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Old 10-23-2009, 02:45 AM
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Originally Posted by lobsterboy View Post
yeah full zeo, but have been cutting back on the dose now for about a month, and still the colors have kept up and a few colonies have showed improvement.
i am using pretty much everything, depends the day or even the month.

the only thing i am not using is coral snow.
I'm receiving a bunch more Zeo products next month. After that there won't be much I'm missing. Except the zeolites, and all that come with that. The colors on my LPS are great, but my SPS are still lacking. I think once I get my sump (and thus skimmer) running it will help. I have added one product at a time, and watched for changes. There are a couple products that I don't think do much (not in my tank anyway), and a couple that are quite dramatic. Spur2 sure is dramatic. Do you use that one? How much/how often? I use 1.75 mL every 18 days or so.

Why not Coral Snow?
~ Mindy

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Old 10-23-2009, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I'm receiving a bunch more Zeo products next month. After that there won't be much I'm missing. Except the zeolites, and all that come with that. The colors on my LPS are great, but my SPS are still lacking. I think once I get my sump (and thus skimmer) running it will help. I have added one product at a time, and watched for changes. There are a couple products that I don't think do much (not in my tank anyway), and a couple that are quite dramatic. Spur2 sure is dramatic. Do you use that one? How much/how often? I use 1.75 mL every 18 days or so.

Why not Coral Snow?
havent spured in a month, i really want to but i am holding off, as the colors are really coming out with that xtra bit of zo-algae in their tissue.

i was doing 2ml per 14 days. per 125

once you get the zeolites going, they will start to clear up your water of nutrients, and you will have more color in your SPS, when i first started my LPS didnt really like the zeo, i talked them about it and then they liked it, haha. only three LPS in my tank, 2 fungia and a acan from Scott.
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Old 10-23-2009, 01:29 PM
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I have a rack in my sump that could hold Zeolites, and I think I might try that out, but I don't have any intentions of getting the reactor.

My tank as it sits has about 70-75 gallons total volume after displacement, and the overflow box. So obviously you have lower nutrients than I do (big surprise) since you have to use less Spur2. I have noticed that dosing the Spur2 makes them drop a lot of color (all colors, the nice ones and the browns), but when they get the color back it has less and less brown, and more and more pretty colors than the last time. It also affects some corals more than others. I'm assuming it does that for you as well? Very interesting product. I wonder how it works...

Why don't you use Coral Snow? Does it have an adverse affect for you?
~ Mindy

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Old 10-24-2009, 03:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I have a rack in my sump that could hold Zeolites, and I think I might try that out, but I don't have any intentions of getting the reactor.

My tank as it sits has about 70-75 gallons total volume after displacement, and the overflow box. So obviously you have lower nutrients than I do (big surprise) since you have to use less Spur2. I have noticed that dosing the Spur2 makes them drop a lot of color (all colors, the nice ones and the browns), but when they get the color back it has less and less brown, and more and more pretty colors than the last time. It also affects some corals more than others. I'm assuming it does that for you as well? Very interesting product. I wonder how it works...

Why don't you use Coral Snow? Does it have an adverse affect for you?
yeah you cold use the zeolites in your sump, most important thing is to keep the flow rate at 80-100gph though these as too much flow will cause problems as the nutrients are too quickly removed.

and yeah, i have found the colors to be more and more intense with contiuned use. and its true that some odd corals are not effected by this, i thought they were from indo, not 100% so dont quote me on that. its something to do with those certain corals from that area dont want to release there excess zoo alage so readily.

not sure how it works, i am guessing it agitates the coral enough for it to purge the excess.
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Old 10-24-2009, 11:39 PM
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I think the rack would have too much flow then at about 200 gph. I do have a spare PhosBan reactor though...
~ Mindy

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Old 10-25-2009, 12:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I think the rack would have too much flow then at about 200 gph. I do have a spare PhosBan reactor though...
I have heard of people doing it this way on nano's but you need to agitate the zeo rocks. Make sure you leave enough slack in the line so you can shake the reactor if you use a phosban.
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Old 10-25-2009, 01:00 AM
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yeah, i had did the phos RX before, and it worked well, i think it was chowder that had a DIY post for this kind of RX.

mine worked well, only thing was it was hard to start the primeing of RX as well, when i glued it, i didnt put a sleave inside the RX for the zeolites, and they would always get wedged inbetween the red plastic bottom and the side of the RX when priming.
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Old 10-28-2009, 10:36 PM
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took these with the white balance on, lots of deep color.

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Old 10-28-2009, 10:48 PM
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here are some pics of frags that i have gotten from Coral Master over the past while, all have showen great color and great growth since i have gotten them.
L-R rainbow stylo, blue millipora, and blue polyp austrea

top down of the above, L-R rainbow stylo, blue millpora, and blue polyps aust


middle ceralis

blue tip tenus

pumpkin digiata

high lighter millipora, sorry for the bad pic, its way in the back

green sky stag

blue sky stag
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Old 10-29-2009, 01:49 AM
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Very nice corals! That's cool to see some grown out pieces from Coral Master.
~ Mindy

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