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Old 08-21-2002, 09:12 PM
GinKu GinKu is offline
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

so have u gotten them replace?
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Old 08-21-2002, 09:40 PM
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

The guy we bought the bulbs from (Stephane) is away for holidays, so We have to wait til he gets back before we will know if he'll replace them.
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Old 08-22-2002, 09:58 PM
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I ordered 3 and 2 were broken on arrival as well. I have to wait til Stephane gets back from holidays as well. UPS says it is insured though...

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Old 08-22-2002, 10:59 PM
farmerjo90 farmerjo90 is offline
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Gee, you would think with that sort of success rate on shipping glass, UPS would rethink how they are handling fragile packages.
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Old 08-22-2002, 11:34 PM
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*eddited by request*

I guess this was one of the benifits of buying from a LFS that Jason was talking about.

Sorry all the bulbs are broke.. and it sure doesent seem right to me.. I can see one or two being broke from shipping but not 75% of everything he has shipped..

*eddited by request*

we will never know anything till Steph gets back from holladays..


[ 23 August 2002, 18:12: Message edited by: StirCrazy ]
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Old 08-23-2002, 12:05 AM
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

Steve, I can agree with you only on some points. I, however, thought that they were not packaged carefully enough. He left them in their own tube (of course), bubble wrap around it, then put it into a hard cardboard tube and mailed it. What he should've done was possibly used popcorn stuff, and then placed them into another box with more bubble wrap or the popcorn stuff. We bought 2 bulbs. It came into 2 separate packages-- just the hardened tubes where they could've easily been thrown around. There was nothing written on the packages about the contents being glass or being FRAGILE!!!

We also said we'd pay extra for insurance. We were told UPS would pay the claim if any arrived broken. But of course, when we called UPS, they said they don't insure glass. At that time, Stephane had the responsibilty to contact us to tell us it won't be insured. We would've been able to make possibly another judgement call (say cancel the order or get it in writing that he'll replace them if they arrive broken).

If they were seconds- legally he cannot sell them as seconds without disclosing this. We asked him why were they so cheap. He told us he got at a good price through his company. Sounds reasonable...

This is not a case where I buy something from you and on the way home, it slipped out of my hand- I can't take it back because you sold me a broken item. He assured us there would be insurance to cover this -if the problem arose.

But -like you said- no one will know what will happen until Stephane gets back. I'm not sure how many messages he has waiting for him...
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Old 08-23-2002, 12:10 AM
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*eddited by request*


[ 23 August 2002, 18:13: Message edited by: StirCrazy ]
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Old 08-23-2002, 12:14 AM
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Dez you said UPS said it was insured? Are you positive about that? UPS said to us that it is their policy to not insure glass.

Farmerjo90 I don't believe UPS was aware these packages contained glass. There were no markings on the container mentioning glass or fragile- and there was no notation of it on the receipt. And the majority of the responsibilty lies with the packer-- not the guy who drives/flies it around (although they are responsible to a certain extent...)-- so I am told.
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Old 08-23-2002, 12:37 AM
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Yes, Steve

This is part of why I am willing to pay more.... :D [img]tongue.gif[/img] ;)
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Old 08-23-2002, 01:29 AM
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Default Metal Halide Radium 400w 20k

There is no reason why we should be screwed. Jeanna has pretty well summed up my same thoughts.. I made sure the bulbs would be sent insured and I payed for insurence. Had they not been insured, I wouldn't have even considered buying them. End of story.

I will be very surprised if stephane doesn't deal with this situation in a responsable manor.

[ 22 August 2002, 21:30: Message edited by: One_Divided ]
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