sweet set up.
I love your stand, its ingenious!
Calvin --- Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef... |
I'm working on getting some better pictures... the last one of all the stand compartments open was actually taken with C's old camera cause the D90 was up at my parents house. I still haven't had the time I'd like to sit down and really figure the camera out. It's weird the wireless remote I ordered doesn't seem to work if it's more than a foot or two away?? Stupid ebay... I'm assuming it's just a crappy remote?? Quote:
Plus I always see tanks that look good on the close up but then when you get a true fts with stand and all it's just buried in test kits, buckets, fish food, nets etc. nothing worse than a nice tank being a total eyesore b/c of the mess of everything else. Which is why I designed the stand with lots of usable space. Thank you sir.. Tunze working out ok for you?? Thanks... my favorite part of the design is still how accessible the sump is and how easy it makes water changes... even though somehow I still don't do them as often as I should. Here's the water change video again. Last edited by superduperwesman; 02-17-2009 at 06:35 AM. |
yeah it sure is, 10 foot swells, lol, i will get ya a pic.
Yeah cheap imitation and the savings aren't even worth it. You can get the real Nikon ML-L3 for under $20.
Dang that sucks... cause it should work from more than a foot away right??
The Nikon ML-L3 is rated at 16 feet.
k the guy told me to replace the battery and try it again... works great