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Old 10-31-2013, 04:55 PM
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The yellow tang came first and kole followed after a few months. Had no major issues ... A few flashing moments between the two and now are best pals.
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Old 10-31-2013, 06:17 PM
Tracey2 Tracey2 is offline
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I have both in a 150g, yellow first then kole, no issues.
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Old 01-04-2014, 06:41 PM
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Well, I finally moved my Kole Tang from my downstairs tank to my upstairs tank, along with a small Purple Tang and a Melanurus Wrasse that just completed their QT. I have a very bully, large Yellow Tang upstairs (has caused great havoc with other new fish in the past) and am hoping adding multiple new fish will divide his attention.

It took me a week or so to finally catch the Kole. I have a fish trap that I set up near where I feed, and kept putting some food inside. Eventually, he would go in, and today I let the trap door go down and caught him. Almost didn't get him, though, as he escaped once when the door came down too slowly. But he was dumb enough to go in again, and this time I had him.

They've been together in the upstairs tank for a couple hours now, and so far it hasn't been too bad. The Kole has not been bothered at all, as he seemed to be smart enough to find a place to hide, and stay out of sight of the Yellow.

Meanwhile the small Purple Tang seems to be having the roughest introduction. It's not from the Yellow Tang, though. But instead my Flame Dwarf Angel keeps going after him. The Purple seems to hang around one spot, and hasn't tried to hide. Instead he fights back with his tail slapping. If he would just go somewhere else, the Angel would probably leave him alone. The Yellow did come by a few times with a few tail threats. But again the Purple would fight right back (even though he is about 1/4 the size), and the Yellow would go away.

The Melanurus, of course, had no problems, and is already looking around the tank making himself right at home.
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Old 01-05-2014, 01:26 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Have kept various bristlemouth tangs with yellows in the past and usually not too big of an issue.
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Old 01-05-2014, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
Have kept various bristlemouth tangs with yellows in the past and usually not too big of an issue.
Yeah, I am surprised. It's evening now, and all is at peace in the tank. By the afternoon, both the Kole and Purple were picking away at algae, like they've been there all along. And the Melanurus is in pod heaven...

Maybe the Yellow Tang is getting mellow in his old age. Or being together with the Pearlscale for a few years wore out his aggression. That little Purple one is a real toughie, though. Wonder what he will be like when he gets bigger...

Now I have to buy another Bristletooth for my downstairs tank. My big Foxface there is going to get lonely with his buddy gone. I am thinking of a Chevron. Not sure if J&L or King Ed's ever get those ones in.
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Last edited by Reef Pilot; 01-05-2014 at 01:44 AM.
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