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Old 01-15-2012, 08:29 PM
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Tang police. Frack Get out.

You are off topic and frankly ****ing me off.

My tank is fine and so is the damn tang.

Go preach somewhere else. Everyone has had enough holier than tho talk to save the world.

Mods. How can I delete irrelevant input?

I saw another thread where the op erased unwanted and off topic crap.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-15-2012, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post

Sorry to hear that, your yellow will eventually outgrow the 70g hopefully when that happens you will re-home it.

Find a mandarin that eats frozen (that you can make sure you get the frozen food to it, before the others eat it) and you should be ok.
I'm not sorry. My tank is fine. Perfect.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-15-2012, 08:33 PM
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You can add that person or any person on your ignore list. You no longer see any of their comments if it makes you upset.
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Old 01-15-2012, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
You can add that person or any person on your ignore list. You no longer see any of their comments if it makes you upset.
I know but they are polluting the thread. Hijacking. Taking away from what I want. Losing the info in piles of dung.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-15-2012, 08:38 PM
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Blocking also blocks the times they say something good.

Not bad people. Just could give a crap about tangs in a thread about a mandarin.

They don't realize they are not wanted.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-15-2012, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob
Tang police. Frack Get out.
+1 Positive input always works better.
My old tank journal
90G sps reef
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Old 01-15-2012, 09:18 PM
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Yes... Too many tang police. I feel that I have the world happiest yellow tang, and he is in a 75 gallon. To the OP my mandarin also eats frozen mysis and he hovers around my live rock pecking at stuff all day.
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Old 01-15-2012, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by toolmanbmw View Post
Yes... Too many tang police. I feel that I have the world happiest yellow tang, and he is in a 75 gallon. To the OP my mandarin also eats frozen mysis and he hovers around my live rock pecking at stuff all day.
My last spotted ate mysis after a while.

From what I have read... Spotted are "more likely" to take frozen before a green/blue mandarin. But then again... In a pod rich tank, I doubt they would ever try frozen. It's always a gamble "training" a fish. Lol.

I have not witnessed it, but my green mandarin gets excited when I drop nls pellet in... She won't come out and eat with me present, but I have suspicions she might have tried it.

So if I add... Based on compatibilty... I hope eventually it would go onto pellet or frozen.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-16-2012, 12:07 AM
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You know... I find it funny that six lines are considered an aggressive fish. I never once had a problem with the one that I had. New fish, old fish, no problems. Judging from that experience, I'd say that you'd be fine. I find that my pair of mandarins are among the fish that none of the other fish seem to even notice. I have a Lyretail Anthias that is a real jerk to every fish that I have, but ignores the mandarins. The Antias has chased my black capped basslet into hiding to the point that for 3 months, I thought he had died... and then he showed up breifly the other day. To me, there seems to be something about mandarins that makes all of the other fish oblivious to their existance. I should also mention that I have 4 wrasses in with my pair of mandarins without issue. Oh, and a large regal tang... and 4 angels. All in a 50gallon. (alright.... 2 angels, and it's a 160... hahaha... bring it tang/angel/mandarin/wrasse/everything police)

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

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Old 01-16-2012, 12:56 AM
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90G sps reef
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