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![]() Yep, same here
Alex |
![]() That's why I was thinking of getting a Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus) to help with the inevitable algae, since I won't be getting a Tang.
Alex |
![]() In my opinion, Lawnmower blennies don't really take care of hair algae. They are after the "fuzz coating" that will grow on rocks and glass and such but not really the filamentous stuff. I could be wrong though, but that's what I thought it was. Mine fits that description (he won't touch hair algae, but is otherwise a very voracious eater).
-- Tony My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee! |
![]() Snails and crabs clean algae just fine, at least mine seem to. The only thing they don't eat is a small patch of cyano in the back of my tank. I use a mix of nerite, cerith, astrea and nassarius snails and scarlet, blue leg and left handed hermits, plaus an emerald crab to keep my tank clean. The hermits are in very small numbers, a couple of each, just because I like to watch them.
![]() So here I am in my 4th month.
I ended up leaving the tank fishless for about 4 weeks. I ended up getting my first fish, a Green Mandarin (Mar 9th). About 1-1/2 weeks later, I picked up 2 small clownfish from OA (Mar 20th). And finally my latest addition is a extremely small Clown Goby (April 5th). Everything seems to be doing fine (skimmerless right now). I am doing water changes every 2 weeks because of this, and running 2 802's with filters. Been doing tests every week, and always the same, 0 on everything, PH around 8.2. Salinity around 1.024-5. I also got some more LR (total around 35lbs). All my fish are doing well. The clown fish seem to have grown since I got them. My blue seastar (got on Feb 28th) also seems to be doing perfectly fine as well. I know I said I'd be going FOWLR, but I ended up getting some coral (Feb 22nd). I've got 3 frags, xenia, colt and some zoos. The colt coral has really started to grow in my tank. My tank still seems, empty. Even for its size (38g) it seems really empty. I want to get some fish that swim around, and are fairly easy to see. The Clownfish are super awesome, but just seem to sit around the powerhead, and only late at night do they boot around in the waves. The mandarin seems to spend most of the time in the back of the tank, fairly hard to see. I've been doing some reading and such, and would love to some Anthias. However I'm not sure if my tank is big enough. What fish are recommend that do a lot of "swimming"?? I'm still waiting for my stand which is still at the cabinet shop waiting to be finished (yeap waiting 2 months now). He promised me this upcoming week, however I don't listen to his promises anymore. Once I do get it however, my 20g sump and soon to be built skimmer we go on. I've been looking at another tank, and it looks like a 48lx15wx20h will be in store. Hopefully by june/july I'll upgrade, and thats when I'll look at getting a tang. I may get some sharknose gobies, and I think they are pretty sweet. How are chromis? The ones I've seen in other tanks seem to swim a lot. Thanks for reading the long post... |