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Old 11-25-2009, 03:54 PM
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1. availability (obviously, if the product is only available at a local shop, or only online, you'd only buy from there)

2. ease of shipment (the higher the weight/size of the item, the more it'll cost to ship, ie. salt)

3. how perishable the item is (fish/coral/frozen food)

4.fragility (how easily something is broken during shipment, regardless of whether or not the vendor replaces the item)

5.technical aspect of the item (how beneficial would it be to buy local so that you can get some local technical help, the Neptune controller comes to mind)
Christy's Reef Blog

My 180 Build

Every electronic component is shipped with smoke stored deep inside.... only a real genius can find a way to set it free.
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
What type of tank are you running btw?
Right now, a 10 gallon with 5 gallon sump. I used the Solana as an example, since I've found some but I really don't want to have something that large (expensive, heavy, fragile!) shipped to me. So I'm stuck with the tanks Wally world sells. When I put perishability first, I was thinking of livestock rather than dry goods (lots of dry goods aren't overly fragile, but livestock has about 48 hours or so to get to you before it's done).

As far as the difference between buying local and buying online, since I live a looooong ways from the closest LFS, personally there's no contest. I either have to go to the city and buy stuff (which limits me to what is in stock at the time... often, not much ) or order online. Specially livestock, unless I just want a Nemo and some xenia (pretty much all they had in the last store I was in).
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...

Last edited by BlueAbyss; 11-25-2009 at 04:52 PM.
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:08 PM
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I am with Stircrazy, price is a huge consideration. If I can get something way cheaper online then I am there. I always weigh it against the other considerations but cost is king.
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:18 PM
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1. Availability (I don't want to wait too long for it)
2. Perishibility
3. Fragility
4. Shipment
5. Technical

Overall I can tell you this:

1.) All livestock does come usually from one place in Calgary. I don't buy livestock online as I do wish to see it first, watch it eat and know where it is coming from. With the LFS I use, I know their acclimation process, quarantine procedures and so on, so I know I am going to get a fish that is healthy once it is given to me.

2.) Corals are like point #1, I deal with LFS and fellow reefers, for the same points above.

3.) Suppliments and Dosing Stuff I get online from JL Aquatics, as they are the cheapest overall, with free shipping over $100 and I have it in Calgary within 2 business days. I ordered 2 seperat orders last week and I already received both. For salt because of weight and extra shipping costs on this item, I do buy from the LFS.

All I can say is do your research on your LFS and what you buy. Don't assume you are just getting the best or best deal. I did, and got taken many times from one LFS, I can say I don't step foot in there anymore.

It's a fun hobby, take your time and you will enjoy it! YOU MAY BE BROKE, but you will enjoy it.

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
Dosing: Mg, Ca, Alk
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