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Old 05-28-2012, 10:16 PM
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Our 2 x MP10wES are centered about 30% from the front ( to center )
I had them about 25% down from the top ( to center ), and that was great for surface agitation, but not for detritus settling
Currently they are about 40% down
I set a mild wave ( less than 1/2" total travel ) in Short Pulse and am now running them in Nutrient Transport Mode @ 80% ( 10 of 12 LEDs )
This gives me a wave with about 1/4" travel
So far so good

If you do decide on a pair, you'd be able to turn them down low enough in that tank that I doubt you'd hear them

Last edited by gregzz4; 05-28-2012 at 10:24 PM.
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Old 05-28-2012, 10:45 PM
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Wow! I'm surprised you have them cranked up to 80%. That's 1260 gph for each pump (unless the change is logaritmic . . . which it might be). 1260x2/75=33.6 . . . so that's 33.6 times the tank volume per hour. 20 is recommended for SPS. Does that mean that the flow seems quite gentle?
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Old 05-28-2012, 11:56 PM
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It may seem like a lot of flow if you look at it that way. I'm sure I'll have to change things once I start adding softies and LPS
I'm only basing my settings right now on the amount of snail poop that settles on the sand
Until you make your mind up about buying some, you could ask around if someone would let you see their's running

They way mine are set right now, they pulse left - right - left - right
It's about a 3/4 second pulse each side, back and forth. This creates the wave. On the setting I'm currently using, they run this way for about 1/2hr or so, then there's a big surge. It's supposed to mix everything up and then flush it out the overflow

BTW, every tank is different, so where you start off with them placement-wise is up to you
I just raised mine back up closer to the top by about an inch as I didn't like the dust that was collecting on the surface in some areas
I'm still going to have to fool around with them until I'm happy
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Old 05-29-2012, 12:09 AM
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I could be lookin' at it totally the wrong way. The change in the gph could be logarithmic, or the wave patterns could effect it. I'm trying to figure out if I could get away with a pair of MP40s (already thinking about the next tank ). I don't think I can twist the numbers in a way to convince myself that I could. In looking at the flow diagrams I prefer the 40.

Scape can have a huge impact on the flow, too.
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Old 05-29-2012, 12:43 AM
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I don't think you're lookin' at it the wrong way
Just keep in mind that it takes the pumps running full speed to acheive maximum flow

There's nothing wrong with you buying 40s if you're gonna use them for an upgrade later. You would just run them very low speed-wise on your 40b

Keep in mind ...
40s cost a fair bit more and cost lots more for replacement and repair parts
Good thing about them is the wet-side parts are available separately
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Old 05-31-2012, 04:16 AM
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Nothing exciting lately

Just did a WC on the curing LR
I had the rock in a covered rubbermaid while cleaning out the main one and decided to inspect it all again
Found another fireworm and, stupid me, grabbed it with my bare fingers
Looks like all my years of manual labor has toughened my skin enough to protect me
I broke the bugger, so I took the rock to the sink. I turkey-basted hot water into the hole a bunch of times and the worm oozed some black stuff
I broke away some rock around the hole and, when I grabbed it with tweezers, it came right out
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Old 06-02-2012, 03:51 AM
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I'm seriously considering removing the in-sump 1262 that runs my accessories. It's been driving me nuts for days. It may have something to do with all the Highway construction that runs from dusk 'till dawn, but regardless, I have become sensitive to humming ....

I have found that, because of the way I plumbed the PVC and Spa flex for the accessories, I had to clamp the plumbing to the wall to stop sagging, and now the humming is too much
Even with the acc pump off, the noise from the return pump is still transmitted through the plumbing, so I need to make some changes
I'm glad this came up now, before I start stocking the tank

I am considering buying some Eheim compacts to run each accessory by itself with vinyl hose, thus ( hopefully ) eliminating the need to clamp stuff to the wall

I have some return re-plumbing to do that is also vibrating
I may or may not wait until I do that before I decide what to do next ........

Is there an icon for 'pull-your-hair-out'
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Old 06-02-2012, 03:59 AM
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There's this
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Nano View Post
There's this
I have been doing this and am close to the other
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:38 AM
Casey8 Casey8 is offline
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Oh no ... waiting for you to tearing apart and redo your plumbing, it looks like you are trying to torture me again Your building thread is the only one that I am following closely because the size of your tank is like mine and you have a terrific building skill too. I understand the humming sound can easily drive you nuts when you are sleeping next to it. My tank now is quite quiet, the only thing that still makes me go nuts sometimes when I have a difficult time to sleep is from the water sloshing down from the overflow box.
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