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Old 05-25-2010, 02:18 PM
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just my input i run a lifereef hang on back overflow and like it... but next tank must have internal overflow or at least attached off the back. still undecided. but as far as my lifereef goes. havent had it fail yet even with powerouts
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Old 05-25-2010, 02:43 PM
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remora is a piece of crap too......really only one hang on skimmer worth buying.....deltec!
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Old 05-25-2010, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
The least expensive hang on overflow from J&L is $125 + tax

The last time I went to Speedy Glass and had a hole drilled I believe it cost me $20. Its less expensive to do things right the first time.

Actuallyt the Eshopps overflows are lower priced, and dont require an aqualifter to start the syphon after power outages.

the Es300 overflow is 69.99, and the 800 is 84.99 i believe
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Last edited by Interior_Reef; 05-25-2010 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 05-25-2010, 02:59 PM
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You can still drill the tank if you like. Just have to make sure to the glass isn't tempered. You can easily ched by looking at the glass with a pair of polarized sunglasses.

If my memory is correct, Hagen only tempered the bottom sheet on tanks bigger than 90gal, you can easily drill the tank on the side glass.

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Old 05-25-2010, 05:25 PM
tony_3a tony_3a is offline
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drilling the tank is not the problem, the problem is there is no where to put the sump. Although i could try to figure it out. Goby seems to have a idea so we will seem where that goes.
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Old 05-25-2010, 07:20 PM
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Most people prefer to fit a sump directly under their tank in a custom or store bought stand. Others run their plumbing back and forth through a wall and hide their sump in a room behind the tank. You can take that idea a step further and install your tank into a wall with a fish room behind but that's a big commitment. If you have two stories you can put your sump on the lower floor if you buy a powerful enough return pump. I've also seen setups where a sump is hidden under a stairwell beside a tank or creatively hidden in some custom or modified furniture like a cabinet adjacent to the tank. Then there's mine which just sits slightly to the side but basically in front of my tank... I really wouldn't recommend that though.
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Last edited by whatcaneyedo; 05-25-2010 at 07:23 PM.
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Old 05-28-2010, 12:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Rogue951 View Post
If designed properly then there's little chance for severe disaster.
my system has enough room incase either the return pump or overflow fails that either tank (sump or display) can handle the excess from the other.
as for the aqualifter failing one day, if you keep both ends of the tube underwater and check on the pump once in a while, even if the pump fails, having both pipes submerged will prevent a break in siphon.

And both box overflow and drilled overflow are used to feed a sump so not quite sure what you mean when you say an overflow box is more likely to screw up than a sump. Yes, a bulkhead is cheaper but sometimes that just isn't an option for people.
Haha, im not quite sure what I meant either? Im pretty sure that was supposed to say that a chance of overflow is higher with a hang on overflow than with a drilled tank.

I've heard of many cases of syphon pumps failing. Im just saying that going drilled is a better safety guarantee and unless a tank breaks there is essentially no risk of overflow if set-up right.
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Old 05-28-2010, 06:41 AM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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OK here is another approach that would work, the advice here so far looks sensible to me but here is another option.

From time to time on Canreef I have noticed Deltec hang-on skimmers for sale. This is what I would get if I were in your shoes. From what I have read they are very good, I was planning on changing a FW tank to sumpless SW and spent some time researching and planning. For now I would let the live rock cure with or without the skimmer you have. Give it a few months, there is no rush.

It is true that hang-on skimmers are not as efficient as in-sump skimmers. However IMO that is really only a factor if you want an SPS tank. If you go for a softie and LPS tank the corals will appreciate some nitrates in the water ie. less than perfect skimming. In fact there are corals (mushrooms and others) that I can't grow in my reef tank because the water is too clean.

So I would let the rock brew for a while, sit and wait, someone will sell a Deltec or other good quality hang-on skimmer. Meanwhile spend time reading and researching.
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Old 11-08-2010, 06:16 PM
megs_clark megs_clark is offline
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Just wondering what route you wound up going with your tank, I have an osaka also and am thinking about doing some modifications on the stand to put a sump in and my skimmer. Would love to hear if you ever finished with your set up.
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Old 11-08-2010, 07:04 PM
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Hey! I have that same tank

In deed the cabinet is way too small for a manufactured sump but I am planning to have something like 15 gallons build for me to fit in the left side, then I could put my skimmer in there.

If you can get one, buy a Deltec 300 as it is doing a nice job on my Osaka. there are some used available on regular basis on kijiji and in forums so keep an eye for that. I paid mine 100$ in excellent condition.

I find the Aqua C remora pro difficult to clean up and it does not work as well as the Deltec.

As for the sump, you could have one build for you in acrylic with the precise mesurement so it would fit in your cabinet. I am lucky that someone I knwo will buid it for me for the cost of the material only, and that should be around 75$ I was told.

Just curious, but what lighting did you put on it? I went with a 250 watt mh and 2 actinic. Very nice tank but stupid furniture!

Originally Posted by tony_3a View Post
Ok so i have a big problem. I kind of just jumped into saltwater and fish in general so needless to say i did not plan nearly enough if at all. I bought the fluval osaka 260(was going to do fresh but at last minute wanted to do salt) So i went back to the lfs(pet lovers abbotsford) and for my 70 gallon tank he was nice enough to sell me the seaclone 150. So that thing is completely useless.

So here i get to the problem. I am not able to put a sump into this tank, it seems nearly impossible. So i am going to need a lot better hang on skimmer for this tank, ive done a fair bit of reading and it seems that one of the best skimmers for the cost is the Aqua c Remora Pro. I think this thursday im going to drive into jl and buy it. If anyone knows anywhere better please let me know. Also i have a couple fish in the tank and i cannot get the stupid seaclone to do anything at all.

Or if u have any ideas on what i can do it would be greatly appreciated because i really screwed up and went way to quick with such little planning.

I would also be interested in buying a good used hang on skimmer if any of you have one.

Ps im stuck with the tank as well, inless anyone would wanna buy it off me for fresh water!(500).
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