Originally Posted by o.c.d.
So let me see if I have this correct a Figure 8 or greenspot puffer can adapt to a salt water environment. But FW puffers CAN NOT BE DONE! Is a greenspot or a figure 8 a puffer? If they are a puffer than Cannot be done is a contradiction and my generalization of all puffers should be corrected. I really didn't mean all puffers I meant the one the LFS employee showed me and said " these little guys can be converted to SW"... Thank you for showing me the way midgetwaiter
You've got it, green spot and figure 8 puffers are not FW fish, they are native to brackish estuaries. Adult green spots spend a lot of time in mangrove swamps at full SW salinity as before they head upstream to spawn, like salmon or steelhead. I keep my GSP in a LPS reef tank.
There is a whole bunch of other puffers that are native to FW areas, arrowhead, target, fahaka, etc. Those will not adapt.