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![]() Yeah, Playstation doesn't do anything for me unfortunately. I sold my PS2 because I just wasn't having any fun with it. I like Nintendo, they're all about the fun, not the technical stuff. Seems that Sony and Microsoft are more into making super computer consoles rather than focusing on the fun of gaming (MY personal opinion).. Also, the Wii gives an arcade feel to it, which I like.
Also, I like the price of Wii over Xbox, PS3, etc.. I would feel very uneasy about spending over 700$ on video game consoles/games, etc..
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50 |
![]() I bought a ps3 and a wii for my nephew....that was an experience i've never seen people so worked up over video gaming machines...you'd think you were in a salt store sheesh :P)
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote |
![]() Oh yeah and football, and a tank game.
Brian ____________________________________________ 220g inwall 48"x36"x30" 110g mangrove refug/sump Poison Dart Frog Vivarium |
![]() Just called FutureShop (near chinook) and they are going to have some in tomorrow at 10am.... arg, i have to work!!! makes me laugh at the people paying double the price! haha.
Sean |
![]() My buddy has a Wii and says he works up a sweat playing boxing...
![]() Quote:
I'll let you all know if I find somewhere getting some in .
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50 |
![]() Aww c'mon - Commodore 64 was the ultimate gaming machine! I miss my jumpman Jr, and loading off cassettes (yeah we had the 5 1/4" drive, but the cassette was faster). No the emulators aren't the same - speeds are all screwed up on em...
![]() lol... i used to play that
![]() Well, I think the Wii is sold out everywhere for the most part.
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50 |
![]() Whoooooo ....
So, I called almost every electronical store possible today at work (no lie). Come the end of the day as I am leaving work, I write down all the zellers telephone numbers. As I am on the train home, I call all the zellers. I get a hold of the zellers on 17th ave.... "We have 4 in" .. ![]() ![]() I get there shortly after, in a huge rush... call before I'm about there, down to 2 left (selling extremely fast, obviously)... I get there, still 2 left.. I snatch one right up, and the second she pulls it out of the cabinet, someone takes the other right after me. Another two people come in as I'm paying for mine wanting a Wii. Talk about luck. They just recieved them in today at noonish. If your after one, all's I can suggest is calling every and any location... I spent literally all day on the phone trying to find one. I'll let you all know how it goes, I'll post pics of it as well.
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50 |