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Old 06-06-2003, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by rcipema
Ahhhh, the joys of having one's tanks in the basement, and not fooling around with MH.
My basement USED to be cold all the time!! The issue for me is having three tanks with halides. It really is too much, and if I felt I could amalgamate the three into two, or one for the matter, believe me I would jump on it. My choices are either to get a rediculously large tank (which due to resources I cannot do while the other three are going, so that realistically is not an option), or to get rid of some things (which I cannot seem to do either because I am too sentimental about things). I keep wondering how to get rid of my 20 because it is serving very little purpose these days, except that there's no room whatsoever in the other two tanks for that carpet. I really don't know what to do. Ultimately, one of those tanks will be coming down ... hopefully before the fall when the energy prices are supposed to skyrocket again.

Brad, I probably don't need to tell you this, but keep an eye on those temps, espescially if you have clams. I believe many things can weather an occasional spike like that, but not all will, and espescially not repeatedly. I blame my heat spikes last year (a couple times I forgot to reconnect some fans after doing some work), of course Murphy's Law said those days would be >30C outside, and the tank temps hit 30 (~90F for you antiquidated Fahrenheit folk ). Although it took more than a month, the clams I had didn't ever look right thereafter and eventually became empty shells. Keep an eye on those temps, k? Maybe add some more fans over the sump if you have to.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:01 PM
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Tony, I don't for a second believe that heat had anything to do with the clam issues last summer. My setup was different then and my temp was stable. I lost all my clams after adding a new one. My current setup fluctuates 4 degrees (F) daily since last fall. My clams are fine.

I think the problem yesterday was that although I have a really good fan, I never turn it on. My evaporation hits about 5g a ay if the fan is on. I guess now I need to make more water instead of leaving the fan off. We'll see tonight when I get home if I'm right about that
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:02 PM
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my water is staying nice and cool. 79-81
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:10 PM
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Your circumstances may have been disease, no question. But what I'm saying is that high temps WILL kill clams. Be careful. What harm is there is trying to control heat spikes? BTW I lose way more than 5g per day, you're not getting sympathy from me on that one!!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:14 PM
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Tony, after hearing how they induce spawning in clams, I don't think heat is an issue! But you're harm in keeping things cool.

Adam, you're sounding a bit smug in your basement there. I might sneak by and drop a heater in your room tonight!! hehe
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:26 PM
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Wow, Now thats some warm water. If everything is healthy and your system has no other issues at the time you'll do ok. The problem is if one other parameter is out you are more likely to have issues. I personally don't like to see my tank over 84. I'd prefer no swing and right now I'm going from 79. to 82 which isn't bad but again don't want much more. I don't think I would want the temps getting very high if you don't run a powerful skimmer or some other sorts of oxygen producing method. You guys with the heat issues noticing a drop in your ph as well? Any ways may the tank Gods be with us through summer as we always have/hear of heat induced deaths this time of year.
Jamie Cross
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:38 PM
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Jamie, curious you mention the O2 thing. I didn't notice the fish behaving any differently than normal, so it looks like the O2 wasn't affected (much). I didn't check pH, so I have no idea. Besides, I have no idea what my pH normally is
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:42 PM
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mine is holding stead at about 85 - 85..
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by PFisher
I guess that tank temperature is one advantage of living in Northern Alberta. We had to turn on the furnace last night.
That's funny because I just turned OFF the gas to my furnace a couple days ago!

Looks like it's gonna be another scorcher again today!

Andrew B.
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Old 06-06-2003, 06:13 PM
Lofus Lofus is offline
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Temp is stable at 29. Interesting to note how many people quote their temp in F rather then C.
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