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Old 01-19-2017, 03:26 AM
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L2t 2h4
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Old 01-19-2017, 04:51 AM
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Have at 'er everyone, but I wouldn't be putting 'snake oil' in my tank that has no;
- proven track record
- list of 'all' ingredients

I'd be curious to see if the ingredients even pass our controlled substances list - just sayin'

You never know what you're buying with this stuff ...

Sure, their site lists 100% of their product contents, but I see no government stamp on their labelling.
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Old 01-19-2017, 05:09 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Have at 'er everyone, but I wouldn't be putting 'snake oil' in my tank that has no;
- proven track record
- list of 'all' ingredients

I'd be curious to see if the ingredients even pass our controlled substances list - just sayin'

You never know what you're buying with this stuff ...

Sure, their site lists 100% of their product contents, but I see no government stamp on their labelling.
Snake oil is right!

But I don't like algae (except the coralline variety) and as mentioned in the first post there's a long discussion on R2R about it if anyone wants to browse through it, 121 pages and the owner of the product has been active and informative all the way so he stands by his product.
Ingredients say 95% cultured bacteria blend, 1% amino acids (aspartic acid), 0.5% vinegar, 3.5% other. Can't expect him to tell you everything. There's another member in this forum that won't divulge exact ingredients for his product that works very well

I just dosed my tank with a whopping 0.75ml, fingers crossed it doesn't crash my tank

We can start a discussion/progress thread about another day
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Old 01-20-2017, 02:32 AM
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You're right. Sorry to crap in your thread
If you want to start a thread about algae/PO4 etc, I'll jump in
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Old 01-20-2017, 04:12 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
You're right. Sorry to crap in your thread
If you want to start a thread about algae/PO4 etc, I'll jump in
No worries
I may start a thread but we'll see how things go. Have another product on the way which may blur my results
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Old 01-20-2017, 04:21 AM
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I will throw this photo out there, in the back chamber of my nano.... Basically 24 hours since 1 dose @ 1mL per gallon.
Whatever this algae is, probably "turf", "hair", or both doesnt look as happy today. No other changes to tank, lighting, water etc... Just Vibrant. I wasnt expecting to see any changes yet
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Old 01-20-2017, 06:37 PM
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I don't have any pics to share but will post my experience on here... I ordered some off eBay as I read some of the reviews and thought I would give it a try. I had high phosphates readings on my ULR @.24 last week. My mg reading is immeasurable with salifert or Elos which I predict is at about 1600 plus, still had bryopsis in my sump and bubble algae was starting to infest my rock, if this said magic potion can rid some pest algae then what's $50 to the cause...
I did a 3ml dose the first day to see if there were adverse effects on my sps and Lps, none. Second day I drizzled some in my sump and display around 10ml, this time I think I overdid it. Soft corals like Ricordea sand yumas were ****ed, other Lps like brains and blastos also closed abit. Didn't pay much attention to the tank for the next few days. Monday tested the phosphates and it was down to .1, bubble algae had reduced to 40% less, the bryopsis was still there but looking thin. Hair algae on 1 small rock had melted, I did start a small portion of Rowaphos to help reduce phosphates further. Nitrates are undetectable and also performed a 30% wc before dosing Vibrant.
I believe this stuff works on nuisance algaes and will continue weekly doses but will do 5ml per week on my 100g system.
Also the very next day after dosing I noticed my water clear right up!
I will update in another week
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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