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Old 04-23-2009, 01:12 PM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by Canadian View Post
T5 is only adequate for tanks 12" or less in depth. Anything greater than that depth and growth rate for SPS will be less than 1mm per month when using T5s.
Trying to make a blanket recommendation for the light requirements of all SPS corals is pretty silly. Would a milli and a pavona really react the same to a given light level?

Originally Posted by Canadian View Post
Additionally, PAR values measured by meters such as the Apogee Quantum meter measure false high PAR values for actinic fluorescent lamps so the measured T5 PAR values are misreported (over inflated).
T5 lamps have heavy blue output for a reason, some or maybe most the photopigments in corals respond to light in these wavelengths. Using a PAR meter designed for horticulture may not be the best tool to measure this but it's the best tool we have. However referring to this artifact of PAR measurements as "misreported" completely overlooks the basic requirements of these animals.
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Old 04-23-2009, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
*ding ding ding* and in this corner

Just a question for Andrew. Not meant in any other way.
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Old 04-23-2009, 01:50 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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great stuff everyone.
That thread on rc was great, some beautiful tanks there that are obviously quite deep and t5 based.

I'm really glad to see the different opinions, I left this thread yesterday afternoon thinking that I must have been daft to consider switching to t5 but now I think I just need to try it for myself and see what the results are.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:03 PM
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Whoops. My mistake. I thought this thread was the one where we make blanket bull$hit erroneous statements about lighting and then other members demonstrate poor critical thinking and regurgitate them while they make absolutely asinine comparisons between different lighting modalities.

Come on guys! Look at my signature and see what kind of lighting I have and what kind of system I run. Use your heads! Look at this thread and see what I have said about T5 lighting in the very recent past:

Then go read this thread where some serious BS was spewed and several members gobbled it up and regurgitated it without putting on their "thinking caps"

Time and again this stupid comparison is made and people puff up their chests about the superiority of MH lighting all the while completely ignoring the multitude of successful large T5 lit SPS tanks. Many of these large T5 lit SPS tanks are at least 24" deep - so there's your evidence. This BB is, unfortunately, sliding down a slippery slope of pouring out some really bad information of late. I also read posts where members denigrate other sites like RC for various reasons. People need to ensure they get a wider range of views on a topic from other sources before they develop such staunch opinions. There are thousands of SPS dedicated tanks running T5s quite successfully, and several of those are at or around 24" - go look it up somewhere else before your impressionable fledgling hobbyist minds are filled full of BS on this BB.
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Last edited by Canadian; 04-23-2009 at 02:10 PM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:44 PM
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A few of you need to spend a few min in my place when 12 80w bulbs fire up. I'm hoping t prove a few people wrong but like Canadian said thousands have otherwise I'd never have gone t5.

There are so many variables. Like it was said you needtocompare very specific setups.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:46 PM
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mods, you can close this thread, I have all the links and opinions I could ask for now to form an educated decision.

thanks very much for all the the strong opinions guys, all very helpful and definitely shows how much of a debate this issue is in this hobby.

I think I am just going to wait till I find a mid to higher end 6-8 bulb t5 fixture and try it out for myself....

My 250x phoenix don't leave much to be desired so no rush, but I'm looking forward to documenting my experiences when I do make the switch.
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Old 04-23-2009, 03:24 PM
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*high fives the t5 guys/gals*

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Old 04-23-2009, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
mods, you can close this thread, I have all the links and opinions I could ask for now to form an educated decision.

thanks very much for all the the strong opinions guys, all very helpful and definitely shows how much of a debate this issue is in this hobby.

I think I am just going to wait till I find a mid to higher end 6-8 bulb t5 fixture and try it out for myself....

My 250x phoenix don't leave much to be desired so no rush, but I'm looking forward to documenting my experiences when I do make the switch.

No way dont close it this is a great debate thread. Leave it open a lot of information to be had, once it starts getting out of hand then lock it down.
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Old 04-23-2009, 04:02 PM
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Ya, there is no reason to close this, even if the T5 people are NEED MH
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Old 04-23-2009, 04:04 PM
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You know, threads like this make me change my mind more than Michael Jackson changes plastic surgeons.......Ohh, that was a bad one HAHAHA

But really, I just bought a used MH for my tank, waiting on bulbs to come in, to replace my T5. But now, I'm thinking of just keeping the T5, adding a fan on the ends. the tank is like 18" water depth. I'm gona try the MH, but thing they will be reserved for the new, Taller tank I'm gettin.

But anyways, I love reading the reasons each have for liking thier choice of light. No one light is PERFECT. Each person want's, has different needs. It is nice to see that BOTH will work fine. Just depends on how picky a reefer is HEHEHE.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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