Originally Posted by Myka
I can appreciate that, and think that buying used is probably your best bet. At least when you buy used equipment you aren't buying from the competition and then asking for help from the local shop. I've bought almost all my reef equipment used because I can't afford the new prices, but I wouldn't even consider buying something new online unless my local shop says they can't get it or don't want to deal with that particular supplier or some such scenario. 
Fair enough

However, I got a mask for USD $25 (60% off sale) which would have cost me $80 plus tax here. And a nice set of fins with spring straps for USD $55 on clear out. The same fins were CDN $140 plus tax here. So sometimes you just can't pass up deals like that. How many Canreefers bought Vertex skimmers from Bulk Reef Supply when they had their crazy sale? Same thing
For mask/snorkel, any particular brands/models that you guys would recommend/avoid?
Really it's more about fit and comfort. Pretty much all masks are good whatever the price (except maybe the super cheap consumer ones). Best bet is to go to a couple shops and try some on. If you put it on and breath in through your nose it should stick to your face without the strap on. I had a Mares mask I liked until I lost it. I now have an Oceanic Mako 2 mask and a Bare Duo mask and both are good. I've heard great things about the ScubaPro Spectra Trufit but it's pricey