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Old 03-27-2003, 12:52 AM
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Ha, I'm out.. way over my head/out of my leauge Talk to you guys on the board
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Old 03-27-2003, 03:15 AM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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I am sorry but my views are not racist or discriminatory.

This is not a race issue, it is an issue of a conflict between cultures.

Our western culture values ideas such as individual liberty, fundamental justice, equality, freedom of worship, etc etc etc. The other culture does not value these things at all.

I completely reject a culture which degrades women, suppresses other religions, and where the governing powers rule by fear, torture and repression. And unfortunately these are the cultural values of the entire Arab world, whether we are talking about orthodox Shi'ites in Iran or secular Arabs in Sadaam's regime. The individual nuances may vary but the basic value system is the same.

Our western ideals and freedoms have been built up over many centuries. We can not expect these people to live by our value system which is foreign to them. Their culture is similar to the culture my ancestors lived in 3000 years ago. Their beliefs values and practices are barbaric and that is a fact.
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Old 03-27-2003, 04:31 AM
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Well said.

lusus naturae
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Old 03-27-2003, 05:04 AM
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You know it is discussions like this that bring out the best and the worst in people, this case I am not sure which, the people who are supporting the action here (yes it is a action not a war) are supporting it for the wrong reasons, and the people who are against it better get there heads out of there A$$’s and learn some real facts and history about the reason and why this is going on.

First I want to dispel a few myths
1, Canada has chosen to not take part
Bull malarkey, we sent 5 ships over to the gulf to relieve American ships so they can move into position against Iraq. We also have Canadian soldiers working with the US in intelligence and in the AWACs (Is that the right abrebreation?)

2, The US just wants the oil
That’s funny, the US has no interest in the oil from Iraq, and their imports from them could easily be made up elsewhere.

3, The US is going against the UN
Wrong again, the US and England are acting in accordance with two UN resolutions that have been in place since Iraq tried to wipe out Kuwait (remember that.. it was in 1990, and Iraq had no intentions of stopping until every person that resisted them was dead.. woman and children also.

4, Suddam is not a terrorist.
This is true, but he has funded and sheltered terrorists and allowed them to use Iraq as a safe haven

You know I can’t believe the audacity of some people who are actually feeling sorry for Suddam; this is the same person that tests chemical/bio weapons on his own people, this is the same people who has anyone who are against him politically killed. This is only a small sample of what this dictator has done.

Mabe I am privy to some more info than some people because of my position but remember the news is a filters version of the truth, and what we have been seeing on the news isn’t really squat compared to what is really going on.

For an example take this palace guard that has been talked about as the defenders of Baghdad. Do they mention that Suddam has another guard behind them that will shoot them if they don’t fight? So there only choice is to fight or be shot by there own people.

Suddam has also started to order that his troops take off there uniforms and pull into the populated areas; you think the US wants this? It makes there job hard as hell trying to sort out civilians from army. This also allows the army to use civilians as human shields. There is also the fact that he has been issuing chemical weapons to his troops and setting them up in populated areas, once again showing no regard for his people.

For the people who don’t remember the last UN action against him the reason he is not allowed to have weapons of mass destruction is because he tried to use them for genocide, and last time I checked that wasn’t a nice thing to do.

Sorry I have not bee around, I had to take a break from most of my life the last couple weeks do to some intense physical training I am undergoing in order to do my part in this action, yes I am in the Canadian military and yes we are actually involved, be it indirectly we are still involved. I am entering a relaxed phase of my training now so I will be around a bit more for a while.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 03-27-2003, 05:14 AM
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Thanks for the info Steve
Much appreciated
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Old 03-27-2003, 05:36 AM
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I have a large degree of respect for the comments that stircrazy has made, I too think that saddam is a monster! Although I do not support war at all, as it, as always, has roots in money, greed, and power. I think bush is a war monger that cloakes himself in a clean white sheet making out to be the patron saint or some garbage like that. He in my opinion is as close to a terriost as bin laden. The reason 9/11 happened from what I can gather is a retalitation that was long over due if you were on the other side of the map. Im not supporting terriost actions in any way, I think that every party involved should be shot and ****ed on, they dont deserve to live. I just dont agree with bush being hailed as a patron saint, he is far closer to the devil if you ask me. War is crap, plain and simple. If people were not so damb selfish and greedy and they excersized a little love for their fellow brother(human being) this planet would be a wonderful place to be. Some people disgust me.....
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Old 03-27-2003, 05:46 AM
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Thanks for the opinions Steve. Canada is not officially involved and this is how the world is viewing it including our country and theirs. The US's interest in the Middle East is oil, the interest in Iraq is more involved than just that but make no mistake the big corporations run the US and they don't do things for humanitarian reasons (meaning there's financial gain). The US, Britain and Australia have acted outside the UN. You are no more privy than the rest of us on matters of political science. This is a war.

As much as I agree that the US should take action against Iraq, I have no illusions that the US have alterior motives. If you can find me one place where the US has made war and actually put a better gov't in place I'll be amazed.

lusus naturae
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Old 03-27-2003, 05:53 AM
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For those of you wishing to send a letter to the PM, here is the website:

Oops, did I give my position away......
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Old 03-27-2003, 06:01 AM
Wannabe Reefer Wannabe Reefer is offline
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Man it must be nice to get info when I was in the military we got very little info and lots of smoke blown up our a@@.

And as to wether or not someone is a terrorist it would depend on your definition, every one can be one in their own way.

As for the PM comitting troops to the war in Iraq, what did you expect from a government that disbanded the Airborne Regiment here in Canada.

One of the reasons I left the military was the fact that I trained to do one thing, fight, something that would never happen here in Canada.

Although no one likes to admit it people are violent in nature and more disputes have been resolved through brute force than any other means.

It does not matter the numbers we could contribute, because every little bit helps. Every person plays a role and does their own part to reach a common goal.

Should this war have started, I do not know. Should it continue, yes. To back down now is not a option, so who cares why it REALLY started. Besides there are always other reasons things are done it is just whether or not anyone wants to admit it.

Oh yeah remember that the history books are always written by the winners.

Hey this is just my two cents, if you do not like it...
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Old 03-27-2003, 06:11 AM
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For an example take this palace guard that has been talked about as the defenders of Baghdad. Do they mention that Suddam has another guard behind them that will shoot them if they don’t fight? So there only choice is to fight or be shot by there own people.

Suddam has also started to order that his troops take off there uniforms and pull into the populated areas; you think the US wants this? It makes there job hard as hell trying to sort out civilians from army. This also allows the army to use civilians as human shields. There is also the fact that he has been issuing chemical weapons to his troops and setting them up in populated areas, once again showing no regard for his people.
Yes, I saw all that on Sixty Minutes much for recognizing civilian casualties....
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