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View Poll Results: What Is Your Belief or Non-belief in God?
I strongly believe in God and go to my place of worship regularly. 11 22.00%
I strongly believe in my personal view of God, but do not go to a place of worship. 19 38.00%
God must be around somewhere, otherwise where did the universe come from? 4 8.00%
I definitely do not believe in God because I believe science will answer all our questions about where the universe came from. 7 14.00%
I believe God and I believe science will eventually prove God's existence. 2 4.00%
I find it hard to believe in God when so many bad things are happening in the world. 2 4.00%
Believing in God is for weak and fearful people, not for me. 5 10.00%
Voters: 50. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-11-2005, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by rusty
I must make one comment I am extremely glad that I live in a country like Canada where we can discuss this and everyone respects the fact that everyone is entitled to thier own opinions ... Canada rocks
Just had to comment on this first. I don't think its Canada, more its this forum and the maturity level of the members. If this thread were started on other forums I am sure it would have degraded into a flame war. I am constantly impressed with the 'giving' nature and attitudes of Reefers. Scavanger, whom I've only emailed once, I met for the first time yesterday and he loaned me a ballast and 2 PC bulbs so my softies have a better chance until I can go MH...amazing...but I'm off topic....

I could not vote as I didn't feel any of the questions really related. I do not belive in God as the church defines, nor even a single higher being. I do believe in a mix of paranormal theories/beliefs.
Ghosts, spirits, energy afterlives, aliens, ESP, that the entire universe is tied together by energy that affects us and that we can affect. I believe our brains have dorment power that we have not even begun to comprehend. Perhaps in our next evolution? As for the theory of evolution...yes and no. All things evolve, but where did it start. Was it a random chemical/electrical reaction that started life on earth? Was earth 'seeded' with life. Perhaps we are just an experiment that is still being observed...... too many few answers.
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Old 02-11-2005, 01:35 PM
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One of the moderators here at Canreef PMed me with concerns over this highly controversial poll and thread, and are considering closing it down if there is even a hint that the comments are getting out of hand

Personally, I hope that doesn't happen because I find it very interesting to read about individual's beliefs, even if I do not fully understand all of them or agree with all of them.

For the sake of the continuation of the poll and thread, it might be prudent to refrain from quoting the statements of others and only talk about your own beliefs.

Thanks, everyone, for being fair and respectful of others and their beliefs

More voting and/or comments, please

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Old 02-11-2005, 03:23 PM
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I consider myself a worshipful person, and even though I align myself with a major world religion, I follow and try to honour a living Faith rather than a set of prescribed standards and rules.

However - I seem to have started worshipping my Tank, my little Reef (so I'd better capitalize it ). What started out as a fascinating and absorbing hobby seems to have developed (degraded?) into an obsession. While it still offers pleasures galore at times, I wonder at the overall effects.

I spend a disproportionate amount of devotion, attention, time, effort and money on this Obsession, which -by some definitions pertinent to this thread- qualifies it as an idol (as in, something that replaces God as the principal subject of worship in my life).

For example:
When I'm away from home for a day, I can't wait to get back to check on the tank. I think about the tank when I'm not here. When something is amiss with the tank, it affects my whole world, and I don't feel right until it's fixed. I give priority to tank matters over more important things (and people). I check this board 20 times a day - at least.

I think I have a problem here.

And I checked #1.
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Old 02-11-2005, 04:15 PM
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It is my belief that one should never discuss religion, or politics. Finding out what another person believes invariably colours the way your perceptions about that person. Therefore I don't even read other people's comments.
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Old 02-11-2005, 05:06 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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I believe, not because of my family's beliefs and practices, but because of what God has done to show me he is real & alive in my life. As a kid, I went to church because my brother & sister did. It was a social event, rather than a Faith-driven one. I dropped away from the church during my rebellious teens when I found I was being hypocritical & becoming a Sunday-Christian (good on Sunday, whatever the rest of the week )

During my University-years, I found there was a void in my life & eventually figured out that it was because God had little or no part in my life as a fall-away Christian.

At present, my wife & I try to make it to church on Sundays, but my work schedule makes that difficult. The other option is our church has a Sat. pm service so I may go that route.

I voted #1 but for the past month I've been #2.


Anthony (also thankful we live in a free country like Canada)
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Old 02-11-2005, 05:06 PM
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Post deleted by request.
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Old 02-11-2005, 07:48 PM
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something I would like to see in this thread is YOUR beliefs and if they differ from your parent(s) beliefes.

My mom is incredibly catholic, even went to a catholic school when she was young. Then there's me who I can't even consider to be a christian.

Originally Posted by AJ_77
I follow and try to honour a living Faith rather than a set of prescribed standards and rules.
Useless fact of the day: did you know that faith is what separates Mayahana Buddhism from Theravada Buddhism? (I'm in a religious studies course in school right now, it's fun)
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Old 02-11-2005, 07:54 PM
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Bob, in general I would agree. Given previous discussions, however, I think it may be valuable for others to know that I consider myself an (ambivalent) agnostic, that is, I don't know, and I don't really care.

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Old 02-12-2005, 01:53 AM
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Originally Posted by teevee
...I consider myself an (ambivalent) agnostic, that is, I don't know, and I don't really care.
Did you hear the one about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac?

He lies awake at night wondering if there is a Dog.
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Old 02-12-2005, 02:45 AM
ree-fready ree-fready is offline
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Being someone who enjoys the beauties and marvels of this hobby and the relationships between so many creatures, symbiotic or otherwise, tells me someone with infinite wisdom and purpose designed all these things we enjoy so much. I even see a sense of humor and an artistic flair that is beyond blind chance or any other chance. I think He cares what we do as people and what we do to this earth. I`ve enjoyed reading all your responses and it`s nice to know other people think about things too.
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