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Old 06-07-2016, 03:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Jordon View Post
Hey Mindy,

Any updates with your SPS turning green?
No. Maybe it's a phase. I'm hoping anyway!
~ Mindy

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Old 06-07-2016, 03:45 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I think it's the Hanna Checker. What other salt do you have around? Maybe mix up some IO (since it has lower calcium) and see if you can get the proper reading from it.
I don't have any other salt, used it all up before starting with the AF. I used a Salifert test kit on the tank and a new batch of water. For the tank the color started changing at 430 and went fully blue at 440. The newly mixed salt only came out at 400, I did the test twice and got the exact same result. So the AF isn't high on calcium and will require dosing in a few days.
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Old 06-07-2016, 04:04 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
No you can't do this with Component 1+2+3+ because you can't buy the Components separate -they only come in a 3 pack so you have to dose all three equally. You need to dose Sodium bicarbonate to maintain alkalinity until calcium comes down. Once Ca is 410, alk is 7.0, and Mg is 1240 then you can start using the Components 1+2+3+.
Arm and Hammer it is then! Thanks Mindy, I only recently inherited and then bought a couple more SPS frags. In the last month they have kept nice colors and have grow a bit. I never really bothered testing since most of my corals were soft with a few LPS mixed in so water changes alone always sufficed.

I'm not sure about the fluffy algae I'm getting but I'll let it run its course (it comes off easy with a toothbrush and 5 minutes of time). The AF bacteria seems to be working well as Nitrates are immeasurable and phosphates on my Hanna ULP are showing 0 were they used to show 0.03ppm. Since I removed the Phosguard I've dosed a few drops of Fozdown to try and get rid of the algae but I going to have to stop for awhile. I only have one little fish in the tank so I don't feed much but got some Coral Frenzy to get a bit of nitrate and feed the corals. I guess I can look at ordering the Coral A, V, E, B now to try it out as well.
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Old 06-07-2016, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
I don't have any other salt, used it all up before starting with the AF. I used a Salifert test kit on the tank and a new batch of water. For the tank the color started changing at 430 and went fully blue at 440. The newly mixed salt only came out at 400, I did the test twice and got the exact same result. So the AF isn't high on calcium and will require dosing in a few days.
Sorry, I misunderstood, I thought you said the fresh AF saltwater mixed up with high calcium since you said "I don't know why calcium is so high but I'm guessing the salt mix." If you are indeed getting 400 ppm out of the AF salt mix that should be correct then. AF is designed around natural seawater parameters. Imo, it is not a good salt mix to use for those who just want to use water changes to maintain parameters. AF salt mixes are designed to have parameters that match the tank so there should not be any increases or decreases in the "big three" after a water change.

Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
I guess I can look at ordering the Coral A, V, E, B now to try it out as well.
I'd suggest you don't use Coral A, E, or V until you have the algae under control. Also, unless you have a large SPS load, I think for most LPS and softy tanks the Coral A, B, E, and V aren't really needed and may cause more grief than anything (as they are mostly foods/nutrients).

Fyi, the names have changed:

Coral A = AF Amino Mix
Coral B = AF Build
Coral E = AF Energy
Coral V = AF Vitality

The names and packaging have changed, but the products are the same.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 06-07-2016 at 01:27 PM.
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Old 06-07-2016, 03:40 PM
Potatohead Potatohead is offline
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Originally Posted by spedly View Post
Well I'm at a loss...

After discovering that my salinity was off I have spent the past couple of weeks getting it back up to normal levels. After a water change today, I calibrated my refractometer with the Pinpoint solution and measured the salinity in my tank at 1.025. Not the 1.026 I was hoping for but definitely within reason.

A couple of hours later I went to the grocery store to buy a jug of distilled water then used my Hanna checker to measure calcium and.....381. Hrmph. I feel like I'm back where I'm started. I'm still not seeing calcium levels others are seeing.

There are three variables that might be throwing stuff off:

- Pinpoint solution. Does this stuff expire? It's a couple of years old but was never opened until two weeks ago. Should it be shaken before use?

- Refractometer. Should I compare it at the LFS? Is it "spoiled" since I've only used RO/DI for calibration up to this point?

- Bad batch of salt mix? I'm at the end of the current bucket and will have to open a new bucket next week. Maybe wait and see what I measure from that before taking next steps?

I feel like I'm missing something obvious or maybe just have a bad batch of salt.
I don't know if this helps, but I was reading a thread over on RC last night about this calibration solution being way off. The poster was doubting it, ended up making his own calibration solution with a recipe found online, and discovered the pinpoint stuff was actually at 38 ppt . If yours is also high this would explain why your calcium is low. I am using the AF reef salt and it mixes in the 410 - 415 range @ 1.026
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Old 06-07-2016, 07:37 PM
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You just can't make this up.

This is good information though. The container of fluid that I have is about two years old and I acknowledge that it could be off. I had already planned on ordering a new bottle of calibration fluid the next time I placed an order.
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Old 06-11-2016, 12:28 AM
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Hey guys,

Just got all my supplies for the switch. I have a 20g mixed reef and was wondering what you guys recommend for my first water change with the Probiotic Reef salt.

Should i start slow at around 10% or should I do more initially?

My parameters are very close to the AF target valued i.e.:
@ 1.025
Alk: 7 dKH
Calcium: 410

What would you guys recommend?
- Jordon
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Old 06-11-2016, 02:08 AM
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Just do what you do normally.

I do 25% every 2 weeks. I've switched from IO, to IO RC, and now to AF Reef. Never noticed any ill effects from changing salt... ever.
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Old 06-11-2016, 02:13 AM
dcw1sfu dcw1sfu is offline
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Careful with doing really large water changes with the probiotic reef salt as it may cause a bacterial bloom. You won't get this with the regular reef salt.

I use the probiotic and have done up to 30% water change with the probiotic reef salt but already have a well established bacterial colony in my tank.
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Old 06-11-2016, 02:40 AM
squamishbc squamishbc is offline
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I am glad I found this thread. I saw this companies salt on Amazon but had never heard of them so wasn't sure, but seems like a good deal and with Amazon's free shipping makes it pretty much a win.
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