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Old 05-30-2007, 04:37 AM
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Default I apologize for the Xbox analogy.

All I can say is that if there would be no military there would be no war. Swiss has no army and had never been in the war. There are NO enemies only people being brain washed on both sides that all.
I can respect you following orders and doing your job, nevertheless I can not respect if someone is proud being a murderer.
I have been over seas in many counters Middle east included and 99% of people are good everywhere just like in North Americas.
Fighting for "Freedom" is like for virginity. You do not get more freedom if you give away you rights , you loose both.
I apologize for the Xbox analogy I thought this was you first time.
Old 05-30-2007, 05:36 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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C'mon guys...

This thread was intentionally started to provide comic relief.

Think about what's happening to the thread. At this rate, this thread will turn into a pseudoconstructive-but-non-progressive discussion about politics and personal responsibilities.

Last edited by Moogled; 05-30-2007 at 05:40 AM.
Old 05-30-2007, 06:36 AM
robert robert is offline
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Originally Posted by andresont View Post
Swiss has no army and had never been in the war.
A bit of update on Swiss Army
Old 05-30-2007, 06:41 AM
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well first off, i dont support the concept of war in the slightest. However i do have an immense amount of respect for you guys, sacraficing everything you do, so the rest of us can live our lives in peace.

I think there are more important issues that goverments should be focusing on rather than sending out their minions to kill each other off in some stupid worthless bloody (literally) cycle. i often wonder if war should just be accomplished by having the heads of goverment take ten steps, turn and shoot. with their own a**es on the line Im sure they would think a little harder about war then.

but anyways, enough about what i think. kudos to you man. good luck and good hunting. and thanks.

edit: wow the swiss really do have an army (semi-army anyways)? i always thought it was a bunch of guys who decided to make really nice knives and watches to appease anyone who thought about fightin them. like "hey, if you invade us, we'll stop making these things. eh?! how would you like that?!"

Last edited by justinl; 05-30-2007 at 06:44 AM.
Old 05-30-2007, 06:45 AM
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Mike, not all of us take for granted what we have today and that we can be couch potatoes when we want to or 'play Xbox' when we are in the mood. we appreciate what you guys are doing over there. i for one am glad i dont have to got through that @#$%. so thank you and your fellow soldiers that are here and the ones that are lost. i wish we were allowed to be more vocal on our opinions of people and their ignorant remarks. its not the soldiers that need to be attacked for being 'murderers' but the messed up governments. no one is glorifying killing people, but giving support to the poor buggers that need to go and take care of business. just my two bits

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Old 05-30-2007, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by CLINT View Post
I personally think the idea of ROLMAO about someone being killed for any reason is retarded.And in case your wondering I'm not some anti war person and have nothing against big guns just don't think anyone cares that you get off on killing people.JMO CLINT
I believe if you read the thread, that was in reference to his friends bugging him and then backing off. Nothing to do with what you posted.

As this thread is now political, , and the posters said their piece, its now closed.

Please keep discussions on topic and per board rules. If you want to argue politics, there are forums for that. This is an aquarium related board.

Old 05-30-2007, 02:49 PM
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Doug I thought you closed the thread. Guess you missed it.
All I can say is that if there would be no military there would be no war. Swiss has no army and had never been in the war. There are NO enemies only people being brain washed on both sides that all.
You are right that there are a lot of people being brain washed and bought into the stuff politicians say (afterall pretty much all military in civilized countries answer to politicians). But it also depends on where you draw the line with having or not having a military. If you take the no military example far enough you can even say there should be no cops with weapons. Besides, there is a military for Swiss. Might not be big but nevertheless it still is. For future reference though, if you want to think no military, try Hong Kong as an example. Whether it was the Brits before 97 or now the Chinese after 97, the military that was and is now stationed here doesn't really belongs to HK.

Anyway, while some countries are quite aggressive and hostile, some countries do have good intensions but take it a bit too far with their world policing idealism, there are also countries like Canada that aren't really interested in being gun ho about stuff other than seeing what we can do for what we have available by participating in "peace keeping" missions. Yes we do have a bit of a scar with what happened at Somalia but I see that as nothing other than an isolated incident. It's no different than a well run police force with a few "not-so-good" individuals.

I also don't believe by thinking it's cool to fire a gun (which in military terms correctly speaking is an artillery), is equivalent to getting off feeling good killing people. If I am offered an opportunity to fire one of those things, I too will think it's cool. And I can assure you I have no interest in killing people, nor will I get off by doing so. It also has to do with the special factor, doing something that not the average person do. Whatever reason it is, doesn't matter.

I personally think the idea of ROLMAO about someone being killed for any reason is retarded.And in case your wondering I'm not some anti war person and have nothing against big guns just don't think anyone cares that you get off on killing people.JMO CLINT
Now, you can't blame Clint writing this though with Mike writing ROLMAO on the same line as artillery shells impacting people.

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