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Old 09-14-2004, 01:48 PM
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Default count me in

i'm in!!! Just tell me when and where
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Old 09-14-2004, 08:13 PM
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hockey nut is it ok to bring beer ?
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Old 09-14-2004, 08:37 PM
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Default Update

A bit of an update..

The meeting will be held on Saturday, October 23rd and will start at 12:00 noon.

I think that gives Victoria reefers enough time to jump on the 9am(?) ferry from Swartz Bay.

There are 500+ views but only 20+ replies. To get an idea of the numbers please post if you plan on attending, what you might have available and your thoughts on the following:

Group buy on PE mysis
Frag trades
Macro Algae swap
Used equipment buy/sell tables

A raffle draw and prizes would be fun at the meeting. I will try and aquire items donated by vendors around the mainland that want to support the meeting.

More details comming soon! We're just planning it all out.

Overall thoughts?

Please respond we need to make this happen. Seem's like reef meets need a kick in the butt to get going.
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Old 09-14-2004, 08:43 PM
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I plan on going..

All of the above sounds great. I can bring frags for sure..

Group buy on the mysis would be awesome as well!..

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Old 09-14-2004, 09:41 PM
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Awesome, plenty of notice, I'll be there for sure.

From planning previous meets with our car club, an easy way to keep track of who's coming is simple, just copy the list below in your post, and add your name to the bottom. I've gone thru the previous posts and added who looks like they are coming. If I added you by mistake, applogy in advance

1. zulu_principle
2. Zerandise
3. jack
4. bluetang
5. Jaws
6. hockey nut
7. christyf5
8. EmilyB
9. reef_raf
10. ProPs
11. Griffin
12. Topreef
14. Snoop Dog
15. reefhawk
16. IslandReefer
17. colourfuldog
18. chin_lee
19. Chad
20. Gujustud

So as you can see, already a big number that hopefully will be attending. Should be good, as this is my first reef meeting.
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Old 09-14-2004, 10:58 PM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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1. zulu_principle
2. Zerandise
3. jack
4. bluetang
5. Jaws
6. hockey nut
7. christyf5
8. EmilyB
9. reef_raf
10. ProPs
11. Griffin
12. Topreef
14. Snoop Dog
15. reefhawk
16. IslandReefer
17. colourfuldog
18. chin_lee
19. Chad
20. Gujustud
21. Lostmind
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Old 09-14-2004, 11:10 PM
pocilipora pocilipora is offline
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So the meeting is at Ocean Aquatics? And how would a group invert order work if there was one? Wouldnt mind a Ricordia or two...
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Old 09-14-2004, 11:41 PM
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I'm in.

Things I'm looking to buy if there were group orders/buys: Money cowries (6), Ring cowries (4), Trochus snails (6), Orange seastar (1), Workhorse 7 ballast (1), 250W AB 10K Mogul bulb (1), Chemipure or Black Diamond carbon (4), Frozen brine shrimp, Cyclopeeze - frozen and freeze dried

Things I'm interested in if people are swapping: Halimeda, Haliptilon sp. red algae, Botryocladia red grape.

Things I have lots of for trade: Colt coral, Caulerpa prolifera, Green star polyps (3 kinds), Golden Pearls

I'll also be bring some used equipment to sell: heater, filters, skimmers, etc.
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Old 09-15-2004, 01:16 AM
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Default Group buys

Jack and Wendell
Thanks for organizing this, I think its a great initiative. If you need any help, I'm more than willing to organize something.
As far as group buys for inverts, would you be looking to get them to be available on the day of the meet or order them after the meet? If its for that day, maybe you can get a list of species and prices to start tallying up the numbers.
Can we also looking into group-buy of some red gracilaria algae such as from I've been interested in obtaining these algae for a long time but its not worth the shipping by myself. I've inquired several times with the university and they will sell it at NIH INVESTIGATORS PRICE if its over 5 lbs at $8/lb but overnight shipping is about 70-80 US.

To trade/sell:
1) I have three Beckett skimmers that I made last year when I first started trying to make them so being the rookie then .... the joints are not the prettiest but they are very strong. They don't have injectors but the box is made of 3/16 black cast acrylic, all have one 1.5" bulkhead drain, one 1" bulkhead for injector, 6" cast 1/4" thick acrylic chamber, 4" cast 1/4" thick acrylic riser, 2 O-rings, thumbnail screws. You would need to build your own injector, plumb a 1.5" ball valve and you are set. They are all the size of a bullet 2. PM me if you want a pic.
2) 30 watt Aquanetic UV sterilizer
3) bunch of mag 2, 3 some 5's

I am really looking forward to this.
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Old 09-15-2004, 03:07 AM
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1. zulu_principle
2. Zerandise
3. jack
4. bluetang
5. Jaws
6. hockey nut
7. christyf5
8. EmilyB
9. reef_raf
10. ProPs
11. Griffin
12. Topreef
14. Snoop Dog
15. reefhawk
16. IslandReefer
17. colourfuldog
18. chin_lee
19. Chad
20. Gujustud
21. Lostmind
22. Pansy-Paws
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