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Old 01-10-2013, 04:33 AM
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I know you're planning a Phoenix project, and I'll be looking for it

If I may suggest ...
Nows the time to go nuts, right ?
I ran 2 new circuits for my system, both with surge duplexes to protect everything. 1 circuit for the DT and 1 for the sump. I also built a big panel of GFCIs for individual hardware units, with each tied into my Reefkeeper PC4s
7 months and no problems with any of the hardware on either the surge or the individual GFCIs
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Old 01-10-2013, 04:49 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
I know you're planning a Phoenix project, and I'll be looking for it

If I may suggest ...
Nows the time to go nuts, right ?
I ran 2 new circuits for my system, both with surge duplexes to protect everything. 1 circuit for the DT and 1 for the sump. I also built a big panel of GFCIs for individual hardware units, with each tied into my Reefkeeper PC4s
7 months and no problems with any of the hardware on either the surge or the individual GFCIs

Could you post a pic. This is what I want to do. Switches to turn off pumps fit maintenance, etc.

I'm an not an electrician but my neighbor is. I'm hoping he can wire me up.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-10-2013, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
Could you post a pic. This is what I want to do. Switches to turn off pumps fit maintenance, etc.

I'm an not an electrician but my neighbor is. I'm hoping he can wire me up.
Sure, I'll post some stuff for ya
Having an electrician Pal is a big help, but I did this all on my own and I'm sure you can too

Definately nothing pretty, and I should have built a waterproof version
From my build, page 20, but there are other pages too

I didn't incorporate switches as I can turn off the GFCIs if needed, or unplug stuff, or turn off stuff in the Reefkeeper
Manually tripping the GFCIs may or may not shorten the life of the outlets, but it keeps me testing them

My PC4s (reefkeeper powerbars) are plugged in directly to the Surge Duplexes (hopefully protecting the circuitry), as are my Ground Probe and Utility Panel (bottom right section of pic - 4 duplexes)
I wired regular and heavy duty 'pigtail' plugs from the GFCIs, and they plug into the PC4s for control of the hardware

The relays you see (and there are 3 now) are just for 'run dry' and the ATOs are still functioning on their own. The floats on the relays protect the ATO powerhead and heater, and shut down the ATO pumps, in the event of a low water condition.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions Pat, or other members for that matter

Last edited by gregzz4; 01-10-2013 at 06:04 AM.
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Old 01-10-2013, 06:38 AM
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Some more pics for ya Pat

I cut a hole in the wall between my DT and Sump
My wife is soooo understanding, yet I know I'm still pushing my luck

1 Surge protector on the right, but I've since changed it to 2.
The far left 20amp outlet is inconsequential as it's for my office AC and other stuff

The pictured right outlets are on their own 15a and plenty for my sump.
They power my skimmer, reactors, fuge and return pump, chiller, uv, QT, ATO ... pretty much everything except the DT
I did all the math and it's enough

Here you'll see where I added another relay

I have another 15a for the tank and it is another Surge Duplex
It services the lights, vortechs and battery backup for the vortechs. Plus an extra outlet for whatever I want power for.
Sorry I don't have a better pic for ya, but you get the idea

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Old 01-13-2013, 07:56 PM
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Default It begins ...

Well I set up a 38g that has been in my garage for ages. An aqua clear and a heater. Rock tank. Going to clean all my rocks and cure them.


My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-16-2013, 04:08 AM
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Default Rocks

Spent a good chunk of time scrubbing rocks. About half has been moved to the holding tank.

Hopefully finish scrubbing by Thursday.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-18-2013, 03:47 AM
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The rocks...

Isolated with a heater and power head along with a bag of chemipure elite.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-18-2013, 05:31 AM
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As I told you when I picked up "Mandy" if you need anything now or when the phoenix rises just let me know.
225gal dt with 100g sump. Mitras, vortechs, bubble king, AI Sol and Profilux.
Will trade subs for frags

My other summer hobby:
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Old 01-18-2013, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by subman View Post
As I told you when I picked up "Mandy" if you need anything now or when the phoenix rises just let me know.
Thank you Jason. Hopefully the mandarin is doing well. See you again.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-19-2013, 06:36 PM
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Stand nearing completion.


My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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