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View Poll Results: what is your biggest addiction with this hobby?
corals 57 70.37%
fish 22 27.16%
equipment 21 25.93%
photography 9 11.11%
clams 1 1.23%
inverts 1 1.23%
research/science 5 6.17%
gazing into the tank 13 16.05%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 81. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-11-2008, 04:45 PM
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I like corals the most always trying to find unique pieces but I also like fish.
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Old 03-11-2008, 05:05 PM
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For me it's just getting the tank to look nice. I've only been doing this for three and a half years but have struggled with algae problems, fish deaths, coral deaths, and a tank crash to name a few but I keep trying and I learn from every mistake.

You know I finally sat back and looked in the tank just last night and said.. wow I'm actually happy with how this looks right now. That's the first time I have said that.

I've always been afraid to post pictures or have people see my tank because I have never been happy with it myself, but now I am... Now for the sales pitch... the reason why I am happy.. Zeovit. It is a gift from the gods, a miracle drug if you will.

Now I just need to change my addiction from getting the tank looking good to filling it with coral.

One more point I guess is that I like buying things, being in this hobby gives you the chance to go out every week and buy something new, I don't think anyone would ever say that their tank is full and just stop.. reefers always seem to be changing things up
- Greg

90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2
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Old 03-11-2008, 05:08 PM
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Now you gotta show us a picture of the tank Greg
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 03-11-2008, 05:18 PM
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I just need to figure how out to take decent photographs now
- Greg

90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2
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Old 03-11-2008, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by digital-audiophile View Post
For me it's just getting the tank to look nice. I've only been doing this for three and a half years but have struggled with algae problems, fish deaths, coral deaths, and a tank crash to name a few but I keep trying and I learn from every mistake.

You know I finally sat back and looked in the tank just last night and said.. wow I'm actually happy with how this looks right now. That's the first time I have said that.

I've always been afraid to post pictures or have people see my tank because I have never been happy with it myself, but now I am... Now for the sales pitch... the reason why I am happy.. Zeovit. It is a gift from the gods, a miracle drug if you will.

Now I just need to change my addiction from getting the tank looking good to filling it with coral.

One more point I guess is that I like buying things, being in this hobby gives you the chance to go out every week and buy something new, I don't think anyone would ever say that their tank is full and just stop.. reefers always seem to be changing things up

I agree almost entirely except i like people to look at my tank i like all feedback good and bad. Finally got it to where i like it myself. got about 6 decent corals in there now. not much but enough to make it look better than barren.

asi am sure everyone know i am a newbie at SW. I hate tring to find stuff online as i never find the info iam looking for. Thanks for your patience, comments and suggestions.
72 Gallon Bowfront Reef.. Hardware:2x250w Luminex Elite HQI Reflectors (Phoenix Hexarc Bulbs), Galaxy 2x250w Electronic ballast, Euroreef 130 Skimmer, Sedra KSP 7000 Retern... Live Stock: Pair of Hawaiian Flame Wrasse, Leopard Wrasse, Pink Streaked Wrasse, Pair True Percula Clowns, Potters Angel, African Flameback Angel, Orange Fin Tomini Tang, Yellow Assessor, Tailspot Blenny, Purple Firefish..

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Old 03-11-2008, 06:08 PM
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Zeovit is my new best friend. I was scrubbing out horrible green hair for 3 weeks before I fired up my zeovit system. Now the live rock is all purple and red.
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Old 03-11-2008, 06:39 PM
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I have to add I also have an addition to researching how I can go bigger and better, often with DIY. I have probably 10-15 different ideas for putting a big system into my new house, I can't just pick one, its crazy!
I glue animals to rocks
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Old 03-11-2008, 06:53 PM
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i completely agree with you guys and now i realized i missed a whole lot of options for this poll. darn it. but i'm hooked on the research part as well. i cant believe how sometimes you get on the computer and 4 or 5 hours later you realized how much time you have spent.

my tank setup
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Old 03-11-2008, 06:56 PM
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why dont you start the poll over its only what 2 days old?
72 Gallon Bowfront Reef.. Hardware:2x250w Luminex Elite HQI Reflectors (Phoenix Hexarc Bulbs), Galaxy 2x250w Electronic ballast, Euroreef 130 Skimmer, Sedra KSP 7000 Retern... Live Stock: Pair of Hawaiian Flame Wrasse, Leopard Wrasse, Pink Streaked Wrasse, Pair True Percula Clowns, Potters Angel, African Flameback Angel, Orange Fin Tomini Tang, Yellow Assessor, Tailspot Blenny, Purple Firefish..

45 G FW Asain Barb Community tank.

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Old 03-11-2008, 07:15 PM
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Colin you can always add options to the poll if you like, just go in and edit your original post. Either that or let me know what options you'd like to add if you're interested

For me, its definitely the corals (SPS). I love getting brown frags that have neat corallites or interesting growth and then seeing what color it is in my tank. As there aren't many reefers nearby that I can geek out with, I love taking pics of my tank to show off on here. Lately I haven't had much to show off but as soon as I get the hang of my new camera you guys won't be able to get rid of me
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Every electronic component is shipped with smoke stored deep inside.... only a real genius can find a way to set it free.
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