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Old 10-09-2002, 07:29 AM
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Christy, your website says you have a CPR bakpak, but here you say you have a Red Sea Berlin skimmer. If it's the red sea Berlin XL, that is more than enough skimmer for a 48g tank. I had one on my 75 and was very happy with it. It isn't in the beckett class for sure, but it does a decent job on smaller tanks. What kind of pump are you running with it? I would get a half full collection cup in about 3 days, and it was really thick smelly black gunk. I suspect it isn't working right if you're not getting the same.
As for nori, I lose half a sheet at a time in the rocks quite often...doesn't give me any problems at all.
I'm going to be in Nanaimo this week end or next; would you like me to stop by and take a look at your skimmer?
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Old 10-09-2002, 08:12 AM
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I agree with Brad, I've seen enough "skimmer" talk in this thread. There is no reason to believe that a Berlin XL skimmer isn't handling the bioload in a 48g tank. Hell I've got a Berlin Classic HO skimmer on my 100g tank and it seems to keep up. :?

While I'm not arguing that the Berlin is comparible to the MONSTER becket oversized skimmers that many people on here have, it does do a great job when tweaked a bit. I run mine with a MAG 7 and will soon replace the stock venturi with an aftermarket Kent one. These simple upgrades help the skimmer to perform at it's peak, which should easily handle most bioloads on most tanks under 150g. Sure it's no big bad becket skimmer, but it's also not $400-$600! (only cost me $150 for the skimmer, $30 for a used MAG 7, and soon to be $30 for a Kent Venturi = $210 for a decent skimmer)

In my experience with hair algae, the main contributors have been phosphates and low alkalinity. I attribute the demise of my hair algae outbreak to my maintenance of high alkalinity with Kent SuperBuffer, dripping of kalk to precipitate phosphates, and maintenance of skimmer to maintain peak performance. I'm sure that my small refugium with caulerpa and assorted other algaes also contributed to the starvation of the main tank algae menace.

Like others have said to you Christy, don't panic as time usually sorts these things out. Keep adding your SuperBuffer to increase/maintain your alk levels, drip kalk or use phosphate sponge/guard to diminish phosphates and consider setting up part of your sump as a refugium with some caulerpa to help maintain low nutrient levels in future. And if you wish to get the most out of your skimmer, lose the Turbo pump and replace it with a MAG 7 and a Kent Venturi.


Andrew B.
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Old 10-09-2002, 03:19 PM
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Christy, I can also bring you a free sample of kalk. I'm not sure what a "turbo" pump is, but the recommended pump for those skimmers is a MAG 7. Believe me, that skimmer can handle your tnak just fine!!
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Old 10-09-2002, 03:30 PM
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For the audio daily double:

Originally Posted by reef_raf
I'm going to be in Nanaimo this week end or next; would you like me to stop by and take a look at your skimmer?
What are reefkeeping pick up lines.

Good luck Christy, you've received some good advice. Siphon as much out as you can while doing your water change.[/i]

lusus naturae
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Old 10-09-2002, 03:57 PM
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Hi guys!

Man I need to update my website

Brad, let me know when you are going to be in town and we'll figure something out.

I put the call out for a mag 7 on the buy/sell board. Hopefully something will turn up there or I'll have to hit up J&L for one. Does anyone have any info/$$ or a link to this kent venturi thing?

I don't really think I'm panicking but this whole thing is frustrating. All I would like is a couple of months to really enjoy my tank. Instead I have this feeling of dread when I come downstairs to look at the tank. I don't think I've really enjoyed my tank much in the last 5 months it seems to be one thing after another.

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Old 10-09-2002, 04:00 PM
reefburnaby reefburnaby is offline
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The venturi is available at J&Ls.

- Victor.
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Old 10-09-2002, 04:03 PM
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Troy-I will take "can I change your water for $400"

As for Christy-lot's of good advice here, maybe look at your water quality before it goes into the tank(phosphates).

As for nori being the source problem-no, I would say not as I feed my tang the same and sometimes he doesn't get it all, it falls to the rocks where the crabs or snails would cleanup any leftovers- and that's in a 27gl.

The skimmer your using should also be more than enough-if you haven't got a Mag 7 on there, that would kick up the performance big time :!:

Maybe it's not such a bad idea to let a trust worthy reefer or two come over for a second opinion.
my two bits-Rich
cheers, Rich

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Old 10-10-2002, 03:37 AM
vwguy26 vwguy26 is offline
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if u are going to buy a new mag pump i would atleast get the 9.5 maybe even the 12 if u can afford it.mag 7 is to small
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Old 10-10-2002, 03:45 AM
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I thought you had said you did a 25 % and a 50% water change,and about to do another 50%. :?

I thought you may have some problems doing this.
Sorry to have confused the issue further.
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Old 10-10-2002, 05:02 AM
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Originally Posted by vwguy26
i would atleast get the 9.5 maybe even the 12 if u can afford it.mag 7 is to small
RedSea recommends the MAG 7. You can verify this with Darlene at head office.
I have used up to a MAG 18 on one of these skimmers and it was no better than the 7. And since the 7 is so much cheaper than the 12, I see no point in spending money tht isn't needed.
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