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Old 06-24-2011, 03:58 AM
phi delt reefer's Avatar
phi delt reefer phi delt reefer is offline
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Originally Posted by canadianbigkat View Post
In your ad you state that it is clean......sorry but that tank is not clean, I realize everyone has a different version of clean but.......
+1 dont want to be mean but that setup is filthy. Have a look at a any 5 random member tanks here - only a couple of sumps maybe look that bad but i doubt anyone would dare post a tank looking anything like that.

clean and scrape the algae off the glass.

take your protein skimmer and soak it in vinegar to clean it up. Take it apart and thoroughly scrub everything.Do the same with the pumps and filter.

rock looks like it has pest aneomes on it but its hard to tell from the angle and lighting.If it does have pest anenomes dont be a jerk and sell it to someone new and untrained in the hobby.

the prices everyone quoted here for you equipment would be what its worth in nice clean operating condition. I would question if half that stuff even works or would last another week given the state of the tank. You'll get more money for everything if you sell it separately. May be worth trying to trade it for something you need/interested in.
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Old 06-25-2011, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by phi delt reefer View Post
+1 dont want to be mean but that setup is filthy. Have a look at a any 5 random member tanks here - only a couple of sumps maybe look that bad but i doubt anyone would dare post a tank looking anything like that.

clean and scrape the algae off the glass.

take your protein skimmer and soak it in vinegar to clean it up. Take it apart and thoroughly scrub everything.Do the same with the pumps and filter.

rock looks like it has pest aneomes on it but its hard to tell from the angle and lighting.If it does have pest anenomes dont be a jerk and sell it to someone new and untrained in the hobby.

the prices everyone quoted here for you equipment would be what its worth in nice clean operating condition. I would question if half that stuff even works or would last another week given the state of the tank. You'll get more money for everything if you sell it separately. May be worth trying to trade it for something you need/interested in.
Ok guys, this isn't called for.

they guy simply asked for help with pricing not personal attacks on his skill or ideas. and up untill the last two posters thats what he got.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.
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Old 06-28-2011, 05:28 PM
canadianbigkat canadianbigkat is offline
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I think it was constructive, if he listens to what was said he will sell his tank easier, they were not just attacks. Clean it up, make someone go wow I want that in my house and a good price will follow. Dont clean it up and someone will take it when the price gets so low you would be crazy not too.
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