube before and with the leds turned all the way up they go way brighter. Also they produce less heat which is nice.

As for price I bought the biocube 14 kit with a single dimmer. $90 cheaper than the AI nano and imo... way better spread compared to pictures I have seen
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Old 01-27-2012, 04:24 AM
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Right on! I've been talking and I think I found something. I'm excited. So here's a Question. My tank was setup Monday and I have algae growing on glass already and lots on my rock kinda like fuzz. Don't think its nuisance. I bought good rock lots of coraline and nice green color. Anyway normal?
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